

单词 所及
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕She was required to pay a $500 fee, which appeared to be within her means. 要求她付500美元费用,这似乎在她的财力所及的范围内。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕The story was memorable because, as far as I recall, it was the only book in the school library that even mentioned a black person. 这则故事令人难忘,因为就我的记忆所及,这是学校图书馆里唯一讲到黑人的书。朗文写作活用〔ability〕It is beyond my abilities.这事非我能力所及。英汉大词典〔aftereffect〕The aftereffects of record-breaking cold and snow will continue to push up prices.前所未有的严寒和大雪过去后,影响所及将使物价继续上涨。英汉大词典〔best〕I promise to carry out my duties to the best of my ability.我许诺就自己能力所及履行我的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔capability〕Some jobs are beyond their capabilities.有些工作超出了他们的能力所及。外研社新世纪〔conceptualization〕Conceptualization of amounts of time and distance was still beyond her.就时间和距离的数量形成概念,非她能力之所及。英汉大词典〔eyeshot〕The range of vision; sight.视野:视力所及的范围;视域美国传统〔eye〕The tide was out, leaving nothing but mud as far as the eye could see.潮水退了,目光所及之处只能看到一片烂泥。牛津搭配〔face〕The surface presented to view; the front.前面:视力所及的表面;正面美国传统〔footprint〕We took the decision to invest in new countries and grow our global footprint.我们决定到新的国家投资,扩大我们在全球所及之处。剑桥高阶〔globalism〕A national geopolitical policy in which the entire world is regarded as the appropriate sphere for a state's influence.全球性政策:一个国家的地理政治政策,把整个世界作为其国力影响所及的合适范围美国传统〔hearing〕Range of audibility; earshot.听到的范围:可听度的范围;听力所及的范围美国传统〔humanly〕An investigation will be made as quickly as humanly possible.(我们)将就能力所及地尽快进行调查。文馨英汉〔humanly〕The doctors did all that was humanly possible.医生们尽了人力所及的最大努力。牛津高阶〔memory〕This has been the coldest winter within my memory.就我记忆所及,这是最寒冷的一个冬天。英汉大词典〔never〕The task was beyond him, though he worked never so hard.尽管他异常卖力,但这工作超过了他的能力所及。英汉大词典〔power〕I had always believed such an achievement was beyond my power.我一直以为这样的成就是非我能力之所及的。麦克米伦高阶〔power〕I'll help you if it is within my power.只要能力所及,我会帮助你的。英汉大词典〔range〕It's best to stay out of range of recording equipment.最好呆在录音设备所及范围之外。麦克米伦高阶〔superhuman〕Above or beyond the human; preternatural or supernatural.超人的:超过常人或常人所及的;不可思议或超自然的美国传统A true cockney is born within the sound of the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow church. 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方出生的人才是真正的伦敦人。译典通Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to minimize the impact of the oil spill.环境保护者做了他们能力所及的每一件事使漏油的影响减少到最低限度。剑桥国际I'm afraid computer studies is completely beyond me.我担心计算机研究完全非我所及。剑桥国际Rescuers are doing everything humanly possible (= everything that a person is able to do) to free the trapped people.救助者在人力所及的范围内采取了一切措施来营救被困的人们。剑桥国际The effects of this legislation will extend (= reach) further than the government intends.这条法规的影响所及将比政府预期的更为深远。剑桥国际To be frank, this mission is beyond my might. 说实话,这一使命非我能力所及。译典通




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