

单词 戏剧角色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔act〕To perform in a dramatic role or roles.扮演,担当:戏剧角色中扮演美国传统〔melodramatic〕Most people who saw the play felt that he succeeded in his melodramatic role.大多数看过这部戏剧的人都觉得, 他成功地塑造了这个戏剧角色。外研社新世纪〔overact〕To act (a dramatic role) with unnecessary exaggeration.过火地表演:过于夸张地演(某个戏剧角色)美国传统〔overplay〕To present (a dramatic role, for example) in an exaggerated manner.把…演得过火:过度夸张地演(如某戏剧角色)美国传统〔player〕One who performs in theatrical roles.演员:扮演戏剧角色的人美国传统〔tryout〕A test to ascertain the qualifications of applicants, as for an athletic team or for a theatrical role.选拔赛:为选拔运动队或戏剧角色而进行的证明候选人资格的测试美国传统He has played some of the great Shakespearean roles, including Hamlet and Henry V.他已表演过一些著名的莎士比亚戏剧角色,包括哈姆雷特和亨利5世。剑桥国际




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