

单词 抽取
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstraction〕the abstraction of groundwater to supply housing and industry抽取地下水供住宅和工业用外研社新世纪〔abstraction〕water abstraction from rivers 从河流中抽取水牛津高阶〔abstract〕a plan to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river 从这条河中抽取 800 万加仑水的计划牛津高阶〔aspiration〕bone marrow aspiration骨髓抽取外研社新世纪〔commission〕sell TV sets on commission 抽取佣金推销电视机英汉大词典〔draw〕draw five cards from the pack 从一副纸牌中随意抽取五张英汉大词典〔hat〕the lucky winners (first three names out of a hat)幸运的中奖者(随便抽取的三个人)外研社新世纪〔milk〕milk venom from a snake. 抽取蛇的毒淬美国传统〔milk〕use a tube to milk petrol from parked cars 用管子从停放着的汽车中抽取汽油英汉大词典〔pump〕drill rigs that are busy pumping natural gas. 不停抽取天然气的架式钻机柯林斯高阶〔randomly〕interviews with a randomly selected sample of thirty girls aged between 13 and 18. 在13到18岁女孩中随机抽取30位进行访谈柯林斯高阶〔selection〕the random selection of numbers 号码的随机抽取牛津高阶〔siphon〕to siphon off profits into a secret bank account非法抽取利润存入秘密银行账号21世纪英汉〔tap〕tap a maple tree. 刺入一棵枫树抽取树汁美国传统




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