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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔breathless〕was breathless from running. 跑得上气不接下气的美国传统〔committal〕a funeral service, followed by committal in the family plot 丧葬仪式,接下来是在家族墓地下葬韦氏高阶〔course〕in the course of the next few days在接下来的几天内外研社新世纪〔death〕be bored/scared/frightened etc to death She was scared to death of what might happen next. 她对接下来可能会发生的事怕得要命。朗文当代〔eagerly〕a woman speaking with breathless eagerness. 说话急切、上气不接下气的女人柯林斯高阶〔eagerness〕a woman speaking with breathless eagerness说话急切、上气不接下气的女人外研社新世纪〔expand on〕a view that I will expand upon below. 接下来我将详细论述的观点柯林斯高阶〔few〕the next/last/past few weeks 接下来的/最近/过去几周韦氏高阶〔next〕reading this book next; our next oldest child. 接下去读这本书;我们第二个孩子美国传统〔report〕a weekly meeting with my direct reports 同我的直接下属一起开的周会牛津高阶〔scant〕be scant of breath 上气不接下气英汉大词典〔scant〕scant of breath上气不接下气外研社新世纪〔subsequent〕subsequent pages of the book 接下去的书页朗文当代the relationship between manager and direct report 经理和直接下属之间的关系牛津商务




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