

单词 接到通知
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕It came as a complete surprise to them when they were given notice to quit their premises within six days. 这完全出乎他们的意料——他们接到通知要在六天之内搬出经营场地。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕We arranged the meeting some time ago -- were you not informed? 我们前些时候安排了这次会议,你没接到通知吗?朗文写作活用〔advise〕The reporter was advised that the Prime Minister would not be available in October.记者接到通知说10月份首相无法接受采访。英汉大词典〔expect〕Sometimes I travel at an hour's notice. My brothers expect me when they see me.有时候我一接到通知一小时内就要出门旅行。我的兄弟们不知道我什么时候回来。英汉大词典〔head〕I've been called in to see the Head.我接到通知去见校长。牛津高阶〔hold〕You must hold yourself ready to go to South America at a day's notice.你必须准备好在接到通知后的第二天就出发到南美去。英汉大词典〔minuteman〕An armed man pledged to be ready to fight on a minute's notice just before and during the Revolutionary War in the United States.召之即来的民兵:在美国独立战争之前和独立战争期间承诺在接到通知后即行作战的民兵美国传统〔notice〕Firefighters were prepared to rush out at a moment's notice .接到通知后只消片刻,消防队员们就准备好冲锋上阵。朗文当代〔notice〕I've been given notice to quit my flat (=I have been told that I must leave by a certain date).我接到通知,限期搬出公寓。朗文当代〔notice〕Lucy was ready to leave at a moment's notice.露西准备一接到通知就即刻离开。麦克米伦高阶〔notice〕She was transferred without notice.她事先没接到通知就被调走了。柯林斯高阶〔notice〕Thanks for agreeing to see me at such short notice.谢谢你一接到通知就同意见我。朗文当代〔notification〕I was given no prior notification.我事前没有接到通知。朗文当代〔notification〕You should receive (a) notification of our decision in the next week.关于我们的决定,下周你会接到通知。牛津高阶〔notification〕You should receive notification of the results within a week.关于结果,你会在一周内接到通知。朗文当代〔notify〕Earlier this year they were notified that their homes were to be cleared away.今年早些时候, 他们接到通知说他们的房屋要拆迁。外研社新世纪〔notify〕Earlier this year they were notified that their homes were to be cleared away.今年早些时候他们接到通知说他们的房屋要拆迁。柯林斯高阶〔notify〕In August we were notified that our article had been rejected.8 月份我们接到通知,说我们的文章未被采用。朗文当代〔rake〕She wasn't able to rake much currency together at such short notice.她没法在接到通知这么短的时间里凑齐大笔现款。英汉大词典〔short〕I was asked to do it at very short notice.我被要求一接到通知就马上去做。麦克米伦高阶〔spot-on〕Schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate.各学校接到通知, 要求考试信息必须准确无误。外研社新世纪〔spot-on〕Schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate.各学校接到通知,要求考试信息必须准确无误。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕They stand ready to move at short notice.他们已准备好,一接到通知就搬迁。英汉大词典〔unpredictable〕The hours in this job are very unpredictable - you sometimes have to work late at very short notice.这份工作的时间非常不固定——有时突然接到通知就得工作到很晚。剑桥高阶〔updated〕Purchasers are notified when updated information becomes available.有新信息时购买者会接到通知。外研社新世纪〔wonder〕Our new babysitter's a wonder - she'll come at very short notice and the kids love her.我们家新来的保姆确实非常能干——她能在接到通知后很快赶来,而且孩子们也喜欢她。剑桥高阶Candidates who are shortlisted for interview will be contacted by the end of the week.列入面试名单的应征者将会在本周末接到通知。牛津商务He has notice to report for duty next Monday. 他已接到通知下星期一去报到。译典通Our new baby-sitter's an absolute wonder--she'll come at very short notice and the children love her.我们的新保姆确实相当能干----她一接到通知就能马上赶来,而且孩子们也喜欢她。剑桥国际She just expects me to trot along to meetings at a moment's notice.她就是希望我一接到通知就赶去开会。剑桥国际Teachers have been told to be more vigilant in spotting signs of drug abuse among their students.教师们接到通知要更加警惕注意发现学生当中滥用毒品的迹象。剑桥国际The council has begun a programme of evicting squatters from its properties at 48 hours’notice.议会开始了一项计划,他们将把在接到通知48小时之后仍未撤出的擅自占地者逐出居住地。剑桥国际The emergency services are ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.紧急服务部门时刻准备着一接到通知就马上采取行动。剑桥国际The tenants were informed that the exterminator of cockroaches would be here in two days. 房客们接到通知说消灭蟑螂的人两天后来。译典通They are ready to start at short notice. 他们已准备好,一接到通知就立即出发。译典通Two retailers have been put on notice that they may face fines if they have been fixing the price of popular toys.两位零售商接到通知称,如果他们继续操纵流行玩具的价格,将面临罚款。牛津商务We received advice of delivery next Tuesday / advice that the goods will be delivered next Tuesday.我们接到通知将于下周二交货。剑桥国际




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