

单词 心绪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agitate〕The thought of them getting her possessions when she dies agitates her.一想到他们可能会在她死后得到她的财产,她就心绪不安。柯林斯高阶〔apparent〕It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.从面容上一眼就可以看出她确实心绪烦乱。牛津高阶〔array〕As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions.随着最后期限的临近,她开始心绪纷乱,不知所措。柯林斯高阶〔attack〕She was upset by his attack on her character.她因为他抨击她的品格,心绪很烦乱。牛津同义词〔care〕A burdened state of mind, as that arising from heavy responsibilities; worry.忧虑,挂念:心事重重的状态,如由于责任重大而引起的心绪沉重的状态;烦恼美国传统〔charade〕He wasn’t really upset — his behaviour was just a charade.他并不是真正心绪烦乱——他的行为只是荒谬的伪装。牛津同义词〔clear〕It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.从面容上一眼就可以看出她确实心绪烦乱。牛津高阶〔complex〕If you keep telling her she's clumsy, you'll give her a complex.如果你不断地说她笨手笨脚,就会惹得她心绪不宁。麦克米伦高阶〔ease〕He could not ease his disquiet.他无法缓解忐忑不安的心绪。英汉大词典〔edgy〕She's been edgy lately, waiting for the test results.她最近一直心绪不宁,在等候测验结果。朗文当代〔fit〕His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐美国传统〔giveaway〕She pretended she wasn't excited but the expression on her face was a dead(= obvious)giveaway.她假装不为所动,可脸上的表情却将她的心绪暴露无遗。牛津高阶〔hallucinatory〕It was an unsettling show. There was a hallucinatory feel from the start.这是场让人心绪不宁的演出,一开始就有一种虚幻感。柯林斯高阶〔het〕What lets you het up?是什么令你心绪不安?21世纪英汉〔jangle nerves〕He took a deep breath to try to calm his jangled nerves.他深吸了一口气,力图平静一下自己烦躁的心绪。韦氏高阶〔land〕His mood darkened as each new report landed in front of him.随着每份新报告的送达,他的心绪越来越阴沉。英汉大词典〔mean-spirited〕Having or characterized by a malicious or petty spirit.小气的,度量狭窄的:具有卑鄙的、小气的心绪的或以其为特征的美国传统〔perturb〕News of the arrest perturbed her greatly.逮捕的消息使她心绪不宁。剑桥高阶〔phlegmatic〕It must have unsettled even such a phlegmatic character.这件事一定是把如此沉着的一个人也搅得心绪不宁了。外研社新世纪〔recapture〕She tried, but failed to recapture her earlier mood.她试图重新捕捉先前那种心绪,可是失败了。英汉大词典〔rest〕I wasn't fully asleep because my mind was never at rest.我没有完全睡着, 因为我的心绪一直没能平静。外研社新世纪〔shook-up〕Emotionally upset or excited; shaken.激动不安的:在情绪上不安的或激动的;心绪不宁的美国传统〔skin〕He was in a bad skin over his recent setback.他因最近的挫折而心绪恶劣。英汉大词典〔taut〕Catherine looked upset, her face taut.凯瑟琳显得心绪不宁,脸色紧张。朗文当代〔tumult〕Her mind was in a tumult of emotions.她心绪不宁。韦氏高阶〔unglued〕He had come unglued for ten days.他心绪不宁已达10天。英汉大词典〔unsettle〕The experience unsettled her profoundly.这一经历使她心绪极为不宁。麦克米伦高阶〔unsettle〕The sudden changes unsettled her.突然的变化使她心绪不宁。英汉大词典〔upset〕He is emotionally upset.他心绪烦乱。英汉大词典〔whirl〕My mind was in a whirl.我心绪纷乱。牛津同义词Lying on a sunbed always puts Helen in the mood for a bit of nooky.躺在日光浴床上总使海伦陷入想性交的心绪。剑桥国际Rumours of a company takeover have unsettled shareholders.公司被兼并的谣言已经使股东们心绪不宁。剑桥国际She displayed signs of increasing perturbation (= worry) as she hurried to meet him.当她赶着去见他的时候显得更加心绪不宁。剑桥国际She was perturbed by the news that 50 workers at the factory were going to be made redundant.工厂50个工人被裁减的消息使她心绪不宁。剑桥国际




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