

单词 总督
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HE.〕Her, or His, Excellency.阁下(对部长、大使、总督或主教等的尊称)美国传统〔HM〕HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services.皇家消防署总督察柯林斯高阶〔HM〕HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services皇家消防部门总督察外研社新世纪〔LEAVE〕The Chief Inspector has been relieved of his duties pending another investigation by fellow officers. 总督察在接受同僚的另一次调查期间,被暂时解除了职务。朗文写作活用〔Pilate〕Pontius Pilate 审判耶稣的罗马驻犹太(Judea)总督文馨英汉〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Hill represents a police success story, having risen up through the ranks to become chief inspector. 希尔代表了一个警察的成功例子,他从警员干起,一步步升到了总督察的高位。朗文写作活用〔Wellesley〕British politician and colonial administrator who expanded the British Empire in India and sought reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland.韦尔兹利:英国政治家和殖民地总督。他扩展了英帝国在印度的领地,并企图在爱尔兰实现新教徒与天主教徒的妥协美国传统〔abode〕I had been invited to take up my abode at Government House.我曾获邀下榻总督府。牛津搭配〔alcaide〕The commander or governor of a fortress in Spain or Portugal.要塞司令:西班牙或葡萄牙等国的一个要塞指挥官或总督美国传统〔answerable〕The police force here is answerable only to the governor of the colony.这儿的警察队伍只对殖民地总督负责。麦克米伦高阶〔clean-up〕The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation.总督已经调动了国民卫队协助清剿行动。柯林斯高阶〔dey〕Used formerly as the title for rulers of the states of Tunis and Tripoli.总督,帕夏:用作突尼斯和的黎波里的统治者的正式称号美国传统〔doge〕The Palazzo Ducale once served as the residence of the Genoese doges.总督宫曾是热那亚总督的官邸。剑桥高阶〔doge〕The elected chief magistrate of the former republics of Venice and Genoa.总督:由威尼斯和热那亚两共和国选举出的总督美国传统〔durbar〕A state reception formerly given by Indian princes for a British sovereign or one given for an Indian prince by his subjects.正式接见:英国总督对印度藩王的正式接见或印度藩王对其臣民的正式接见美国传统〔ear〕Though the Governor of Virginia lobbied on the planters' behalf, the Crown turned a deaf ear.虽然弗吉尼亚殖民地总督为种植园主进行游说, 但国王对此充耳不闻。外研社新世纪〔enquiry〕The governor announced an enquiry into the events.总督宣布对这些事件展开调查。牛津搭配〔ethnarch〕The ruler of a province or a people.总督,地方长官:一个省或一个民族的长官美国传统〔exarch〕The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire.总督:拜占庭帝国一个省的统治者美国传统〔expostulate〕The prisoner expostulated with the governor about his unjust confinement.那名囚犯就遭不公正囚禁一事与总督理论。外研社新世纪〔governor-general〕A governor of a large territory who has other subordinate governors under his or her jurisdiction.权力很大的总督:统治大片领土的总督,在他或她之下有其他副总督美国传统〔governor〕An official appointed to govern a colony or territory.总督:被任命管辖一个殖民地或领地的官员美国传统〔governor〕Sir Henry Moore, the Governor of Ceylon锡兰总督亨利•穆尔爵士外研社新世纪〔go〕The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial spending bill.总督将就有争议的开支法案同立法机关辩论到底美国传统〔hat〕The governor wore a cocked hat trimmed with white feathers.总督戴着一顶镶有白色羽饰的三角帽。牛津搭配〔honour〕I have the honour to present the governor.我有幸向大家介绍总督。英汉大词典〔inspection〕Roman governors would normally go on a tour of inspection of their province.罗马总督通常会对其所辖行省进行巡视。牛津搭配〔lieutenant governor〕The nonelective chief of government of a Canadian province.副总督:加拿大省府非选举产生的行政长官美国传统〔margrave〕The lord or military governor of a medieval German border province.总督:中世纪德国边境省份的长官或军事统治者美国传统〔margraviate〕The territory governed by a margrave.总督辖区,侯爵领地:总督(或侯爵)控制的土地美国传统〔margravine〕The wife or widow of a margrave.侯爵夫人,总督夫人:侯爵(或总督)的妻子或遗孀美国传统〔overburdened〕The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.总督察讨厌在细枝末节上没完没了地纠缠。柯林斯高阶〔overburdened〕The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.总督察讨厌在细枝末节上纠缠不休。外研社新世纪〔over〕We could see the Angolan flag flying over the governor's palace.我们能看见安哥拉国旗在总督府上空飘扬。麦克米伦高阶〔picket〕They organized a mass picket of the governor's palace.他们组织了总督府的大规模罢工纠察队。牛津搭配〔president〕He was made president of Virginia in 1608.他在1608年担任弗吉尼亚总督。英汉大词典〔preside〕Yesterday, the Governor-General presided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council.昨天, 总督主持了联邦执行委员会会议。外研社新世纪〔proconsul〕A high administrator in one of the modern colonial empires.殖民地总督:现代殖民属地的最高行政长官美国传统〔proconsul〕A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire.地方总督:罗马共和国和罗马帝国的拥有执政官权威的地方总督美国传统〔put〕The governor has put a tax on cigarettes.这个总督已经开始对香烟征税美国传统〔rank〕He held (=had) the rank of Chief Inspector.他的警衔是总督察。朗文当代〔regent〕One acting as a ruler or governor.摄政者:作为统治者或总督的人美国传统〔resign〕He resigned as Governor of Punjab in August.他在八月份辞去了旁遮普邦总督的职务。朗文当代〔return〕Back at the station the Chief Inspector returned the call.总督察回到警察局后回了电话。外研社新世纪〔satrapy〕The territory or sphere under the rule of a satrap.总督管辖区:总督管辖的地区或范围美国传统〔satrap〕A governor of a province in ancient Persia.总督:波斯帝国一省之统治者美国传统〔siege〕The rebels laid siege to the governor's residence.叛乱者包围了总督府。柯林斯高阶〔stadholder〕A governor or viceroy formerly stationed in a province of the Netherlands.荷兰前省长或前总督美国传统〔suffocate〕The governor's proposals would actually cost millions of jobs and suffocate the economy.总督的计划可能会造成上百万人失业,并束缚经济发展。柯林斯高阶〔through〕It is possible that the present Governor General will be made interim President, if the proposals go through.如果提案获得通过,现任总督可能被任命为临时总统。柯林斯高阶〔trigger〕The report has triggered a fierce response from the governor.这篇报道引起总督的强烈反应。麦克米伦高阶〔veto〕The governor's veto kept the bill from becoming a law.由于总督行使了否决权,这项提案未成为法律。英汉大词典〔viceregal〕Of or relating to a viceroy.总督的:总督的或与总督有关的美国传统〔vicereine〕A woman who is the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign.女总督:国家、省或者殖民地的女总督,统治权的代表美国传统〔vicereine〕The wife of a viceroy.总督夫人美国传统〔viceroyalty〕A district or province governed by a viceroy.总督管辖的地区或者省份美国传统〔viceroyalty〕The office, authority, or term of service of a viceroy.总督的职位、权力或者任期美国传统〔viceroyship〕Viceroyalty.总督职权美国传统〔viceroy〕A man who is the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign.总督:国家、省或者殖民地的男总督,统治权的代表美国传统After the independence ceremony, the former governor left the colony.独立庆典之后,前总督离开了殖民地。剑桥国际British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国殖民地由总督统治。译典通Earl Mountbatten was the last viceroy of India.蒙巴顿伯爵是印度的最后一任总督。剑桥国际He was a former governor-general of Indochina.他是一位前任印度支那总督。剑桥国际His period of governorship (= The time during which he is a governor) finishes at the end of the year.他的总督任期今年底结束。剑桥国际The Governor-General greeted the Queen on the first day of her official visit to Canada.女王正式访问加拿大的第一天受到总督的迎接。剑桥国际The governor said he would not be provoked into intemperate action.总督说他不会受人挑拨而采取过激行为。剑桥国际




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