

单词 无忧无虑的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕They both laughed, feeling like two carefree schoolgirls. 她们俩都笑了,感觉就像两个无忧无虑的小女生。朗文写作活用〔bachelor〕He was a carefree bachelor who thoroughly enjoyed life.他曾是个无忧无虑的单身汉, 尽情享受着生活。外研社新世纪〔blissful〕Joe's parents remained in blissful ignorance of his plans to leave home.乔的父母不知道乔打算离开家,所以还是无忧无虑的。麦克米伦高阶〔blithe〕Carefree and lighthearted.无忧无虑的,轻松的美国传统〔carefree〕Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach.钱特尔记起了从前在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。柯林斯高阶〔carefree〕Dan thought back to those carefree days when he was a student.丹回忆起学生时代那些无忧无虑的日子。麦克米伦高阶〔carefree〕Free of worries and responsibilities.无忧无虑的或不负责任的美国传统〔carefree〕He thought back to the carefree days of his childhood.他回想起自己无忧无虑的童年时代。朗文当代〔carefree〕I remember my carefree student days.我还记得我那无忧无虑的学生时代。剑桥高阶〔carefree〕They spent a carefree day at the lake.他们在湖边度过了无忧无虑的一天。韦氏高阶〔careless〕It had been a careless, happy time.那是一段无忧无虑的快乐时光。麦克米伦高阶〔cavalier〕Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.无忧无虑的:无忧无虑的和不关心的;快活的美国传统〔debonair〕Carefree and gay; jaunty.欢快的:无忧无虑的;洋洋得意的美国传统〔devil-may-care〕He has a devil-may-care attitude about life.他持一种无忧无虑的生活态度。韦氏高阶〔devil-may-care〕I love Italian food and wine and the devil-may-care attitude of the people.我喜爱意大利的食物、美酒以及人们无忧无虑的态度。外研社新世纪〔fancy-free〕Having no commitments or restrictions; carefree.随心所欲的:无义务或约束的;无忧无虑的美国传统〔footloose〕Ah, I was still footloose and fancy-free(= free to enjoy myself)in those days.啊,那些日子我还是自由自在、无忧无虑的。牛津高阶〔front〕I knew this carefree attitude was only a front.我知道这种无忧无虑的态度只不过是表象而已。外研社新世纪〔happy-go-lucky〕Taking things easily; carefree.逍遥自在的;无忧无虑的美国传统〔insouciance〕I admired his youthful insouciance.我羡慕他那充满朝气、无忧无虑的样子。剑桥高阶〔joie de vivre〕Hearty or carefree enjoyment of life.生存之乐:对生活尽情的或无忧无虑的享受美国传统〔joyous〕She had made their childhood so joyous and carefree.她让他们度过了一个快乐无比、无忧无虑的童年。外研社新世纪〔knell〕The knell of her carefree childhood was sounding.她那无忧无虑的童年快将结束了。英汉大词典〔life of Riley〕He's been living/leading the life of Riley.他一直过着无忧无虑的生活。韦氏高阶〔lightsome〕Free from worry or care; cheerful.无忧无虑的;欢跃的美国传统〔merry〕In the merry world of American lawyers it is the simplest thing in the world to start an action.在无忧无虑的美国律师界,世上最简单的事情就是提出诉讼。柯林斯高阶〔nirvana〕An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.极乐世界,无忧无虑的境界:一种平静、安宁、稳定或快乐的理想境界美国传统In those happy, carefree days love burgeoned between them.在那些快乐而无忧无虑的日子里,他们之间的爱情迅速发展。剑桥国际Isn't it good to see all those children playing, completely free from care (=without any worries).看那些孩子们玩耍时完全无忧无虑的天真样子不是很好吗?剑桥国际She daydreamed about a carefree holiday abroad. 她幻想到国外过一个无忧无虑的假期。译典通She retired from her job at 35 and now lives a life of ease in Barbados.她35岁就退休了,现在在巴巴多斯岛过着无忧无虑的生活。剑桥国际Until going to University, she had led a very sheltered life.在上大学之前,她过着无忧无虑的生活。剑桥国际




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