

单词 报酬
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EARN〕pay that is too low 太低的报酬朗文写作活用〔abandon〕abandon railways to the law of diminishing returns 听任铁路由报酬递减法则去支配英汉大词典〔agreeable〕workers in more agreeable and better paid occupations. 在条件更惬意、报酬更丰厚的行业工作的人柯林斯高阶〔badly〕a badly paid cleaning job 报酬很低的清洁工作麦克米伦高阶〔conduit〕a conduit for illicit payments 非法报酬的渠道英汉大词典〔consideration〕a payment in consideration of (=as payment for) their services 为他们的服务支付的报酬朗文当代〔deserve〕to deserve a reward.应该得到报酬。牛津同义词〔earn〕receive more than one has earned 得到超过应得的报酬英汉大词典〔equate〕a rate of pay which equates to £6 per hour 相当于每小时 6 英镑的报酬朗文当代〔equitable〕an equitable reward.公正的报酬。牛津同义词〔exchange for〕to exchange one's labour for money以劳动换取报酬21世纪英汉〔fruit〕the fruits of industry 勤劳的报酬英汉大词典〔gainful〕a gainful occupation 有报酬的职业韦氏高阶〔gainful〕gainful employment 有报酬的工作英汉大词典〔gainful〕gainfully employed 工作有报酬的麦克米伦高阶〔handsome〕a handsome reward.See Synonyms at liberal 一笔可观的报酬 参见 liberal美国传统〔handsome〕to be paid/rewarded handsomely 得到可观的工资╱报酬牛津高阶〔hold〕hold down a well-paid job 保住报酬优厚的职位 英汉大词典〔hourly〕be paid on an hourly basis 被付以按钟点计算的报酬英汉大词典〔lieu〕extra time off in lieu of payment 代替报酬的额外休假朗文当代〔menial〕low-paid menial jobs, such as cleaning and domestic work报酬少的低级工作, 比如打扫卫生和家务活儿外研社新世纪〔mete〕mete out rewards 给予报酬文馨英汉〔monetary〕a monetary reward for labour 用金钱支付的劳动报酬英汉大词典〔paid〕one of the highest-paid players in the game 这项比赛中报酬最高的队员之一麦克米伦高阶〔paid〕paid campaign workers 拿报酬的活动工作者麦克米伦高阶〔paid〕paid employment 有报酬的工作剑桥高阶〔piecemeal〕piecemeal rates 按件计酬时的报酬(率)文馨英汉〔plump〕a plump reward. 一份可观的报酬美国传统〔post〕post a reward 公布报酬文馨英汉〔pro rata〕a pro rata payment/pay increase 按比例计算的报酬/加薪剑桥高阶〔profitable〕profitable employment.有报酬的工作。牛津同义词〔rate〕a low hourly rate of pay 按小时支付的低报酬牛津高阶〔reap〕harvested rich rewards. 收获丰富的报酬 美国传统〔recompense〕work hard without recompense 无报酬地辛勤工作英汉大词典〔remunerate〕an adequately remunerated job. 报酬丰厚的工作柯林斯高阶〔reward〕highly rewarded occupations (= those that pay well) 报酬很高的职业牛津搭配〔service〕payment for services rendered 所提供服务的报酬牛津搭配〔unpaid〕unpaid work/employment 没有报酬的工作/职业剑桥高阶〔worthy〕receive a worthy reward 接受应得的报酬英汉大词典low-paid local government workers 报酬低的当地政府工作人员牛津商务




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