

单词 找到
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ANSWER〕to find the answer to a problem 找到问题的答案朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕the ability to guess or find the right direction 猜测出或找到正确方向的能力朗文写作活用〔FIND〕to find something you need or want 找到你需要或想要的某物朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕to search a place to try to find someone or something 搜查某地试图找到某人或某物朗文写作活用〔bed〕found bed and board at an inn. 在一个小旅店找到了床铺和膳食美国传统〔believer〕find most believers among the farming population 在农业人口中找到最多的信徒英汉大词典〔berth〕find a snug berth 找到一个轻松舒服的工作英汉大词典〔blunder upon〕to blunder upon the solution to the puzzle偶然找到解决难题的方法21世纪英汉〔cliché〕a speech filled with clichés about “finding your way” and “keeping the faith” 充满了“找到自己的路”和“保持信念”之类陈词滥调的演讲韦氏高阶〔complexion〕findings that will alter the complexion of the problem. 找到改变问题表象的方法美国传统〔defy〕defy sb. to find the answer to this question 激某人找到这个问题的答案英汉大词典〔descry〕descry a way out of one's troubles 找到一条摆脱困境的出路英汉大词典〔down〕trace down the leak 顺着渗漏物找到漏缝英汉大词典〔employment〕unskilled workers trying to find paid/gainful employment 试图找到有酬工作的非熟练工人韦氏高阶〔felicitate〕felicitate oneself on having found a good job 庆幸自己找到了一份好工作英汉大词典〔find〕find work 找到工作英汉大词典〔forlorn〕the forlorn hope of finding a better life in cities在城市找到更好生活的非常渺茫的希望外研社新世纪〔get〕get a total; can't get the answer. 算出总数;不能找到答案美国传统〔handy〕found a handy spot for the can opener. 为开罐头的人找到了一个现成的开启点美国传统〔hidden〕a hidden valley 一座不宜找到的峡谷剑桥高阶〔inconvenience〕the inconvenience of having to find another buyer 必须找到另一名买主一事的麻烦朗文当代〔intuition〕an intuition about where to find wild strawberries 到哪里能找到野生草莓的直觉牛津搭配〔lodging〕find a lodging for the night 找到一个夜晚借宿的地方英汉大词典〔luck into〕a job that she lucked into她有幸找到的工作外研社新世纪〔makeshift〕exhausted every expedient and finally filed suit; 试过每一件代用品后最终找到了适合的;美国传统〔morass〕trying to find our way through a morass of city traffic 试图在城市拥堵的交通中找到出路韦氏高阶〔nature〕in nature All these materials are found in nature. 所有这些材料都能在自然界中找到。朗文当代〔obtainable〕delicious cheeses which are obtainable anywhere in France. 在法国随处可以找到的美味奶酪柯林斯高阶〔odd〕moving from place to place where she could find the odd bit of work. 她为了找到点儿零散活计不断地搬来搬去柯林斯高阶〔peaceful〕find a peaceful settlement 找到一个和平解决的办法英汉大词典〔permanent〕get a permanent position 找到固定工作英汉大词典〔radio〕find a job in radio 在广播电台找到一份工作 英汉大词典〔recover〕recover the track (迷路后)重新找到原路英汉大词典〔scene〕a gun found at the scene of the crime 在犯罪现场找到的枪牛津搭配〔scout〕scout out a safer area 找到一个较为安全的地区英汉大词典〔scout〕to scout a house找到一所房子21世纪英汉〔secure〕secured a job. 找到一份工作美国传统〔throughput〕finding ways to increase throughput 找到方法来提高生产量韦氏高阶〔trouble〕went to a lot of trouble to find this book. 费了好大劲才找到这本书美国传统〔work〕worked out the equations; worked out their personal differences. 解出方程式;找到他们个人的区别美国传统




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