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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔As far as I know〕It's impossible to know what will happen next. = There's no way of knowing what will happen next. = There's no knowing what will happen next.不可能知道接下来会发生什么事。韦氏高阶〔BREATHE〕The hill was very steep and they were all gasping by the time they got to the top. 那座小山非常陡峭,他们到达山顶时,都已经上气不接下气了。朗文写作活用〔ENERGETIC〕Next there was a vigorous Russian dance, with plenty of stamping of feet and clapping. 接下去是一个充满活力的俄罗斯舞蹈,有很多跺脚和拍手的动作。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕As for the future, Tucker said she intends to take a well-deserved break before deciding what to do next. 至于未来,塔克说她该好好休息了,打算先休息一段时间然后再决定接下来做什么。朗文写作活用〔Goodness/God/Heaven/Christ knows〕God only knows what'll happen next! 只有老天爷知道接下来会发生什么!剑桥高阶〔HAPPEN〕The chairman usually takes charge of the proceedings and decides who will speak next. 主席通常负责会议的各项议程,并决定接下来由谁发言。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕Analysts say that the value of the Euro could hit rock bottom in the next few months. 分析师说接下来的几个月,欧元的币值可能降至最低点。朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕For the next four years they defied convention by living as man and wife when they were not. 接下来的四年,他们无视社会规范,虽不是夫妻却以夫妻身份共同生活。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕The next few weeks brought more grim news, as the economic crisis began to deepen. 接下来的几个星期里,随着经济危机开始加深,消息更加令人沮丧。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕Forthcoming attractions include a magician and a quiz competition. 接下来的精彩节目是魔术表演和智力竞答。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕Everyone started fighting and someone threw a bottle. I forget what happened next. 大家都开始打起来,有人扔了一个瓶子。接下来的事我就记不起来了。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕The following week all my family descended upon me. 接下来的一周里,家里人都突然来看我。朗文写作活用〔add〕Next you add 5.接下来加上5。外研社新世纪〔add〕Next, add the remaining butter to the pan.接下来,把剩下的黄油放到锅里。韦氏高阶〔apply〕Over the next months, he applied himself to improving the technique.在接下来的几个月里,他一门心思改进技术。朗文当代〔augury〕These sales figures are a good augury for another profitable year.这些销售数字是个好兆头,预示着接下来的一年将继续盈利。剑桥高阶〔ball〕I've started the preparations for the party, but it's up to you to keep the ball rolling.我已开始聚会的准备工作,但接下来就全看你的了韦氏高阶〔blown〕Out of breath; panting.上气不接下气的;气喘吁吁的美国传统〔bottom out〕Real estate prices seem to have bottomed out, and sellers can expect to get higher prices in coming months.房产价格似乎降到了拐点,卖家可期望接下来的几个月价格回升。韦氏高阶〔breath〕Eric came running into the room, out of breath (=having difficulty breathing because he had just been running).埃里克上气不接下气地跑进房间。朗文当代〔breath〕I'm a little out of breath after my run.跑完步后我有点儿上气不接下气。牛津搭配〔coat〕Next, coat the fish with breadcrumbs.接下来给鱼裹上一层面包屑。朗文当代〔come out with〕He's always saying ridiculous things. You never know what he'll come out with next.他总讲一些荒诞的事情。你永远不知道接下来他会说什么。韦氏高阶〔come〕The two countries have been unable to agree which step should come next.接下来该走哪一步,这两个国家还未能就此达成一致意见。柯林斯高阶〔confines〕The next two games are in the friendly confines of Wrigley Field.接下来的两场比赛在里格利球场举行,气氛友好。牛津搭配〔confusion〕In the confusion that followed, she managed to slip away unnoticed.在接下来的混乱中,她设法神不知鬼不觉地溜走了。牛津搭配〔debate〕There are expected to be some heated debates in parliament over the next few days.预计议会在接下来几天将会展开热烈的讨论。外研社新世纪〔deserted〕She lost the next five games, and the set, as her confidence abruptly deserted her.她突然自信心全失,接下来连败 5 局,并最终丢了这一盘。柯林斯高阶〔disappointment〕The following year brought a major disappointment.接下来的一年令人大失所望。牛津搭配〔dishevelled〕Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath.帕姆迟到了,衣冠不整,上气不接下气。朗文当代〔disturbance〕During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.在接下来的骚乱中,3名英国人受伤。柯林斯高阶〔ease〕In the following two weeks tensions eased somewhat.接下来的两周里,紧张局势有些缓和了。麦克米伦高阶〔enabled〕Their aim is to make sure that every home and business becomes internet-enabled in the next ten years.他们的目标是,在接下来的10年内确保每个家庭和公司都能上网。剑桥高阶〔encore〕Her first novel was a best seller—but what is she going to do for an encore? 她的第一部小说非常畅销,接下来她有什么打算呢?韦氏高阶〔ensuing〕The guards returned fire, and the ensuing gunfight lasted all day.卫兵们开枪还击,接下来发生的枪战持续了一整天。麦克米伦高阶〔excitingly〕Her next film was excitingly different.她接下来的一部电影风格迥异, 令人耳目一新。外研社新世纪〔exertion〕I get out of breath with any kind of physical exertion.我一干点体力活就上气不接下气。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Her face fell at the answer, but she shrugged it off philosophically.这一回答先让她脸色一沉, 但她接下来便不再理会, 泰然如初了。外研社新世纪〔fasting〕He told supporters to stand fast over the next few vital days.他叫支持者在接下来的几个重要日子里站稳立场。柯林斯高阶〔fight〕Every time he had to climb the stairs, he was fighting for breath when he reached the top.他每次爬楼梯爬到顶时都会上气不接下气。外研社新世纪〔figure on〕We figure on maybe taking three weeks' vacation in Europe next fall.我们打算接下来的秋天或许要去欧洲度假, 玩上三个星期。外研社新世纪〔finger-pointing〕There followed months of name-calling and finger-pointing.接下来是连着几个月的辱骂和指责。朗文当代〔following〕We went to dinner the following Monday evening.接下来那个周一的晚上, 我们一起去吃了晚餐。外研社新世纪〔gasp〕Brendan climbed slowly, gasping for breath.布伦丹上气不接下气地慢慢爬着。朗文当代〔general〕The next ten minutes passed in general conversation.接下来的十分钟里大家就随便交谈。朗文当代〔guess〕It's anybody's guess what's going to happen next.接下来会发生什么事情, 谁都拿不准。外研社新世纪〔halt〕In the months that followed, agricultural production was brought to a halt.在接下来的几个月里, 农业生产陷入停顿。外研社新世纪〔happen〕Anything could happen in the next half hour.接下来的半小时内什么事都可能会发生。剑桥高阶〔huddle〕Football A brief gathering of a team's players behind the line of scrimmage to receive instructions for the next play.【橄榄球】 球员的聚集:队员们在争球线后短暂的集合,接受对接下来的比赛的战术指导美国传统〔hunky-dory〕You can't lose your temper one minute and then expect everything to be hunky-dory again the next.你不能指望那样对每个人发完火之后接下来一切就马上顺顺当当的。剑桥高阶〔introduce〕I kept the birds indoors all winter and introduced them into an aviary the following June.整个冬天我把鸟关在室内,然后在接下来的6月份把它们放入鸟类饲养场饲养。柯林斯高阶〔lesson〕I've got a double maths lesson next.我接下去要连上两堂数学课。朗文当代〔next〕I had leaned over to pick up some change, and the next thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.我俯身去拿那些零钱,接下来就突然感到脚踝剧痛。柯林斯高阶〔next〕Open this present next.接下来打开礼物。韦氏高阶〔next〕She's away for the next few days.接下来几天她休假。剑桥高阶〔next〕The news is next.接下来是新闻。外研社新世纪〔next〕The news is next.接下来是新闻。柯林斯高阶〔next〕The next five days were a nightmare.接下来的五天简直是一场噩梦。外研社新世纪〔next〕What shall I do next?我接下来该做什么?外研社新世纪〔next〕With John here, you never know what will happen next.有约翰在这里,你永远都不知道接下来会发生什么事。朗文当代〔nudge〕The article then listed a series of nudge-nudge, wink-wink rumors that have appeared in newspapers over the last two years.文章接下来列举了过去两年间报纸上出现过的一连串性丑闻传言。柯林斯高阶〔opportunity〕Our window of opportunity for winning the championship is the next couple of seasons.我们打赢锦标赛的难得机会就在接下来的几个赛季。朗文当代〔pavement〕He spent the next six months pounding the pavement in search of a job.接下来的六个月他为了找份工作而四处奔走。朗文当代〔phase〕Over the following three years, national currencies will be phased out.在接下来的3年中,各国的货币会逐渐被废止。麦克米伦高阶〔phase〕The redundancies will be phased over the next two years.裁员将在接下来的两年内逐步进行。外研社新世纪〔play〕On the next play, Johnson ran fifteen yards for a touchdown.接下来的一次进攻,约翰逊跑了十五码持球触地得分。朗文当代〔predictor〕The child's reaction to the arrival of the new baby was a very good predictor of how they would get on during the year that followed.通过观察孩子对新生儿到来的反应能很好预测在接下来的一年中他们会不会相处融洽。柯林斯高阶〔programme〕There's a programme about killer whales next.接下来要播放一个关于逆戟鲸的节目。朗文当代〔rationalize〕Our systems will be rationalized over the coming months.在接下来的几个月里,我们的体制将进行合理化改革。朗文当代〔request〕This next song is a request from one of our listeners.接下来这首歌是我台的一位听众点播的。韦氏高阶〔set〕Our commentator will now set the scene in the stadium.本台播音员接下来要介绍体育馆现场的实况。英汉大词典〔shooting〕Her next project was cancelled after eight weeks of shooting.她接下来的一部片子开拍8周后被取消了。外研社新世纪〔shudder〕The next crisis sent a shudder of fear through the UN community.接下来的危机让联合国各成员国都很担忧。柯林斯高阶〔speculate〕The reader can speculate what will happen next.读者可以猜测接下来会发生什么。外研社新世纪〔stand〕I will know within the next month or two how I stand (=what my situation is) .接下来的一两个月之内我就会知道自己处境如何了。朗文当代〔succeeding〕Over the succeeding weeks things went from bad to worse.接下来的几周,事情越来越糟。朗文当代〔supposedly〕Public spending is supposed to fall, not rise, in the next few years.在接下来的几年里,政府开支应该会下降,而不是上升。柯林斯高阶〔sway〕How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.在接下来的 5 节将探讨母亲怎样管教女儿。柯林斯高阶〔terminate〕Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.她接下来的评论使谈话戛然而止。外研社新世纪〔theoretically〕Theoretically, the value of the funds could triple in the next few months.从理论上说,基金的价值在接下来几个月会增至原来的三倍。韦氏高阶〔thread〕He had lost his thread and didn't know what to say next.他断了思绪,不知道接下去该讲什么。英汉大词典〔trigger〕Further violence was triggered by news of his death.接下来的暴力事件是由他的死讯引发的。麦克米伦高阶〔trilateral〕A trilateral summit meeting was planned for the following month.三方峰会计划在接下来的一个月举行。剑桥高阶〔understand〕The order is understood to have come direct from the Chief Constable.这命令不用说是警察局长直接下达的。英汉大词典〔walk〕I'm quite out of breath with running, I must walk for a bit.我跑得上气不接下气了,非得慢步走一会才行。英汉大词典〔watch〕They grew quiet and watched to see what would happen next.他们安静下来,等着看接下去会发生什么事。英汉大词典〔weather the storm〕In the next few days we will see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his remarks.在接下来的几天里,我们要看看那位大使能否平安渡过这场因他轻率的言辞而引发的政治风波。剑桥高阶〔week〕I'll have the report finished within the next couple of weeks.我要在接下来的几个星期内完成这个报告。牛津搭配〔whatever〕Chocolate-flavoured carrots!Whatever next? 巧克力味的胡萝卜!接下来到底还想吃什么?牛津高阶〔whirl〕The next few days were a mad whirl of parties.接下来的几天是一连串狂热的聚会。牛津搭配〔wind〕He was winded by the time he reached the sixth floor.他爬到七层楼时已上气不接下气了。英汉大词典〔witness〕In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify.接下来的三四天里,将传唤11名证人出庭作证。柯林斯高阶All out of breath, she plumped down on a chair. 她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。译典通God only knows what'll happen next! 只有上帝才知道接下去会发生什么!剑桥国际I was completely out of breath after my clamber up the hillside.我攀登上山坡以后完全是上气不接下气了。剑桥国际Our kitchen is being redecorated, so we will have to eat out (= eat in restaurants) for the next few weeks.我们的厨房正在重新装修,所以接下来的几个星期我们必须到外面去吃饭。剑桥国际Over the next three days there will be secret meetings, wheeling and dealing, and many subtle forms of blackmail.在接下来的3天里将会有秘密会议,玩弄手腕,及许多微妙的勒索伎俩。剑桥国际Over the next twelve years, he traveled widely. 在接下来的十二年里他周游四方。译典通Right, you lot. Could you all stop talking, and then we'll begin.行啦,你们这些家伙。你们全部停止讲话,接下来我们要开始了。剑桥国际The climb made him breathless. 往上爬使他上气不接下气。译典通




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