

单词 慢慢
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SLOW〕happening or changing slowly 慢慢地发生或改变的朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕moving slowly or doing something slowly 慢慢地移动或慢慢地做某事朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕to move slowly towards or away from something or someone 慢慢地移向或离开某物或某人朗文写作活用〔battler〕on a day when the sun is fighting a losing battle against the lowering clouds. 那天,太阳慢慢被低垂的云层遮蔽起来。柯林斯高阶〔by〕move along inch by inch (或 by inches) 慢慢地向前移动英汉大词典〔cook〕slowly cooked the medicinal mixture. 慢慢熬煮这药材美国传统〔deliberately〕stepping with deliberate slowness up the steep paths. 小心翼翼地沿着陡峭的小路慢慢往上走柯林斯高阶〔deliberate〕stepping with deliberate slowness up the steep paths小心翼翼地沿着陡峭的小路慢慢往上走外研社新世纪〔descent〕her slow descent to a life of addiction 她慢慢陷入吸毒成瘾的生活之中韦氏高阶〔dim up〕to dim the stage lights up使舞台灯光慢慢转亮21世纪英汉〔disappear〕memories vanishing slowly but surely. appear 记忆慢慢地而又确实地消逝了 appear美国传统〔drain〕watched the tub slowly drain. 看着浴缸慢慢排空美国传统〔drop〕the slow drop of tears 泪珠的慢慢淌下英汉大词典〔drowsy〕one's drowsy slow-moving lifestyle 懒懒散散慢慢吞吞的生活方式英汉大词典〔ease round〕ease the car round把车慢慢转过来21世纪英汉〔ease〕ease a little information out of sb. 慢慢从某人口中探得一些情况英汉大词典〔ease〕to ease a car into a narrow parking space把汽车慢慢地开进狭窄的停车场地21世纪英汉〔edge〕to edge away from danger(慢慢地)躲开危险21世纪英汉〔gaze〕gaze after the slowly vanishing boat 目送小船慢慢远去英汉大词典〔grinding〕come to a grinding halt 慢慢地停了下来英汉大词典〔inch〕a climber inching up a vertical wall of rock. 沿一面陡直石壁慢慢往上爬的人柯林斯高阶〔inch〕to inch one's way forward慢慢前进21世纪英汉〔insinuate〕insinuate doubt in sb.'s mind 使某人慢慢滋生疑虑英汉大词典〔internalization〕my internalisation of hatred, disgust and fear. 仇恨、厌恶和恐惧慢慢在我内心沉淀柯林斯高阶〔into〕her slow descent into madness 她慢慢变疯的过程韦氏高阶〔leak〕helium leaking slowly from the balloon. 氦气慢慢地从气球中漏走美国传统〔let down〕let a bucket down into a well = let down a bucket into a well 把桶慢慢放到井里韦氏高阶〔mature〕developed the flavor slowly; 慢慢培育香料;美国传统〔moulder〕old papers mouldering away in the attic 阁楼里慢慢霉烂的旧报纸朗文当代〔nurse〕nurse a beer (one's cup of tea) 慢慢地喝啤酒(一杯茶) 英汉大词典〔nurse〕nurse one goblet through an entire banquet 把一杯酒从宴席开始慢慢地喝到宴席结束 英汉大词典〔nurse〕nursed one drink for the whole evening. 整个晚上在慢慢地品一杯酒美国传统〔nurse〕to nurse one's cup of coffee慢慢啜饮一杯咖啡21世纪英汉〔pay〕past tense and past participle paid or payed [pād] To let out (a line or cable) by slackening. 【过去时态与过去分词】 paid 或 payed [pād] 慢慢放松:通过松开使(绳索或缆绳)脱出美国传统〔slow-poke〕to slow-poke home慢慢走回家21世纪英汉〔slowly〕go/walk/drive slowly 慢慢地行进/行走/开车韦氏高阶〔smooch〕smooch to a record 随着唱片乐曲搂抱着慢慢起舞英汉大词典〔smoulder〕a smouldering cigarette 慢慢燃烧的香烟牛津高阶〔tight〕the tight bonds that had grown between them 他们之间慢慢形成的紧密关系朗文当代〔wear on〕as time wears on随着时间慢慢流逝外研社新世纪




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