

单词 总状花序
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔helicoid cyme〕An inflorescence coiled in a bud like a snail shell and expanded superficially, as on a raceme with the flowers on one side.螺旋聚伞花序:一种花序,似蜗牛壳状盘旋在花蕾之中,外部能扩张,如所有花都生长在同侧的总状花序之上美国传统〔panicle〕A branched cluster of flowers in which the branches are racemes.圆锥花序,复总状花序:每个分枝都是总状花序的分枝花序美国传统〔raceme〕An inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly along an elongated, unbranched axis, as in the lily of the valley.总状花序:一种花序,花心大约等长的花梗沿一条延长的,不分叉的轴线单向生长,如山谷百合美国传统〔racemiform〕Having the form of a raceme.总状花序形的美国传统〔racemose〕Botany Resembling or borne in a raceme.【植物学】 总状花序的:类似或是属于总状花序的美国传统〔racemose〕Botany Resembling or borne in a raceme.【植物学】 总状的:形似或属于总状花序的美国传统




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