

单词 我想到
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕What an ugly little building! It reminds me of a public lavatory. 多难看的小房子!它使我想到公共厕所。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕All this stuff just makes me think of Dan - I should get rid of it. 这东西总使我想到丹,我应该把它弄走。朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕Wait, I have a better idea. 等一下,我想到了一个更好的主意。朗文写作活用〔cringe〕It makes me cringe when I think how stupid I was.我想到自己的愚蠢就感到尴尬。朗文当代〔cross〕A new idea crossed my mind.我想到了一个新的主意。英汉大词典〔curl〕When I think what Shanghai must have been like before liberation, it makes me curl up.当我想到解放前的上海会是个什么样子时,便感到寒心。英汉大词典〔cutting〕I thought of the cutting remarks I'd been about to make.我想到了之前差点就脱口而出的尖刻评论。外研社新世纪〔despair〕I despair when I think of spending the rest of my life here.当我想到要在这里度过我的余生,我绝望了。麦克米伦高阶〔dread〕I dread to think what will happen if they get elected (=I think it will be very bad) .我想到一旦他们当选会发生什么事就担心。朗文当代〔end〕The word I'm thinking of ends in ‘-ous’.我想到的这个词以 ous 结尾。牛津高阶〔explanation〕I can think of one possible explanation for her reaction.关于她的反应,我想到了一个可能的解释。牛津搭配〔fill-in〕It's quite early, I'd like to have a drink at the pub for a fill-in.时间还很早,我想到小酒店去喝杯酒消遣一下。英汉大词典〔funny〕It's funny that you should say that—I was just thinking the same thing myself.真奇怪,你会这么说正和我想到一起了。韦氏高阶〔get〕I've got on to a good idea for increasing production.我想到了一个提高产量的好主意。英汉大词典〔have〕I've got it!We'll call it ‘Word Magic’.我想到了!我们就叫它“文字魔术”吧。牛津高阶〔madly〕I want to go somewhere madly exciting.我想到某个极其激动人心的地方去。英汉大词典〔occur〕It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me.我想到可以让人把书寄给我。柯林斯高阶〔occur〕It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me.我想到可以让人把书寄过来。外研社新世纪〔offhand〕Off-hand, I can think of three examples.让我当场随口说,我想到3个例子。英汉大词典〔of〕I thought of calling you.我想到要给你打电话。韦氏高阶〔printable〕A far more accurate, but far less printable, term comes to mind.我想到一个更准确但不宜见诸报端的词。外研社新世纪〔remind of〕This painting reminds me of a picture I saw at the Metropolitan Museum.这幅画使我想到了我在大都会博物馆看到的一幅画。韦氏高阶〔remind〕She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you.她让我想到过去为你工作的飞行员的妻子。柯林斯高阶〔set sb off〕Every time I think about it, it sets me off laughing.每次我想到它,就会笑起来。剑桥高阶〔shudder〕I shudder with embarrassment whenever I think about it.每当我想到这件事时就会尴尬得直打哆嗦。朗文当代〔unhappiness〕I thought of my father's unhappy boyhood.我想到了父亲不幸的童年。柯林斯高阶〔unhappy〕I thought of my father's unhappy childhood.我想到了父亲不幸福的童年。外研社新世纪〔whenever〕I blush whenever I think about it.每当我想到这个就会脸红。剑桥高阶〔whenever〕Whenever I hear that tune, it makes me think of you.每当听到那曲子,就让我想到你。朗文当代〔wince〕I still wince when I think about that stupid thing I said.我想到我说过的蠢话时仍懊悔不已。牛津高阶A brilliant idea occurred to me. 我想到一个极好的主意。译典通I blush whenever I think about it.每当我想到它时就会脸红。剑桥国际I couldn't help smiling when I thought of how pleased she was going to be.当我想到她会多么高兴时,我就忍不住要微笑。剑桥国际I hit on an idea. 我想到了一个主意。译典通I think I should have finished it by then. 我想到那时我应该完成了。译典通I would imagine there are some people we need to speak to before we make definite arrangements.我想到,在我们做出明确的安排之前,需要同一些人谈一谈。剑桥国际I'd like to go to Moscow for my holidays.我想到莫斯科去度假。剑桥国际If we have time on this summer, I'd like to explore some of the less well-known parts of the country.如果今年夏天有时间,我想到这个国家中不太为人所知的地方去探察。剑桥国际It occurred to me to visit my teacher. 我想到要去看看我的老师。译典通John first put the idea into my head.是约翰第一个使我想到的。剑桥国际The plonk of a tennis ball hitting a racquet always makes me think of summer.网球撞击球拍的通通声常使我想到夏天。剑桥国际When I think of what might have happened in the accident, it sends shudders down my spine.当我想到在事故中可能发生的事情时,脊梁骨一阵颤抖。剑桥国际




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