

单词 所作
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕a small change that is made to improve or correct something 为改进或纠正所作的小改变朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕the decision you make when you choose 选择时所作的决定朗文写作活用〔HARM〕to harm yourself by your own actions 因自己的所作所为而伤害自己朗文写作活用〔Herculean〕his herculean efforts to bring peace to our troubled island他为给我们这个纷争不断的岛屿带来和平所作出的艰苦努力外研社新世纪〔LEND〕attempts to increase the safety of loans to foreign countries 为提高向外国贷款的安全性所作的努力朗文写作活用〔SEX〕an interesting study on gender bias in the classroom 对课堂上的性别偏见所作的一项有趣研究朗文写作活用〔appreciation〕an investigation into children's appreciation of art对儿童欣赏艺术作品情况所作的调查外研社新世纪〔attitude〕efforts to foster positive attitudes to learning 为培养积极的学习态度所作的种种努力牛津搭配〔auricular〕an auricular confession (向神父等所作的)秘密忏悔英汉大词典〔baffle〕to baffle someone's attempts to do something挫败某人为做某事所作的努力21世纪英汉〔by〕the 'New World Symphony' by Dvorak 德沃夏克所作的《新世界交响曲》朗文当代〔clapped-out〕a boring speech from a clapped-out politician 疲惫不堪的政客所作的乏味的演讲麦克米伦高阶〔do-or-die〕a do-or-die attempt to halt the invaders 为阻止入侵者所作的拼死努力英汉大词典〔emancipatory〕emancipatory efforts 为解放所作的努力英汉大词典〔eradicate〕an attempt to eradicate inflation 为消除通货膨胀所作的努力朗文当代〔extempore〕an extempore explanation 随口所作的解释英汉大词典〔freewheeling〕an update on corporate affairs delivered in Johnson's unique, freewheeling style. 约翰逊以他独特的、随意漫谈的方式对公司事务所作的最新情况介绍柯林斯高阶〔full-bodied〕full-bodied study of literature 对文学所作的重要研究英汉大词典〔habitat〕her observations of wild chimps in their natural habitat 她在野生黑猩猩的天然栖息地所作的各种观察牛津搭配〔hype〕the hype surrounding her latest book 围绕她的新书所作的大肆宣传牛津搭配〔in-depth〕an in-depth study of patients' needs 对病人的需求所作的深入研究朗文当代〔independent〕reports from two separate sources entirely independent of one another 根据两个完全独立的信息来源所作的报道朗文当代〔last-ditch〕a last-ditch effort to avert the threatened strike. 为避免这次即将发生的攻击所作的拼死的努力美国传统〔listless〕reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation. 对最近的危机所作的反应是无精打采的放弃美国传统〔marginal〕a tour of key marginal constituencies对一些竞选票数难分上下的关键选区所作的巡访外研社新世纪〔measure〕a measure made by a surveyor 勘测员所作的测量英汉大词典〔multidirectional〕multidirectional efforts to win the election 为在选举中获胜而在多方面所作的努力英汉大词典〔overnight〕an overnight decision 头一天晚上所作的决定英汉大词典〔party〕a court, the decision of which may not satisfy either party. 所作判决可能无法令任何一方满意的法庭柯林斯高阶〔post-mortem〕a post-mortem analysis of a game of chess 对棋赛(失败)所作的事后剖析英汉大词典〔preparatory〕preparatory drawings made for the painting Nymphs and Satyrs为油画《森林之神与仙女们》所作的画稿外研社新世纪〔romantic〕a romantic account of one's war service 对战时服役所作的夸张的叙述英汉大词典〔sag〕attempts to revive the sagging economy 为振兴衰退的经济所作的努力朗文当代〔salty〕a salty comment on the obscenity in the theatre 对舞台猥亵表演所作的尖锐批评英汉大词典〔save〕a final attempt to save 40,000 jobs in Britain's troubled aero industry为保住英国陷入困境的航空业4万个工作岗位所作的最后尝试外研社新世纪〔shambolic〕the Government's shambolic efforts to deal with the crisis 政府处理这场危机时所作的毫无章法的努力朗文当代〔solution〕attempts to find a comprehensive political solution to the crisis 为寻求政治手段全面消弭这次危机所作的努力牛津搭配〔struthonian〕a struthonian answer to these disconcerting facts 对这些令人不安的事实所作的回避现实的回答英汉大词典〔worst-case〕a worst-case analysis of the possible outcomes 对可能产生的最坏结果所作的分析剑桥高阶an attempt to put a floor under falling share prices 为下跌的股价建底所作的努力牛津商务




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