

单词 想家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔academic〕an academic thinker 学究式的思想家英汉大词典〔affect〕to affect the freethinker俨然像个自由思想家21世纪英汉〔agile〕an agile thinker 思维敏捷的思想家韦氏高阶〔brassbound〕a brassbound idealist 固执己见的空想家英汉大词典〔critical〕a critical mind (thinker) 谨严的头脑 (思想家)英汉大词典〔great〕a great leader/scientist/thinker/woman 杰出的领导人/科学家/思想家/女性韦氏高阶〔half-baked〕a half-baked visionary. 一个无见识的空想家美国传统〔heavy〕a heavy thinker 深沉的思想家韦氏高阶〔heterodox〕a heterodox religious thinker 非正统的宗教思想家韦氏高阶〔intuitive〕a highly intuitive thinker 直觉感很强的思想家牛津搭配〔liberal〕a leading liberal thinker 重要的自由主义思想家韦氏高阶〔mind〕the great minds of the century. 本世纪的大思想家们美国传统〔point〕a great thinker who was pointing the way to the future 指明未来方向的伟大思想家麦克米伦高阶〔profound〕a profound thinker (mind) 渊博的思想家(头脑) 英汉大词典〔profound〕a profound thinker 有着深刻见解的思想家韦氏高阶〔rationalism〕a rationalist philosophy/thinker 理性主义的哲学家/思想家韦氏高阶〔residence〕a desirable family residence for sale(= for example, in an advertisement) 待售的理想家居牛津高阶〔sick〕be sick for one's home 苦苦想家英汉大词典〔situate〕situate a thinker and his thought in the context of his own time 依所处的时代背景给一个思想家和他的思想定位英汉大词典〔starry-eyed〕a starry-eyed dreamer 不切实际的梦想家文馨英汉〔thinker〕a Marxist thinker 马克思主义思想家英汉大词典〔thinker〕a careful thinker. 一个认真的思想家美国传统〔thinker〕a leading thinker on constitutional law 宪法方面杰出的思想家牛津搭配〔thinker〕a political/religious thinker 政治/宗教思想家剑桥高阶〔thinker〕great thinkers such as Kant and Schopenhauer 康德、叔本华等伟大的思想家朗文当代〔thinker〕some of the world's greatest thinkers. 世界上一些最伟大的思想家柯林斯高阶〔unoriginal〕an unoriginal thinker 思维老套的思想家韦氏高阶〔utopian〕a group of utopians who immigrated in the 1920s and '30s. 20世纪20年代和30年代移民而来的一群空想家柯林斯高阶




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