

单词 惊恐不安
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NERVOUS〕The daily news stories of the worsening economy unnerved the nation. 每天都有新闻报道说经济形势在恶化,令全国惊恐不安。朗文写作活用〔barricade〕Terrified villagers have barricaded themselves into their houses.惊恐不安的村民们把自己关在家里不出来。剑桥高阶〔consternation〕Sam stared at him in consternation.山姆惊恐不安地盯着他。外研社新世纪〔consternation〕Sam stared at him in consternation.萨姆惊恐不安地注视着他。柯林斯高阶〔disturb with〕She was disturbed with fear.她惊恐不安。21世纪英汉〔get ... out of〕They were terrified when they heard that the lion had got out of its cage.他们听说狮子从笼子里逃脱后,感到惊恐不安。21世纪英汉〔intensity〕His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me.他的热切和感情的狂烈使我惊恐不安。外研社新世纪〔mode〕Investors are in panic mode. No one wants to be left holding stock.投资者感到惊恐不安, 都想赶紧把股票脱手。外研社新世纪〔panic〕He is the panicking kind.他容易惊恐不安。英汉大词典〔panic〕The boss always panics over/about the budget every month.老板每月总会对预算惊恐不安。剑桥高阶〔panic〕The thunder panicked the horses.雷鸣使得马群惊恐不安。21世纪英汉〔revulsion〕Most people viewed the bombings with revulsion.大多数人对爆炸事件表现出惊恐不安。牛津高阶〔terrified〕She was terrified at the thought of being alone.她一想到孤零零的独自一人就惊恐不安。牛津高阶〔terrorize〕This gang terrorized the entire community.该团伙使整个社区惊恐不安。麦克米伦高阶〔terrorize〕To fill or overpower with terror; terrify.使惊恐不安:使充满或给以惊惧,使害怕美国传统〔throw〕The news threw the family into a panic.这个消息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安中。英汉大词典〔visit sth on/upon sb〕He left in 1983, horrified by the devastation that warfare and famine had visited on his homeland.战争和饥荒给他的家乡带来的灾难让他惊恐不安,他于1983年离家出走。剑桥高阶〔witch-hunt〕Hearst's campaign developed into a witch-hunt that terrorized the campuses.赫斯特的运动演变成了使大学校园惊恐不安的政治迫害。外研社新世纪She seemed rattled about our presence. 我们在场她显得惊恐不安。译典通Street gangs have been terrorizing the neighbourhood (= causing fear to people by the threat or acts of violence) -- smashing windows and burning cars.街头团伙使邻里惊恐不安,他们砸窗玻璃,焚烧汽车。剑桥国际The boss always panics over/about the budget every month.老板总是每月对预算惊恐不安。剑桥国际The frightened girl at last found her tongue and told us the whole story. 惊恐不安的女孩终于开口了,把整个经历告诉了我们。译典通The idea somewhat alarmed her. 这主意有点令她惊恐不安。译典通The news threw the family into a panic. 这个消息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安。译典通




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