

单词 所作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕When the witness was cross-questioned, it became clear that his earlier testimony was not entirely true. 证人被反复盘问,情况渐渐表明,他先前所作的证词不全都是真实的。朗文写作活用〔Confiteor〕A prayer in which confession of sins is made.悔罪经:忏悔罪过时所作的祷告词美国传统〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Ed's parents never tried to sway him, but they are happy with the decision he's made. 埃德的父母从来不试图去改变他,而是对他所作的决定很满意。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕A detailed examination of population statistics reveals a steady decline in the birth rate. 对人口统计数据所作的详细研究显示,出生率在稳步下降。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕Few will forget his eloquent defence of individual freedom. 很少有人会忘记他为捍卫个人自由所作的有力的抗辩。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕He has no sentimentality about firing unproductive employees, even those who have worked for the company for years. 他对开除无所作为的员工,甚至包括那些为公司服务了多年的员工,是毫不留情的。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Sharon's options were severely constrained because of the foolish choices she made as a teenager. 由于十来岁时所作的愚蠢决定,莎伦现在的选择受到很大限制。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕After seeing the way Mr. Wyatt behaved at the party, I had little desire to make his acquaintance. 看到怀亚特先生在聚会上的所作所为之后,我就没有兴趣与他相识了。朗文写作活用〔PAST〕He used not to be so critical of other people's behaviour. 他以前对别人的所作所为没这么挑剔。朗文写作活用〔Phaedrus〕Roman fabulist who wrote a collection of fables based on those attributed to Aesop.费德鲁斯:罗马寓言家,他写了一部基于被认为是伊索所作的寓言集美国传统〔STRIKE〕A survey of 2,000 federation members had shown that 48% believed police should have the right to take industrial action. 对联盟里两千多名会员所作的一个调查显示,有48%的人认为警察应该有采取劳工行动的权利。朗文写作活用〔VERY〕What they did was unbelievably stupid. 他们的所作所为蠢得出奇。朗文写作活用〔account to〕You must account to father what you have done.你必须把你的所作所为对父亲解释清楚。21世纪英汉〔accountable〕Public officials can finally be held accountable for their actions.终于要对政府官员的所作所为问责了。外研社新世纪〔act〕I deliver this as my act and deed.我把它交出作为我所作所为的凭证。英汉大词典〔annex〕The new thing which Cooper annexed to literature was America.库柏对文学所作的新贡献在于他写了美国。英汉大词典〔another〕Another change that Sue made was to install central heating.休所作的另一个改变是安装中央供暖系统。外研社新世纪〔answer〕The prisoner answered to the description issued by the police.此囚徒与警方所作的描述相符。21世纪英汉〔applaud〕His efforts to improve the situation are to be applauded.他为改善状况所作的努力应该受到赞许。牛津高阶〔approve〕I couldn't approve his conduct.我不能赞同他的所作所为。英汉大词典〔askance〕The older people in the village looked askance at what the young people were doing.村里年龄较大的人们对青年们的所作所为抱着不以为然的态度。英汉大词典〔assessment〕Both their assessments of production costs were hopelessly inaccurate.他们两者对生产成本所作的估算都非常不准确。剑桥高阶〔awful〕I felt awful when I realized what I'd done.我意识到自己的所作所为时,感到难过极了。牛津搭配〔betrayal〕She felt that what she had done was a betrayal of Patrick.她觉得自己的所作所为是对帕特里克的背叛。柯林斯高阶〔certain〕Certain of the criticisms made then are now widely accepted.当时所作的一些批评现已为人们所广泛接受。麦克米伦高阶〔clash〕Don't make any policy decisions which clash with official company thinking.所作的任何决策都不要和公司官方理念相冲突。柯林斯高阶〔clout〕He'll clout me around the head if he finds out what I've done.要是他知道我的所作所为,肯定打我脑袋的。韦氏高阶〔coach〕They believed the witnesses had been coached on what to say.他们认为证人所作的证词是别人教他们那样说的。牛津高阶〔conformation〕A symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing.对称:对某物件各部分所作的对称性配置美国传统〔coordinate〕A senior embassy official is coordinating efforts to free the captives.大使馆的一位高级官员正在协调各方为释放俘虏所作的努力。麦克米伦高阶〔cover story〕A featured story in a magazine that concerns the illustration on the cover.封面报导:在杂志中对杂志封面图片所作的专题报道美国传统〔curtain speech〕A talk given in front of the curtain at the conclusion of a theatrical performance.幕前致词:在戏剧演出结束时在幕前所作的讲话美国传统〔doing〕I've been hearing a lot about your doings recently.我最近不断听到很多关于你的所作所为。牛津高阶〔effort〕The report outlines the efforts undertaken by the industry.报告概述了该行业所作出的努力。牛津搭配〔expunge〕Nothing can expunge the shame of what he did.没有什么东西能洗刷掉他所作所为的耻辱。英汉大词典〔face out〕You will have to face the committee out and explain your actions.你得对付委员会,把你的所作所为解释清楚。21世纪英汉〔feel〕I really felt bad about what I had done.我真的对自己的所作所为感到难过。牛津搭配〔field trial〕A test for young, untried hunting dogs to determine their competence in pointing and retrieving. Often used in the plural.猎狗的现场追猎试验:对小而无经验的猎狗所作的一种测试,测定它们瞄准和找回猎物的能力。通常用复数美国传统〔forethought〕I'm glad I had the forethought to make a copy of the letter, as proof of what had been promised.我很庆幸自己有先见之明把那封信复印了一份,可以作为先前所作承诺的证明。剑桥高阶〔generation〕I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.我常常想,后代将怎样评价我们所作出的努力。牛津高阶〔grapevine〕I had heard on the grapevine that he was quite critical of what we were doing.我听小道消息说, 他对我们的所作所为非常不满。外研社新世纪〔guilt〕He had no feelings of guilt over what he had done.他对自己的所作所为毫不感到内疚。牛津搭配〔hard-hitting〕In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms.在对国际货币基金组织所作的一次言辞犀利的讲话中, 他敦促第三世界国家实行全面的改革。外研社新世纪〔improvement〕The suggested improvements were not carried out.建议所作的改进并没有实施。牛津搭配〔injudicious〕He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。柯林斯高阶〔instruction〕The judge's instruction bore hard upon the prisoner.法官对陪审团所作的最后法律要点说明对于在押被告十分不利。英汉大词典〔introduction〕Ellen Malos, in her introduction to 'The Politics of Housework', provides a summary of the debates.埃伦·马洛斯在她为《家务政治学》一书所作的序言中对这些争论进行了总结。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕When I realized what I'd done I could have kicked myself.当我意识到自已的所作所为,不禁懊恼不已。剑桥高阶〔lam〕Mary lammed her child for what he had done.玛丽因她的孩子的所作所为而揍了他一顿。21世纪英汉〔litany〕A liturgical prayer consisting of a series of petitions recited by a leader alternating with fixed responses by the congregation.启应祷文:礼拜仪式上的祷告,由主持人所背诵的一系列祷文所组成,期间交错着众人所作出的固定反应美国传统〔marcasite〕An ornament of pyrite, polished steel, or white metal.用白铁矿、磨光钢或白色金属所作的装饰品美国传统〔misadventure〕The coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.验尸官所作出的鉴定结论是意外致死。剑桥高阶〔nonparticipation〕Nonparticipation of citizens in political matters hampers efforts toward better government.公民不参政会阻碍为改善国家治理所作的努力。英汉大词典〔nullify〕He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments.他利用自己管辖范围广泛的行政权力废止地方政府所作的决定。外研社新世纪〔office〕The party has broken all the promises it made when out of office.该党违背了在野时所作的所有承诺。牛津搭配〔onto〕I had told people what he had been doing, so now the police were onto him.我已将他的所作所为告诉了别人, 因此现在警方盯上了他。外研社新世纪〔onto〕I had told people what he had been doing, so now the police were onto him.我已将他的所作所为告诉了别人,因此现在警方正在追查他。柯林斯高阶〔oppress〕What he did oppressed me.他的所作所为令我心情沉重。21世纪英汉〔outcall〕A visit by a professional person to a client or patient's home; a house call.上门服务:专业人员对委托人或病人住处所作的拜访;上门服务美国传统〔pray〕You must pray (= ask for) God's forgiveness for what you have done.你必须祈求上帝宽恕你的所作所为。剑桥高阶〔prophecy〕The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.部长暗示说某些很有影响的环境保护者所作的可怕预言一定程度上有些夸张。剑桥高阶〔punish〕I felt I was being punished for what my mother had done.我觉得自己在为母亲的所作所为而受到惩罚。朗文当代〔rational〕There is no rational explanation for his actions.对他的所作所为无法作出合理的解释。牛津高阶〔recap〕Let me just recap on what we've decided so far.让我来概括一下到目前为止我们所作的决定吧。牛津高阶〔recognition〕The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.这一奖项是对她为本行业所作贡献的迟来的表彰。牛津搭配〔reflection〕On reflection, he says, he very much regrets the comments.经过反省,他说自己对所作的评论感到非常后悔。柯林斯高阶〔reiterate〕He reiterated his assurances that...他反复重申自己所作的保证,即…英汉大词典〔repent〕I will spend the rest of my life trying to repent for my actions.我将在对自己所作所为的忏悔中度过余生。牛津搭配〔requiescat〕A prayer for the repose of the souls of the dead.安魂祈祷:为死者灵魂的安息所作的祈祷美国传统〔rest〕My case rests.本人就案情所作陈述完毕。(指愿意静候裁决)英汉大词典〔reward〕The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents.公司为了答谢他多年为公司所作的贡献,为他举行了一个隆重的欢送会,还赠送了他几件礼物。剑桥高阶〔set ... out〕He set out his reasons for what he had done.他为其所作所为提出了各种理由。21世纪英汉〔shame〕He said he felt no shame for what he had done.他说他并不为自己的所作所为感到羞愧。剑桥高阶〔sore〕She has a sore heart over what her husband did to her.想起丈夫对她的所作所为,她感到伤心。英汉大词典〔specification〕An exact written description of an invention by an applicant for a patent.通过专利申请书的形式对发明所作的确切的书面描述美国传统〔speech〕In her speech to the House of Commons, she outlined her vision of Britain in the 21st century.在对下院所作的演讲中,她勾勒出自己对 21 世纪英国的展望。牛津搭配〔stiffly〕I was scared stiff when I realized what I'd done.当我意识到自己的所作所为时,我吓坏了。柯林斯高阶〔still〕You may not approve of what he did, but he's still your brother.你可能不赞成他的所作所为,但他仍然是你的兄弟。剑桥高阶〔straight〕All her efforts to keep him on the straight and narrow have been rewarded.她为了让他走正道所作出的一切努力都得到了回报。柯林斯高阶〔transcribe〕She made shorthand notes which she later transcribed.她以速记记录,随后又把所作记录译出。英汉大词典〔unconcerned〕Paul was unconcerned about what he had done.保罗对自己的所作所为毫不在意。柯林斯高阶〔vindication〕These changes to the law were widely regarded as a vindication of his long campaign.普遍认为对法律的这些改动证明他所作的长期斗争是有理的。英汉大词典〔warranty〕An assurance by the seller of property that the goods or property are as represented or will be as promised.保证:货物卖主所作的货物同样品无差别或与许诺相同的保证美国传统〔wholesale〕This company will not be successful until there are wholesale changes.如不作出重大变革,这家公司不会有所作为。朗文当代〔wildly〕He was wildly angry when he heard what I'd done.当听到我的所作所为时, 他怒火中烧。外研社新世纪〔wild〕When I told him what I'd done, he went wild (= became very angry).当我告诉他我的所作所为时,他暴跳如雷。剑桥高阶An analysis of seven years' work revealed errors and inconsistencies.对为期7年的工作所作的分析揭示了错误和不一致的地方。剑桥国际Decisions are made at local rather than national level.所作出的决策是地方性而非全国性的。牛津商务He believed that he would be condemned to eternal damnation for what he had done.他相信他会因为所作的事而永远地遭受谴责。剑桥国际He expressed his penitence for what he had done.对他的所作所为他表示悔过。剑桥国际He said that he felt no shame for what he had done.他说他并不为他的所作所为而感到羞惭。剑桥国际His appreciation of her chances of getting the promotion was correct. 他对她晋升机会所作的估计是对的。译典通I was shaking in my shoes/boots (= very nervous) about having to tell Dad what I'd done.想起不得不告诉爸爸我的所作所为使我害怕得发抖。剑桥国际In her acceptance speech at the Oscar ceremony, the actress receiving the award thanked all the other people involved in making the film.在奥斯卡颁奖仪式上,这位女演员在她受奖时所作的讲话中感谢了所有参与影片制作的人。剑桥国际It's difficult to ignore the hype surrounding the book.要忽视围绕着这本书中所作的的广告很难。剑桥国际Let me just recap on what we've decided so far.我来总结一下到目前为止我们所作的决定吧。牛津商务She received an honour for her services to the community.她因她为社区所作的服务而得到了荣誉。剑桥国际The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist. 那幅画被认定系一不出名的画家所作。译典通Their efforts toward the settlement of the border dispute are praiseworthy. 他们为解决边界争端所作的努力是值得赞扬的。译典通This is an educated guess. 这是一个凭经验所作的猜测。译典通




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