

单词 探索
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Physicists are searching for one all-embracing theory that covers matter, energy, radiation, and gravity. 物理学家正在探索一个对于物质、能量、辐射和引力都适用的统一理论。朗文写作活用〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕As a writer he remained nonconformist all his life, always searching for new means of expression. 身为作家,他一生特立独行,总在探索新的表达方式。朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕His friends thought he was crazy when he told them he was going to spend his entire vacation exploring a cave. 他告诉朋友们整个假期他要去探索一个岩洞,朋友们觉得他疯了。朗文写作活用〔DRAW〕Leonardo da Vinci's drawings show an immensely inventive and inquiring mind. 莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的画显示出他极富创造性与探索精神的心智。朗文写作活用〔Ding Ling〕Chinese writer known for her novels, stories, and plays that explore the evolving role of women in Communist China.丁玲:以探索发展共产主义中国妇女角色的小说、故事及剧本而闻名的中国作家美国传统〔LEARN〕A good teacher holds the learner's interest and stimulates them to find out more. 好的老师能吸引学生的兴趣,激励学生去探索更多的东西。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Her work on finding a cure for cancer has been widely acclaimed by her colleagues in the medical profession. 她为探索癌症疗法而作出的努力受到医学界同行们的广泛赞扬。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The expedition marked a milestone in the history of exploration. 这次探险标志着探索史上的一座里程碑。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Various methods are being explored in order to decrease the volume of traffic on our roads. 为了减少道路上的车流量,我们正在探索各种方法。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Newton lived in an age of exploration and discovery. 牛顿生活在一个探索和发现的年代。朗文写作活用〔approach〕We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。柯林斯高阶〔avenue〕We need to explore every possible avenue.我们需要探索每一种可能的途径。牛津搭配〔avenue〕We will explore every avenue until we find an answer.我们会探索一切途径,直到找到答案为止。牛津高阶〔beam〕The space explorers were beamed onto the surface of the planet.太空探索者被飞速送到了那颗行星上。韦氏高阶〔catalogue〕This is one of the most searching songs in his catalogue.这是他的作品当中最具探索精神的歌曲之一。外研社新世纪〔challenge〕Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind.探索外层空间是一项向人类发出的挑战。英汉大词典〔contain〕Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.用科学方法探索出遏制这种疾病的有效手段美国传统〔dedicate〕The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.那位医生献身于探索一种疗法。英汉大词典〔delicate〕Teachers need to strike a delicate (= carefully achieved) balance between instructing their students and letting them discover things for themselves.教师需要在向学生传授知识和引导学生自己去探索之间找到一个微妙的平衡点。剑桥高阶〔discoverer〕Columbus was seen as the prototypical discoverer; the man for whom nothing was impossible.哥伦布被看作是典型的探索者:对于他而言, 万事皆有可能。外研社新世纪〔discovery〕He saw life as a voyage of discovery.他把生命看作是一次探索未知世界的航行。牛津高阶〔endeavour〕Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human endeavour.徒步穿越北极是人类探索领域的一次壮举。剑桥高阶〔engineer〕Design engineers are working on ways to make the cars run more efficiently.设计工程师们正在探索能使汽车更加有效行驶的方法。韦氏高阶〔enquiry〕The purpose is one of scientific enquiry.目的是进行一种科学探索。牛津搭配〔establish〕The Institute has established a reputation for the exploration of new art in Britain.该学院已经确立了在探索英国新艺术方面的声誉。麦克米伦高阶〔examine〕We continue to examine new ways of doing business.我们继续探索做生意的新方法。牛津搭配〔explorability〕Let us explore the possibilities for improvement.让我们探索改善的可能性。21世纪英汉〔explorability〕We had to explore this possibility very gingerly.我们必须极其小心地探索这个可能性。21世纪英汉〔exploration〕Arctic exploration; exploration of new theories.北极探险;新理论的探索美国传统〔exploration〕The exploration (= search) for new sources of energy is vital for the future of our planet.探索新能源对我们这个星球的未来至关重要。剑桥高阶〔explore〕I'm going to explore the possibility of a part-time job.我将探索一下兼职工作的可能性。朗文当代〔explore〕The city is best explored on foot.最好是徒步探索这个城市。牛津高阶〔eye〕I was again using the cold, unflinching eye of the camera to probe a sick society.我又一次用冷静坚定的相机镜头来探索一个病态的社会。外研社新世纪〔fool's gold〕The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.这家英国机构似乎开始了又一次徒劳无功的探索。柯林斯高阶〔head-trip〕An act or a pattern of behavior undertaken primarily for self-gratification.心理探索:主要为自我满足而采取的一种行动或行为方式美国传统〔headway〕They've recently made some headway in their search for a cure.他们最近在探索疗法方面取得了一些进展。韦氏高阶〔heart〕We are in good heart and preparing to embark on the next stage of our quest.我们情绪高昂, 准备开始下一阶段的探索。外研社新世纪〔herald〕The technology heralded a new age of space exploration.这项技术预示着太空探索的新纪元。韦氏高阶〔heritage〕She made a conscious attempt to explore her Jewish heritage.她有意识地探索自己继承的犹太人传统。牛津搭配〔heuristic〕A heuristic method or process.探索:探索性的方法或过程美国传统〔history〕The history of space exploration is a fascinating topic.太空探索史是一个引人入胜的话题。韦氏高阶〔inspire〕Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.阳光明媚的天气令人振奋,我决定去树林里探索一番。朗文当代〔joy〕Jonathan flies for the sheer joy of exploring what he can do.乔纳森飞行纯粹是为了从探索自己能做什么中得到乐趣。麦克米伦高阶〔latitude〕His status at the studio afforded him all the artistic latitude he could ask for.他在创作室的地位让他可以在艺术上自由探索。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕She wants Zack to be free to explore his limits, experiment and try new things.她想让扎克自由地探索自己的极限,试验并尝试各种新事物。牛津搭配〔mainspring〕My life has been music, and a constant search for it has been the mainspring of my life.我以音乐为生,对音乐的不懈探索已经成为我生活的动力。柯林斯高阶〔missing link〕Could this be the missing link in the search for a cure for cancer? 这会不会是癌症治疗方法探索过程中的一个缺失环节呢?朗文当代〔nose〕He was nosing about in my room!他在我房里探索! 牛津同义词〔offer〕In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。外研社新世纪〔offer〕In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。柯林斯高阶〔operation〕Science investigates the operation of general laws.科学研究探索的是普遍法则的作用原理。麦克米伦高阶〔pave the way〕Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.科学家们希望探测飞船发回的数据会为更深入地探索火星提供条件。剑桥高阶〔pokable〕All he had ever done was poke a team or explore the trail or push cattle along.他所做的事就是激励队伍向前、探索道路或者驱赶畜群。21世纪英汉〔potential〕Scientists are exploring the potentials of the new drug.科学家正在探索新药的潜在功效。韦氏高阶〔pothole〕He often goes potholing on the Pennines.他常在奔宁山脉探索洞穴。英汉大词典〔preceding〕The paintings are a development of ideas she explored in the preceding decade.这些画是她过去10年以来思想探索的成果。剑桥高阶〔probe〕Divers probed the murky waters inch by inch.潜水员一英寸一英寸地探索漆黑的水域。麦克米伦高阶〔probe〕Scientists are probing deeper and deeper into the secrets of the universe.科学家们正逐渐深入地探索宇宙的奥秘。牛津搭配〔probe〕To conduct an exploratory investigation; search.进行探索性的调查;搜寻美国传统〔probing〕My probing was turning out to be quite successful.我的探索竟然相当成功。英汉大词典〔quest for〕He is questing for the secrets of the universe.他正在探索宇宙的秘密。21世纪英汉〔quest〕They have been questing for a new method of language teaching for years.多年来他们一直在探索语言教学的一种新方法。21世纪英汉〔reach〕He dreamed of exploring the outermost reaches of space.他梦想去探索太空最遥远的地方。牛津搭配〔reach〕Scientists are still discovering the far reaches of the human mind.科学家们仍在探索更深层的人类思想。韦氏高阶〔real life〕Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.孩子们用幻想来探索实际生活中令人不安的各种事情。柯林斯高阶〔realization〕Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities.将尝试和探索纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。柯林斯高阶〔recess〕He searched the innermost recesses of his soul.他探索自己的内心深处。牛津搭配〔relationship〕Our research will explore the relationships among these variables.我们的研究将探索这些变量之间的关系。牛津搭配〔retrace〕The ship will retrace the original route taken by the explorers.这艘船将沿着探索者原来走过的路线前进。麦克米伦高阶〔seek〕I think he was seeking some meaning in his life.我认为他正在探索他生命的意义。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕They were about to set forth on a voyage into the unknown.他们即将启航去探索那个未知世界。朗文当代〔siren〕He said the United States was not willing to engage in a search for partial solutions — to succumb, as he put it, to a siren song.他说美国不愿意参与仅仅解决部分问题的方案的探索——按照他的说法,这种做法就是向诱惑低头。柯林斯高阶〔sophist〕A Greek philosopher of pre-Socratic times who inquired about and speculated on theology, metaphysics, mathematics, and the natural and biological sciences.诡辩哲学家:前苏格拉底时代对神学、形而上学、数学以及自然和生物科学进行探索和思考的希腊哲学家美国传统〔speleology〕Exploration of caves.对洞穴的探索美国传统〔spelunker〕One who explores and studies caves chiefly as a hobby.洞穴学家:作为爱好而探索及研究洞穴的人美国传统〔stride〕We're making great strides in the search for a cure.在探索治疗办法方面,我们正不断取得重大进展。牛津高阶〔suggest〕Social development suggests universal exploration.社会的进步促使人类做出对宇宙空间的探索。21世纪英汉〔take wing〕Let your imagination take wing and explore the possibilities.放飞你的想象力,探索各种可能性。韦氏高阶〔territory〕Tired of writing detective novels, she began to explore new territory.她厌烦了写侦探小说,开始探索新的创作领域。牛津搭配〔underside〕The book explores the underside of human nature.这本书探索了人性的阴暗面。韦氏高阶〔unknown〕The astronauts began their journey into the unknown.宇航员开始了对未知世界的探索之旅。朗文当代〔van〕The US is in the van of the quest to establish contact with other planets.美国在探索与外层空间生物建立联系方面处于领先地位。剑桥高阶〔viewer〕His work explores the relationship between the art object and the viewer.他的作品探索的是艺术品和观赏者之间的关系。外研社新世纪〔way〕They've explored every possible way of dealing with the problem.他们探索过各种可能用来处理这个问题的方法。牛津搭配〔welcome〕We welcome you to join us on a special tour which explores this unique Australian attraction.我们欢迎你加入探索这处独特的澳大利亚景观的特别之旅。柯林斯高阶〔west〕Come explore the natural wonders of the American West.前来探索美国西部的自然奇观吧。韦氏高阶〔wherever〕By simply planning a route, you can explore at will and stop whenever and wherever you like.通过简单地规划一下路线,你可以随意探索,随时随地想停就停。柯林斯高阶〔world〕Man was drawing closer to the stars, opening new worlds.人类在接近各个星球,探索新的天体。柯林斯高阶He hopes to explore the island, which he suspects has a wealth of treasures for those interested in amphibians and reptiles.他希望去探索这个岛,因为他估计,对于两栖类和爬行类动物感兴趣的人来说,这个岛藏有大量珍宝。剑桥国际Her novels explore the hermetic world of wizards and potions.她在小说中探索了一个有关术士及魔力饮剂的神秘世界。剑桥国际Mankind has phenomenal success in the exploration of outer space. 人类在外太空的探索上有著非凡的成就。译典通Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.没有什么可阻止他们对真理的探索。剑桥国际Potholers often have to squeeze through tunnels that are only a couple of feet high.探索洞穴者常常得从只有两三英尺高的坑道中挤过。剑桥国际Psychoanalysts aim to explore the deepest/innermost recesses of the mind.心理分析家的目标是探索思维最深处的奥秘。剑桥国际Spain began the exploration of the New World. 西班牙开始了对新世界的探索。译典通The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.公司正致力于对一种可领导市场的产品的经久不懈的探索。剑桥国际The film was well researched, but it glossed over the important issues.这部电影颇有探索性,但粉饰了一些重要问题。剑桥国际This problem cries out for a long-term, open-minded, systematic search. 这个问题十分需要长期的、不带偏见的、系统的探索研究。译典通Virtual Reality aims to give us artificial worlds to explore, outside normal space and time.虚拟现实旨在提供一个正常时空之外的人造世界,供人们探索。剑桥国际We walked round the old city exploring the narrow streets with their dark stairways.我们在老城中四处走,在带阴暗阶梯的狭窄街道中探索。剑桥国际




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