

单词 接下来的几天
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNFRIENDLY〕He was hostile towards me when I arrived, and the situation did not improve over the next few days. 我刚到的时候他就对我有敌意,接下来的几天情况一直如此。朗文写作活用〔coming〕An official announcement will be made in the coming days.正式通知将在接下来的几天内发出。韦氏高阶〔debate〕There are expected to be some heated debates in parliament over the next few days.预计接下来的几天里议会将会进行一些激烈的辩论。柯林斯高阶〔develop〕The facts of what had happened slowly developed over the next several days.所发生的事在接下来的几天里逐渐真相大白。韦氏高阶〔fair〕It should be generally fair and warm for the next few days.接下来的几天天气应该普遍晴暖。朗文当代〔few〕The leaders are expected to fly to Mecca in the next few days to seal the agreement.领导人将在接下来的几天中飞往麦加签署协议。柯林斯高阶〔fine-tune〕Over the next few days, we fine-tuned the scheme and made some useful improvements.接下来的几天,我们对计划进行细微调整,作了些有用的改进。朗文当代〔flatly〕Kenworthy detected a certain flatness in the days that followed.肯沃西在接下来的几天中感到有些平淡无趣。柯林斯高阶〔flatness〕Kenworthy detected a certain flatness in the days that followed.肯沃西发现接下来的几天有些无聊。外研社新世纪〔hostage〕It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.两名人质有望于接下来的几天获释。外研社新世纪〔meteorologist〕Meteorologists have predicted mild rains for the next few days.气象学家预测接下来的几天有小雨。柯林斯高阶〔ramp sth up〕Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days.预计公司合并的消息发布后,接下来的几天里股票价格会上扬。剑桥高阶〔tie up〕We hope to tie up the deal in the next few days.我们希望在接下来的几天里完成这笔交易。外研社新世纪〔unlikely〕The weather is unlikely to improve over the next few days.接下来的几天天气不太可能好转。朗文当代〔weather the storm〕In the next few days we will see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his remarks.在接下来的几天里,我们要看看那位大使能否平安渡过这场因他轻率的言辞而引发的政治风波。剑桥高阶〔whirl〕The next few days were a mad whirl of parties.接下来的几天是一连串狂热的聚会。牛津搭配I'm a little short of time over the next few days, but perhaps we could schedule an appointment for next week.在接下来的几天里我没时间,但也许我们能安排下周的会面。剑桥国际Strong winds are forecast in the area for the next few days.该地区预报接下来的几天中可能会刮大风。剑桥国际We have a working theory/hypothesis about what caused the crash, which we shall test over the next few days.我们有一个是什么引起事故的有效理论/假说,这一点我们将在接下来的几天内进行验证。剑桥国际




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