

单词 戏剧表演
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Her hobbies include amateur dramatics and horse riding. 她的爱好有业余戏剧表演和骑马。朗文写作活用〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕I was never much good at drama when I was a kid - probably because I was very shy. 我小时候从不擅长戏剧表演—可能是我太害羞了。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕In summer there are open-air concerts and theatre performances in the park. 夏天的时候,公园里有露天音乐会和戏剧表演。朗文写作活用〔ballet〕A theatrical presentation of group or solo dancing to a musical accompaniment, usually with costume and scenic effects, conveying a story or theme.芭蕾舞剧:随音乐伴奏而进行的群舞或独舞的戏剧表演,通常以服装和布景效果,来表达一个故事或主题美国传统〔bit〕A short scene or episode in a theatrical performance.一小段情节:戏剧表演中的小场景或情节美国传统〔cast〕To choose actors for the parts in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.派定演员:为一部话剧、电影或其他戏剧表演中的角色选择演员美国传统〔dramatics〕She is studying/learning dramatics in school.她在学校里学习戏剧表演。韦氏高阶〔grade〕The fifth grade will perform their annual play this week.这个星期,五年级的学生将进行年度戏剧表演。韦氏高阶〔heroine〕The principal female character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation.女主角:一部小说、诗歌或戏剧表演中的主要女性角色美国传统〔opera〕A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music.歌剧:在戏院上演的配有音乐的戏剧表演美国传统〔pageant〕An elaborate public dramatic presentation that usually depicts a historical or traditional event.露天历史剧:一种精心制作的公开戏剧表演,通常是描绘一个历史的或传统的事件美国传统〔play-act〕To play a role in a dramatic performance.演出:在戏剧表演中扮演角色美国传统〔project〕Besides film and record projects, I have continued to work in the theater.除了电影和唱片工作外,我还继续从事戏剧表演。柯林斯高阶〔project〕Besides film and record projects, I have continued to work in the theatre.除了电影和电视方面的计划, 我还继续从事戏剧表演。外研社新世纪〔property〕An article, except costumes and scenery, that appears on the stage or on screen during a dramatic performance.道具:除了化妆品和布景,在戏剧表演中出现在舞台或屏幕上的物件美国传统〔psychodrama〕A dramatization in which this technique is employed.心理剧:采用这种技巧的戏剧表演美国传统〔puppetry〕A stilted or artificial dramatic performance.不自然或机械刻板的戏剧表演美国传统〔role〕She's got a leading/supporting role in the school play.她在学校的戏剧表演中担当主角/配角。剑桥高阶〔scene〕A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous.(戏剧中的)一场:在场景固定及时间连续的戏剧表演中一幕的分段美国传统〔setting〕The scenery constructed for a theatrical performance or movie production.布景:为戏剧表演或电影制作而设置的场景美国传统〔set〕The scenery constructed for a theatrical performance.布景:为戏剧表演所设的背景美国传统〔song and dance〕A theatrical performance that combines singing and dancing.歌舞表演:把歌唱与舞蹈结为一体的戏剧表演美国传统〔stage〕A raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented.舞台:一种升高的平台在它上面可以进行戏剧表演美国传统〔stage〕Madge did not want to put her daughter on the stage.玛奇不想让自己的女儿从事戏剧表演。柯林斯高阶〔stage〕To be adaptable to or suitable for theatrical presentation.使适合表演:适合或能够进行戏剧表演美国传统〔staging〕The process or manner of putting on a play on the stage.(剧本的)上演,演出:舞台戏剧表演的过程或方式美国传统〔starter〕He was a late starter in the theatre(= older than most people when they start).他从事戏剧表演起步较晚。牛津高阶〔theater〕She majored in theater in college.她大学学的是戏剧表演专业。韦氏高阶〔theater〕The audience assembled for a dramatic performance.观众:为戏剧表演而集聚的观众美国传统〔theatrically〕These are the prizes given for the most outstanding British theatrical performances of the year.这些奖项将要颁发给本年度英国最杰出的戏剧表演作品。柯林斯高阶〔theatrical〕Abbr. theat.Of, relating to, or suitable for dramatic performance or the theater.缩写 theat.剧场的;演剧的:有关或适于戏剧表演或剧院的美国传统〔theatrical〕Often theatricals Stage performances or a stage performance, especially by amateurs. 常作 theatricals 戏剧表演:舞台表演,尤指业余爱好者的表演美国传统Her latest play stands many conventions of theatrical performance on their head.她最新的话剧使许多戏剧表演的常规产生了动摇。剑桥国际The audience was enthralled for two hours by a sparkling, dramatic performance.观众被一个精采的戏剧表演吸引了两个小时。剑桥国际We spent many evenings sitting in café watching the street theatre.我们许多晚上都坐在咖啡馆中看街头戏剧表演。剑桥国际




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