

单词 必要性
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔achievement〕the need to raise standards of achievement in education 在教育中提高成绩标准的必要性牛津高阶〔built-in〕a built-in escape clause. 必要性的免责条款美国传统〔combat〕the need for effective action to combat global warming 采取有效行动阻止全球变暖的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔concentration〕a need for greater concentration on environmental issues 更加关注环境问题的必要性牛津高阶〔convenience〕the need to put the rights of citizens above the convenience of elected officials把公民权利置于当选官员个人便利之上的必要性外研社新世纪〔convergence〕the need to move towards greater economic convergence向更高层次的经济融合进发的必要性外研社新世纪〔crystallization〕the indispensability of a gifted leader for the crystallization of a mass movement天才领袖对群众运动的发展的必要性外研社新世纪〔damage〕the need to reduce flood damage 减少水灾损失的必要性朗文当代〔decentralize〕the need to decentralize and devolve power to regional governments将权力下放至地方政府的必要性外研社新世纪〔dialogue〕the need for dialogue between both parents 双方父母对话的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔drill into〕to drill discipline into soldiers通过反复训练使战士们牢记守纪律的必要性21世纪英汉〔drill〕to drill discipline into cadets通过反复训练使军校学员牢记纪律的必要性21世纪英汉〔earthly〕the need to confront evil during the earthly life在尘世生活中直面邪恶的必要性外研社新世纪〔economize〕the need to economize scarce energy resources. 节约使用稀有能源的必要性美国传统〔educate〕hoped to educate the voters to the need for increased spending on public schools. 希望选民了解增加公立学校开支的必要性美国传统〔emotional〕the necessity of choosing between material security and emotional needs在物质保障和情感需求之间选择的必要性外研社新世纪〔example〕the need to serve long prison sentences as an example to others not to take the law into their own hands为警示他人玩弄法律而延长刑期的必要性外研社新世纪〔fabric〕the need to preserve the fabric of the church 保存那座教堂基本结构的必要性朗文当代〔forward-looking〕the need for the party to be forward-looking该政党高瞻远瞩的必要性外研社新世纪〔hammer〕hammer away at the need to do sth. 反复强调做某事的必要性英汉大词典〔maintain〕the necessity to maintain safety standards维持安全标准的必要性外研社新世纪〔necessity〕doubts about the necessity of the war 对战争必要性的怀疑麦克米伦高阶〔necessity〕the necessity for a strong diplomatic effort 强大外交努力的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔neglect〕the need to protect children from abuse and neglect 保护孩子不受虐待和忽视的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔obligate〕given the diverse employment opportunities that are present and the obligate requirement for relevant experience考虑到现在就业机会多样化和相关工作经验的必要性外研社新世纪〔precaution〕the need to take great precautions to protect sources 采取大量的防范措施保护资源的必要性牛津搭配〔racial〕the need for tolerance and racial harmony 种族之间互相包容、和睦共处的必要性朗文当代〔renunciation〕the necessity of renunciation of pleasures 弃绝声色享乐的必要性 英汉大词典〔reputation〕the need to save his political life and personal reputation 挽救他的政治生涯和个人声望的必要性牛津搭配〔respect〕the need to respect human rights 尊重人权的必要性朗文当代〔restraint〕need for continued price restraint 继续限价的必要性英汉大词典〔right〕feel the need to right oneself in court 感到在法庭为自己辩白的必要性英汉大词典〔secrecy〕the need for absolute secrecy in this matter 在这件事情上绝对保密的必要性牛津高阶〔separation〕the need for a clear separation between Church and State 政教彻底分离的必要性牛津高阶〔shade〕the need to ensure adequate shade for coffee plants 确保咖啡树有足够遮阴的必要性牛津搭配〔strengthen〕the need to strengthen the Party's organization 加强党组织的必要性英汉大词典〔talk〕the need for a fresh round of peace talks 进行新一轮和谈的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔technician〕a need to train technicians in construction methods 培训技术人员施工方法的必要性牛津搭配〔vigilance〕the need for increased police vigilance 警方加强警戒的必要性朗文当代the need for a paradigm shift 进行观念上重大改变的必要性牛津商务




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