

单词 打消
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔drive〕drive doubts from sb.'s mind 打消某人心中的疑虑英汉大词典〔drive〕drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure. 赶走袭击者;打消失败的念头美国传统〔drub〕drub a silly notion out of sb.'s head 反反复复地讲得某人打消蠢想法英汉大词典〔guesswork〕weekly shopping lists that take the guesswork out of meal planning 打消人们对一日三餐食谱猜测的每周购物清单牛津搭配〔impulse〕repress the impulse to dial sb.'s number 打消拨某人电话号码的突发念头英汉大词典〔inhibit〕tax rules that inhibit some people from working 打消一些人工作积极性的税务法规麦克米伦高阶〔quash〕quash doubts/rumours/speculation 打消疑虑/平息谣言/平息猜测麦克米伦高阶〔remove〕remove sb.'s doubt (fear, apprehension) 打消某人的疑虑(畏惧,疑惧) 英汉大词典〔squelch〕squelch an idea 打消一个主意英汉大词典〔trash〕trash a lot of silly ideas 打消许许多多愚蠢的念头英汉大词典〔waive〕waive sb.'s attempts to explain 打消某人试图解释的念头英汉大词典〔wipe〕wipe a thought from one's mind 打消一个念头英汉大词典




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