

单词 打滚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔claw〕They rolled in front of him, clawed the ground, sniffed excitedly under his tail.它们在它面前打滚, 爪子挠着地面, 在它尾巴下面兴奋地嗅来嗅去。外研社新世纪〔dirt〕Two pigs were wallowing in dirt.两只猪正在泥中打滚。英汉大词典〔ground〕To be put out by hitting a ground ball that is fielded and thrown to first base.打滚地球出局:因打出的滚地球被截或被掷回一垒而出局美国传统〔head〕He lay writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain.他痛得两手抱头在地上打滚。牛津搭配〔lash〕The wounded dog lashed about in pain.那条受伤的狗痛得满地打滚。英汉大词典〔laugh〕The kids tumbled around on the floor, laughing hysterically.孩子们狂笑着在地板上打滚。朗文当代〔lollop〕The dog lolloped along the beach.狗在海滩上打滚儿。剑桥高阶〔piss yourself (laughing)〕There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you were all pissing yourselves laughing! 当时我痛苦得在地板上打滚,而你们这群人却笑得前仰后合!剑桥高阶〔pool〕Rhinos are fond of wallowing in muddy pools and sandy riverbeds.犀牛喜欢在泥泞的水塘里和沙质的河床上打滚。牛津搭配〔puff〕The camels rolled and played in the white dust, raising puffs of cloud.骆驼在白色的沙土里打滚嬉戏,扬起阵阵尘雾。英汉大词典〔roll ... over〕The dog rolled over and over on the ground.这只狗在地上直打滚。21世纪英汉〔roll〕The dog rolled himself on the rug.狗在地毯上打滚。英汉大词典〔roll〕The kids rolled about on the lawn.孩子们在草地上到处打滚。英汉大词典〔roll〕The kittens were enjoying a roll in the sunshine.那些小猫在阳光下嬉戏打滚。牛津高阶〔roll〕The piglets were rolling in the mud.小猪在泥里打滚。麦克米伦高阶〔roll〕The puppy rolled in the mud.小狗在泥地里打滚美国传统〔roll〕They were rolling in the mud.他们在泥里打滚。外研社新世纪〔roll〕This horse likes to roll on its back.这匹马喜欢肚子朝天打滚。英汉大词典〔stick〕The dog rolled on its back and stuck its legs in the air.那条狗四脚朝天在地上打滚儿。麦克米伦高阶〔train〕I want to train my dog to roll over.我想训练我的狗打滚。麦克米伦高阶〔tumble about〕The kittens tumbled about on the floor.几只小猫在地板上打滚。外研社新世纪〔tumble〕The kittens tumbled over each other.小猫互相打滚美国传统〔tumble〕To toss or whirl in a drum, tumbler, or tumbling box.翻腾打滚:在筒中、干燥机中或研磨滚筒中摇动或转动美国传统〔wallow〕A pool of water or mud where animals go to wallow.泥坑:动物打滚所去的水塘或泥塘美国传统〔wallow〕Buffalo wallow in mud to keep away flies.水牛在泥里打滚来赶走苍蝇。韦氏高阶〔wallow〕Creatures such as hippopotami wallow in mud.河马之类的动物会在泥浆中打滚。外研社新世纪〔wallow〕Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。柯林斯高阶〔wallow〕The act or an instance of wallowing.打滚:打滚的动作或事例美国传统〔wallow〕The depression, pool, or pit produced by wallowing animals.洼地:因动物打滚造成的凹陷、塘或坑美国传统〔wallow〕To roll the body about indolently or clumsily in or as if in water, snow, or mud.打滚:在或好象在水里、雪中或泥浆中懒散地或笨拙地滚动身体美国传统〔welter〕Pigs often welter in the mud.猪常常在泥里打滚。21世纪英汉〔welter〕To wallow, roll, or toss about, as in mud or high seas.翻滚,打滚:象在泥或海中打滚、翻滚或颠簸美国传统〔writhe under〕The slaves writhed under the master's whip.奴隶们被奴隶主的皮鞭打得在地上打滚。21世纪英汉〔writhe〕He writhed in agony on the ground.他痛得在地上打滚。麦克米伦高阶〔writhe〕She was writhing around on the floor in agony.她痛得在地板上直打滚。牛津高阶〔writhe〕She was writhing around/about on the ground.她在地上打滚。剑桥高阶He threw himself upon his back and wallowed at my feet. 他四脚朝天地倒下去,在我脚边打滚。译典通He writhed in agony. 他疼得直打滚。译典通Pigs were weltering about in the mud. 猪在泥里打滚。译典通She was writhing around in pain on the ground.她在地上痛苦地打滚。剑桥国际The dog rolled over onto its back.狗在地上打滚。剑桥国际The dog went for a roll in the grass.狗到草地里打滚。剑桥国际The pigs were wallowing (= lying) in the mud.猪在泥淖中打滚。剑桥国际Watching her husband relaxing in the shallow waters she was reminded of a hippopotamus wallowing in mud.看着她丈夫在浅水中放松的样子,她不由想起了河马在烂泥里打滚的情景。剑桥国际




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