

单词 我们没有钱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕We managed to scrounge some cigarettes because we had no money left. 我们没有钱了,就设法去讨了一些香烟。朗文写作活用〔BECAUSE〕We're not going on holiday this year, simply because we can't afford it. 今年我们不去度假,只是因为我们没有钱。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕We couldn't afford to go on holiday last year. 去年我们没有钱去度假。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕We didn't have any money but we enjoyed window-shopping in Fifth Avenue. 我们没有钱,但是也喜欢到第五大街逛逛。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕No, we can't afford to go to the bowling alley - I've forked out enough already today. 不行,我们没有钱去打保龄球了——今天我已经花了很多钱。朗文写作活用〔dickens〕The dickens of it was that we had no money.最糟糕的是我们没有钱。英汉大词典〔heat〕We can't afford to heat the house in winter.冬天, 我们没有钱给房子烧暖气。外研社新世纪〔moot〕We don't have enough money to go, so it's all moot anyway.我们没有钱去,所有一切都不需要谈了。剑桥高阶〔nae〕We have nae money.我们没有钱。牛津高阶〔resource〕We do not have the resources(= money)to update our computer software.我们没有钱来更新我们的电脑软件。牛津高阶〔second〕It's pointless to plan a trip—first, we can't afford one, and second, we don't have time to take one.作旅行计划毫无意义:第一,我们没有钱;第二,我们没有时间。韦氏高阶〔second〕There are two good reasons why we can't do it. First, we can't afford it, and second, we don't have time.有两个原因可以很好地解释我们为什么不能这样做:第一,我们没有钱;其次,我们没有时间。剑桥高阶There are two good reasons why we can't do it. First, we can't afford it, and second, we don't have time.有两个原因可以解释为什么我们不能做这件事。首先我们没有钱,其次我们没有时间。剑桥国际We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software.我们没有钱来更新计算机软件。牛津商务




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