

单词 或者
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Magnificat〕magnificat A hymn or song of praise. magnificat 圣歌或者颂歌美国传统〔alternatively〕go by ship or alternatively by rail 乘船或者乘火车去英汉大词典〔alternative〕the alternative plans of having a picnic or taking a boat trip 去野餐或者去乘船旅游二者只能择一的计划英汉大词典〔ambiguous〕vague is unclear because it is expressed in indefinite form or because it reflects imprecision of thought: vague 的意思是不清楚,因为它是用不确定的形式表达的或者因为它反映出思想的不精确: 美国传统〔close〕large changes such as the birth of a child or death of a close relative诸如婴儿出生或者近亲去世等大的变化外研社新世纪〔co-ordination〕operating either in co-ordination with federal troops or alone与联邦军队协调行动或者单独行动外研社新世纪〔continuance〕or to physical extension ( 或者是物理上的延伸( 美国传统〔disjunctive〕the disjunctive allegation “the defendant murdered or caused to be murdered” “被告谋杀或者唆使他人谋杀”这一表示两者必居其一的指控英汉大词典〔endearment〕terms of endearment such as "darling" or "sweetheart" 表达爱意的词汇,比如“亲爱的”或者“甜心”。剑桥高阶〔equivalent〕a doctorate or its equivalent 博士学位或者同等学力麦克米伦高阶〔excel〕excels at figure skating) or to be or perform at a level higher than that of another or others ( 擅长花样滑冰) 或者是处于或表现出比另一个或其他人高的水平( 美国传统〔flexible〕an elastic spirit), or is stretched beyond strict or proper bounds ( 开朗乐观的人) 或者是被拉伸得超过了适当的界限或限制的( 美国传统〔glam up〕a bag you can use to dress down a groovy gown or glam up jeans, T-shirt, and heels可以使时髦礼服更显随意, 或者让牛仔裤、T恤衫以及高跟鞋更加出彩的包外研社新世纪〔help〕a medication that helps (or aids ) the digestion; 有助于(或者用 aids ) 消化的药物; 美国传统〔here〕where we have come from, where we are going to, or what our purpose here is, if any. 我们从哪里来,到哪里去,或者倘若我们活在人世间有何目的的话,这个目的是什么柯林斯高阶〔hinder〕factors which might help or hinder a child's progress at school 有可能促进或者妨碍孩子在学校发展的诸多因素牛津搭配〔image〕a standard video output for image transfer or remote viewing 可用于图像传输或者遥控观看的标准视频输出牛津搭配〔implication〕expressly or by implication直截了当地或者拐弯抹角地外研社新世纪〔impostor〕impostor assumes the character or identity of another for the purpose of deceiving: impostor 是出于欺骗而假冒别人的角色或者身份: 美国传统〔improper〕language unbecoming to a gentleman. What isunseemly or indelicate is in gross violation of good taste; 和绅士身份不符的言语。 Unseemly 或者 indelicate 是指对良好品味的粗俗破坏: 美国传统〔improve〕had a haircut to improve (or better ) his appearance; 理发以改善(或者 better ) 形象; 美国传统〔improve〕improve(or better ) the mind through study; 通过学习改进(或者 better ) 思维; 美国传统〔improve〕practicing to improve (or better ) her golf game. 为提高(或者 better ) 她的高尔夫球技而练习。 美国传统〔member〕a sunflower or a similar member of the daisy family向日葵或者菊科植物中类似的植物外研社新世纪〔or〕geology, or the science of the earth's crust 地质学,或者说地壳的科学牛津高阶〔path〕people who live near airports or under the flight path of airplanes. 住在机场附近或者航线下方的人们柯林斯高阶〔platter〕a low-calorie fruit mousse or souffle for dessert, or a cheese platter. 低热量的水果奶油冻或蛋奶酥作甜点,或者奶酪拼盘柯林斯高阶〔remainder〕ate some of the candy and gave the remainder (or rest ) away; 吃了一些糖然后把剩下的给她(或者 rest ) ; 美国传统〔remainder〕will spend the remainder (or rest ) of the day relaxing. 要轻松地度过一天中剩下的时光(或者 rest ) 。 美国传统〔reschedule〕companies that have gone bust or had to reschedule their debts. 已经破产或者不得不延期还款的公司柯林斯高阶〔screw〕to screw something into a spiral shape or with a spiral movement.把某物扭成螺旋形或者用螺旋的动作扭某物。牛津同义词〔shade〕half past ten or perhaps a little shade later 10点半或者可能稍迟一些英汉大词典〔short〕shorts Short trousers extending to the knee or above. shorts 短裤:直到膝盖或者膝盖以上的短裤子美国传统〔shriek〕the groans of the wounded, or the shrieks of the dying. 伤者的呻吟,或者垂死者的尖叫柯林斯高阶〔snickersnee〕of [or] from Middle Dutch of [或者] 源自 中古荷兰语 美国传统〔specifically〕brain cells, or more specifically, neurons. 脑细胞,或者更确切地说,神经细胞柯林斯高阶〔tape over〕dozens of other programmes which have been lost or even taped over内容已丢失或者甚至被覆盖替换的许多其他节目外研社新世纪〔term〕photographs, or to use the technical term , 'halftones' 照片,或者用专业术语来讲,“网目凸版画”朗文当代〔that〕this and [or] that 这个或者那个,这个那个文馨英汉〔thereof〕his belief in God — or the lack thereof. 他对上帝的信仰——或者不信仰柯林斯高阶




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