

单词 批货
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BLAME〕The shipment never arrived, and we are holding the freight company entirely responsible. 那批货物一直没有运到,我们认为货运公司要负全部责任。朗文写作活用〔LCL〕Less-than-carload lot.零担货物:比车辆荷载少的一批货物美国传统〔appraisal〕His appraisal of the stock is too high.他对这批货物的估价太高了。英汉大词典〔batch〕We're still waiting for the first batch to arrive.我们还在等着第一批货的到来。柯林斯高阶〔black〕The strikers blacked the cargo (ship).罢工工人们拒绝装卸这批货物(为这艘船装卸货物)。英汉大词典〔black〕The strikers declared the cargo (work) black.罢工者们宣布不装卸这批货物(不干这个活)。英汉大词典〔blow up〕The boss blew up when the shipment arrived late.这批货迟到了,老板为此大发雷霆。韦氏高阶〔carriable〕They carried a great stock of goods for winter sale.他们置办了大批货物以供冬季销售。21世纪英汉〔check〕The merchandise does not check with invoice.这批货与发货单不符。21世纪英汉〔declaration〕On the customs declaration, the sender labelled the freight as agricultural machinery.在海关报税单上, 这批货物被发货人列为农业机械。外研社新世纪〔destine for〕The shipment is destined for London.这批货物将运往伦敦。21世纪英汉〔destined〕The shipment is destined for Bombay.这批货物运往孟买。韦氏高阶〔forward〕The goods will be forwarded to your house.这批货将发送到你家。英汉大词典〔gauger〕A revenue officer who inspects bulk goods subject to duty.征税人员:税务局官员,检查应纳税的一大批货美国传统〔inspect〕Make sure you inspect the goods carefully as soon as you receive them.你一定要一收到那批货就进行仔细的检查。麦克米伦高阶〔profit〕Did you profit from the sale?你卖这批货赚钱吗?牛津同义词〔receipt〕His main work is to receipt for each lot of goods.他的主要工作是给每一批货物开收据。21世纪英汉〔reject〕If inspectors find a defective can, the batch is rejected.如果检察员发现一个劣质罐头,这批货就会被废弃。朗文当代〔relation〕I have nothing to say in relation to the quality of these goods.关于这批货物的质量我没有什么要说的。英汉大词典〔road〕It would be better to transport the goods by rail rather than by road.用铁路运送这批货物会比用公路好。牛津高阶〔sail〕He loaded his vessel with another cargo and set sail.他往船上又装了一批货, 然后起航。外研社新世纪〔sail〕He loaded his vessel with another cargo and set sail.他给自己的船装上另一批货后便启航了。柯林斯高阶〔sail〕The goods sailed yesterday from Bristol.这批货物昨天从布里斯托尔用船运出。英汉大词典〔send〕We sent a consignment off on this morning's train.我们今天早班火车发走一批货物。英汉大词典〔shipment〕An armed patrol boat will escort the shipment.一艘武装巡逻艇将为这批货物护航。牛津搭配〔shipment〕The goods are ready for shipment.这批货物现在可以装运了。朗文当代〔transport〕The goods were now ready for transport and distribution.那批货物此时正待发运。英汉大词典〔transport〕The goods were ready for transport.这批货物等待运输。外研社新世纪〔vend〕These goods vend well.这批货很畅销。英汉大词典He wanted written guarantees of the package before accepting.他要求得到这批货物的书面担保后才接收。牛津商务If only one of your boxes arrives, email us and we'll put a trace on the shipment.如果你只收到一箱,给我们发电子邮件,我们会追踪这批货。牛津商务If your shipment does not fill a container, you can save money by sending it groupage.如果你这批货装不满一个集装箱,你可以送去拼箱来省钱。牛津商务Instructions were received to divert the shipment from motor to air transportation.收到了指令要求将这批货物由陆运改为空运。牛津商务The goods have been consigned to you by air.这批货物已空运给你了。剑桥国际The goods must be containerized for export.这批货物必须能用集装箱装运出口。剑桥国际The goods were routed via Lyons.这批货物经由里昂发运。牛津商务The goods will be shipped to San Francisco by boat. 这批货物将用船运往旧金山。译典通This product has a fast turnover, three shipments going out per day. 这产品的成交量很高,每天可出三批货。译典通We're running short of stock so we'd better put in an order.库存不多了,因此我们最好订一批货。牛津商务You are required to complete a separate customs entry for each shipment of goods.你装运的每批货物需要分开办理海关手续。牛津商务




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