

单词 忘掉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORGET〕It's time to put her out of your mind and find a new girlfriend. 现在你要把她忘掉,找个新女友。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕Try and put the incident behind you and get on with normal life. 努力忘掉那场事故,好好过正常的生活。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕Years after they had gotten divorced, Olivia found it very difficult to forget John. 离婚多年了,奥利维娅觉得自己还是很难忘掉约翰。朗文写作活用〔FORGIVE/NOT FORGIVE〕Why don't we let bygones be bygones and forget about the whole thing? 我们都该不念旧恶,把整件事忘掉算了,对不对?朗文写作活用〔IF〕I'm sure they haven't forgotten but let's send them a reminder just in case. 我肯定他们没忘掉,不过我们给他们寄一张提示卡,以防万一。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕Many adults manage to forget their more upsetting childhood experiences. 许多成年人设法忘掉比较痛苦的一些童年经历。朗文写作活用〔almost〕I'd almost forgotten her birthday.我几乎忘掉她的生日。文馨英汉〔ancient history〕Forget about the problems we've had in the past. They're ancient history.忘掉我们之间过去的那些问题吧。那都是陈年旧事了。韦氏高阶〔appointment〕If he didn't have a secretary to remind him, he wouldn't keep (= remember to be present at) any of his appointments.如果没有秘书提醒,他会把所有的约会通通忘掉。剑桥高阶〔behind〕He tried to put her past behind him.他想忘掉她不光彩的过去。英汉大词典〔behind〕Sure, I made some bad mistakes, but I want to put all that behind me now and think about the future.确实,我犯了些严重的错误,但是我现在想忘掉那一切,展望未来。麦克米伦高阶〔black out〕I tried not to think about it. I blacked it out.我尽量不去想它, 竭力要将它忘掉。外研社新世纪〔black out〕I tried not to think about it. I blacked it out.我尽量不去想它,竭力要将它忘掉。柯林斯高阶〔blank out〕I learned to blank those feelings out.我学着把那些感情忘掉。外研社新世纪〔blank〕The experience was so terrible he just blanked it out.这次经历太恐怖了,他真想忘掉它。麦克米伦高阶〔block out〕She has blocked out the past.她已经忘掉了过去。外研社新世纪〔blot out〕She's trying to blot out all memory of the incident.她正在努力彻底忘掉那次事件。外研社新世纪〔blot out〕The boy has gaps in his mind about it. He is blotting certain things out.这个小男孩对此的记忆中有几段空白。他想忘掉某些事情。柯林斯高阶〔blot sth out〕Perhaps there are some memories so bad that you have to blot them out.也许有些记忆很痛苦,你不得不把它们忘掉。剑桥高阶〔bribe〕They bribed the witness to forget about what he had seen.他们收买证人让他忘掉他所看到的事情。21世纪英汉〔care〕Lean back in a hot bath and forget all the cares of the day.舒舒服服地躺着泡个热水澡,忘掉白天的一切烦恼。柯林斯高阶〔care〕Lean back in a hot bath and forget all the cares of the day.躺着泡个热水澡, 忘掉一天的所有烦恼。外研社新世纪〔damage〕Many traumatic events may be overcome without lasting damage.许多令人痛苦难忘的事件也许可以忘掉,而不造成永久性的精神伤害。麦克米伦高阶〔disremember〕To fail to remember.忘掉,忘记美国传统〔distend〕Why must you distend the matter when everyone was happy to leave it behind?大家都愿意把这件事忘掉, 而你为什么一定要小题大做呢?外研社新世纪〔eat〕If you had any sense you'd forget him, but eat your heart out if you want to.如果你有点理智就得把他忘掉,但要是你想这样做也会很难受。朗文当代〔efface〕The old man did not like it to be effaced from the memory of his juniors.老人不愿他的后辈忘掉这件事。英汉大词典〔episode〕He tried to forget the whole embarrassing episode.他努力忘掉那次尴尬的经历。韦氏高阶〔episode〕I'd like to try and forget the whole episode.我倒想尽量把那段经历全部忘掉。牛津高阶〔episode〕She decided she would try to forget the episode by the lake.她决定要尽量忘掉湖边的那段经历。朗文当代〔erase〕He is determined to erase the memory of a disappointing debut two years ago.他决心要把两年前初次参加比赛时令人失望的表现永远忘掉。剑桥高阶〔extent〕We all to some extent remember the good times and forget the bad.我们在某种程度上都会记住美好的时光而忘掉不愉快的事情。朗文当代〔fling〕After the divorce he flung himself into his work to forget her.离婚后,他全身心扑在工作上,想忘掉她。朗文当代〔foot〕I need to get back on my feet again and forget all this.我得重新站起来,忘掉这一切。朗文当代〔forget〕I found it very easy to forget about Sumner.我发现忘掉萨姆纳很容易。柯林斯高阶〔forget〕I think last night's argument is best forgotten, don't you? 我认为最好忘掉昨夜的争论,好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔forget〕Let's forget our differences.让我们忘掉我们的分歧吧。21世纪英汉〔forget〕Try to forget about him.尽量忘掉他。麦克米伦高阶〔get over sth/sb〕It took her months to get over Michael when he ended the relationship.迈克尔和她分手了,过了好几个月她才开始忘掉他。剑桥高阶〔get over〕Has Alice got over her former boyfriend yet?爱丽丝已经忘掉她过去的男朋友了吗?21世纪英汉〔get over〕How can I get over him?我怎么才能把他忘掉呢?外研社新世纪〔get〕It took me a long time to get over my first girlfriend.过了好久我才把我的第一个女朋友忘掉。英汉大词典〔glow〕Their problems were all forgotten in the glow of victory.胜利的喜悦让他们把问题全忘掉了。韦氏高阶〔head〕I can't get that tune out of my head.我无法忘掉那首曲子。牛津搭配〔head〕I wish I could get the picture of that awful accident out of my head.但愿我能把那意外事故的可怕情景忘掉。英汉大词典〔immerse〕Sandra immersed herself in work to try and forget her problems at home.桑德拉使自己专心于工作,试图忘掉家中的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔in the whole wide world〕We decided to forget the whole thing.我们决定把这件事彻底忘掉。韦氏高阶〔incident〕We just want to put that embarrassing incident behind us.我们只想把那件令人尴尬的意外事件忘掉。韦氏高阶〔kick〕It was time to kick back and forget the worries of the day.该是放松放松,把一天的烦恼都忘掉的时候了。麦克米伦高阶〔laugh ... out of〕We tried to laugh the girl out of that slight accident.我们试图以谈笑的方式使女孩忘掉那起小事故。21世纪英汉〔let〕It's time to let go of the past.该忘掉过去了。牛津高阶〔let〕It's time to let the past go.该忘掉过去了。牛津高阶〔live〕All the girls in my class are going except me! I'll never live it down! 除了我以外,我班上的其他女生全都去了!我永远也无法让人们忘掉这件事!麦克米伦高阶〔make〕Why don't you two forget your differences and make up? 你们两个为什么不忘掉分歧言归于好呢?麦克米伦高阶〔mightily〕She strove mightily to put Mike from her thoughts.她拼命想忘掉迈克。外研社新世纪〔mind〕I'm trying to clear my mind of all this.我正在努力忘掉这一切。外研社新世纪〔mind〕Others forgot her, but he still had her in mind.别人把她忘掉了,可他仍然惦记着她。英汉大词典〔miss out〕When you were planning the meal, you missed out the cheese.你安排这顿饭的时候,把奶酪忘掉了。21世纪英汉〔mothball〕You can put that idea into mothballs and forget it.那种念头你还是收起来忘掉吧。英汉大词典〔not〕His death took me a year to get over; not that you're ever really over it.我用一年时间慢慢接受了他去世的事实,但其实你永远不会真正完全忘掉。柯林斯高阶〔past〕In an effort to make a complete break with the past, she went to live in Morocco.为了能彻底忘掉过去,她去摩洛哥居住了。牛津搭配〔past〕Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history.咱们且忘掉更该责怪谁吧,那都是陈年旧账了。牛津高阶〔past〕Try to forget the past.设法忘掉过去吧。文馨英汉〔perhaps〕Perhaps he's forgotten.也许是他忘掉了。牛津高阶〔place〕She put the pencil between the pages to hold her place.她把铅笔放在书页间以免忘掉自己读到什么地方了。英汉大词典〔plausible〕The only plausible explanation is that he forgot.唯一合理的解释就是他忘掉了。牛津高阶〔present〕You've got to forget the past and start living in the present.你必须忘掉过去,开始现在的生活。牛津高阶〔promptly〕One continues to learn things in life, then promptly forgets them.人在一生中会不断学习新东西, 但很快又忘掉它们。外研社新世纪〔put sth out of your mind〕It's over, put it out of your mind.一切都结束了,把它忘掉吧。剑桥高阶〔put〕I was upset at the time, but I've managed to put it behind me.当时我很苦恼,但我已设法把它忘掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕Put the matter out of your mind! 把这件事忘掉吧! 英汉大词典〔racket〕He racketed around a lot to try to forget her death.他到处寻欢作乐,想借此忘掉她的去世。英汉大词典〔reputation〕She found it hard to live down her reputation as a second-rate actress.她发现很难使人们忘掉她二流演员的名声。牛津搭配〔sheer〕Her words went sheer out of my head.我完全忘掉了她的话。文馨英汉〔shove down〕He shoved down a few notes before he forgot.他简单记下了几点, 省得自己忘掉。外研社新世纪〔shut〕I tried to shut the incident out of my mind.我试图彻底忘掉这件事。麦克米伦高阶〔side issue〕I must forget these side issues and remember my mission.我必须忘掉这些枝节问题,记住我的使命。柯林斯高阶〔soothe〕Her sufferings couldn't be totally soothed.她的痛苦是不可能完全忘掉的21世纪英汉〔soothe〕Nobody can totally soothe his suffering.没有人能使他完全忘掉痛苦。英汉大词典〔take〕Donating time and energy to others can take you out of yourself.花时间和精力帮助他人能使你忘掉烦恼。外研社新世纪〔thing〕I think we should just forget the whole thing.我觉得我们应该把整件事忘掉。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕I want to forget the whole thing.我想忘掉这一切。剑桥高阶〔thing〕Let's forget the whole thing(= everything).咱们把所有事情都忘掉吧。牛津高阶〔thing〕Let's just forget about the whole thing and move on.让我们把这件事全都忘掉继续前行吧。韦氏高阶〔time〕He'll forget about it in time.他迟早会忘掉这事的。麦克米伦高阶〔transpire〕No one will soon forget the historic events that transpired on that day.谁也不会很快忘掉那天发生的历史性事件。韦氏高阶〔trouble〕They are hoping to leave their recent troubles behind.他们希望忘掉前不久的那些麻烦事。牛津搭配〔try〕Try as he might, he could not forget.尽管他努力想忘掉,但怎么也忘不掉。麦克米伦高阶〔unteach〕To cause to forget or unlearn something.使忘记:使…忘掉或遗忘(所学的)某种东西美国传统〔wade in〕They wade in with remarks like, 'If I were you, I'd tear up that letter and forget it'.他们横插一杠子, 说什么“我要是你的话, 就把那封信撕了, 然后忘掉它。”外研社新世纪〔whole〕Let's forget the whole thing.咱们彻底忘掉这件事吧。牛津高阶〔wipe the slate clean〕A new relationship presents you with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean.一段新的感情使你有机会忘掉以前的不愉快,开始新的生活。剑桥高阶〔wipe the slate clean〕She wishes she could wipe the slate clean and start over in a different career.她希望能彻底忘掉过去,在新的事业中重新开始。韦氏高阶〔wipe〕She wants to wipe the divorce from her mind.她想把离婚的事忘掉。麦克米伦高阶〔with〕He decided to put his failed marriage behind him and make a clean break with the past.他决定忘掉自己失败的婚姻,与过去彻底绝断。剑桥高阶〔worry〕Try and forget your worries for a little while.试着暂时忘掉你的烦恼。牛津搭配His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 他最后的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。译典通I'd prefer not to remember what happened that day.我宁可忘掉那天发生的事。剑桥国际It's impossible to forget such horrific events -- they linger in the memory forever.不可能忘掉这么恐怖的事件----它们会永远留在记忆中。剑桥国际The good thing about running is that it takes my mind off any problems I've got.跑步的好处是使我暂时忘掉了心事。剑桥国际




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