

单词 无常
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Her behaviour was becoming more and more erratic. 她的行为变得越来越反复无常。!朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In our dealings with the police we have found that they can blow hot and cold. Sometimes they are keen to have media help in solving a crime, other times they are more reluctant. 在与警方打交道的过程中我们发现他们反复无常,有时急于寻求媒体帮助来破案,有时却不情愿。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕He described her as a woman who is temperamental and quick to take offence. 他把她说成是个喜怒无常、动不动就生气的人。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The British weather is very changeable. 英国的天气变化无常。朗文写作活用〔be no/without rhyme or reason〕There is no rhyme or reason to her behaviour.她的行为反复无常。剑桥高阶〔capriccioso〕Lively and free. Used chiefly as a direction.随想的,变幻无常的:活泼自由的。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔caprice〕A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.七月天的一场冰雹是大自然的反复无常的变化美国传统〔caprice〕I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods.她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。柯林斯高阶〔changeable〕His moods are very changeable.他的情绪喜怒无常。剑桥高阶〔changeable〕The forecast is for changeable weather.预报针对的是变化无常的天气。柯林斯高阶〔changeable〕The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.英国的天气是出了名的反复无常。剑桥高阶〔changeable〕The weather is very changeable at this time of year.年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。牛津高阶〔chop and change〕He's always chopping and changing.他一贯变化无常。21世纪英汉〔constant〕Despite the instability of her life, there remained two constants: she took mass at St Matthew's and tea at the House of Lords.尽管她的生活变化无常, 但是总有两件雷打不动的事:去圣马太教堂做弥撒以及去上议院喝茶。外研社新世纪〔definition〕Fashion is by definition fickle.时尚本身就是变幻无常的。外研社新世纪〔displeased〕Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy-making.商界人士对变化无常的经济决策很是恼火。柯林斯高阶〔famously〕British weather is famously unpredictable.英国天气出了名的反复无常。外研社新世纪〔fancy〕A capricious notion; a whim.奇想:反复无常的怪想;怪念头美国传统〔fickle〕The television world was a notoriously fickle one.电视圈是出了名的变化无常。牛津搭配〔fickle〕The weather here is notoriously fickle.这里的天气出了名的变化无常。牛津高阶〔fickle〕They have no use for fickle supporters.他们不能容忍反覆无常的拥护者。牛津同义词〔flux〕The climate appears to be in a state of flux.天气似乎变化无常。麦克米伦高阶〔freakish〕Capricious or whimsical.反复无常的,三心两意的美国传统〔freakish〕She is freakish.她是个喜怒无常的人。英汉大词典〔humorous〕Archaic Given to moods or whims; capricious.【古语】 任性的;喜怒无常的美国传统〔impermanent〕His philosophy stressed the impermanence of the world.他的哲学观点强调了世界无常。朗文当代〔inconsistency〕His worst fault was his inconsistency.他最大的缺点就是反复无常。柯林斯高阶〔inconsistent〕What an inconsistent person says today doesn't agree with what he said yesterday.反复无常的人常常出尔反尔。文馨英汉〔inconsistent〕What an inconsistent person says today doesn't agree with what he said yesterday.反复无常的人往往出尔反尔。英汉大词典〔inconsistent〕Why is the Minister so inconsistent in his approach to animal welfare? 为什么首相在保护动物福利的问题上如此反复无常?麦克米伦高阶〔inconsistent〕You are inconsistent and unpredictable.你这人反复无常, 难以捉摸。外研社新世纪〔inconstancy〕An instance of being eccentrically variable or fickle.变换无常:反复无常或易变的情况美国传统〔inconstant〕Changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason.善变的:易变的或反复无常的,尤指常无一定格式或道理的美国传统〔indulgence〕She treated her moody child with indulgence.她对她那个喜怒无常的孩子百依百顺。英汉大词典〔kaleidoscope〕The street bazaar was a kaleidoscope of colours, smells, and sounds.街市上各种颜色、气味和声音混合交错,变化无常。剑桥高阶〔live〕He had learned to live with her moodiness.他学会了忍受她的喜怒无常。麦克米伦高阶〔mercurial〕During his illness his temperament was more mercurial than ever before.生病期间他的性情比以往更加反复无常。英汉大词典〔mercurial〕She had a mercurial personality/disposition.她的脾气反复无常。韦氏高阶〔moment〕He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.他喜怒无常,一会儿哭,一会儿笑。柯林斯高阶〔moodiness〕Her moodiness makes her hard to get along with.她喜怒无常的个性使人难以与她相处。韦氏高阶〔moody〕David's mother was unstable and moody.戴维的母亲情绪不稳定, 喜怒无常。外研社新世纪〔moody〕Lewis was moody and brilliantly clever.刘易斯喜怒无常,但是非常聪明。朗文当代〔moody〕Moody people are very difficult to deal with.喜怒无常的人很难打交道。牛津高阶〔moody〕She's a moody woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.她这个人喜怒无常,一会儿高兴,一会儿生气。韦氏高阶〔mood〕He is a man of moods.他这人喜怒无常。英汉大词典〔mood〕The mood of the crowd was unpredictable.人群的情绪变化无常。朗文当代〔mood〕Your poor father, the impenetrability of his moods.你可怜的父亲, 他的喜怒无常让人费解。外研社新世纪〔palter〕To be capricious; trifle.做事反复无常;浪费美国传统〔perverse〕Cranky; peevish.反复无常的;易怒的美国传统〔phantasmagoria〕A constantly changing scene composed of numerous elements.变幻无常的情景:由许多情景构成的不断变化的场面美国传统〔prima donna〕She has never been a prima donna.她从来都不是一个喜怒无常的人。外研社新世纪〔prima donna〕The actress is a temperamental prima donna.这个女演员是个自大且喜怒无常的人。韦氏高阶〔proverb〕He is fickle to a proverb.他的反复无常是出了名的。英汉大词典〔put up with sth/sb〕He's so moody - I don't know why she puts up with him.他太喜怒无常了——我不知道她为什么要忍受他。剑桥高阶〔quicksilver〕His mood changed like quicksilver.他的情绪变化无常。朗文当代〔rely on/upon sb/sth〕British weather can never be relied on - it's always changing.英国的天气向来靠不住——总是变幻无常。剑桥高阶〔same〕He's the same old Peter – moody and irritable.他还是以前那个彼得 — 喜怒无常,动不动就发火。朗文当代〔schizophrenic〕The party can't make up its mind on this — it's schizophrenic.那个政党在这一问题上无法作出决定——它变得反复无常了。英汉大词典〔skittish〕Undependably variable; mercurial or fickle.不可靠的:不可依赖的变化无常的;易变的或无常的美国传统〔temperamental〕Be careful how you approach her - she's very temperamental.同她接触你要注意方式——她这人喜怒无常。剑桥高阶〔temperamental〕In her latest film she portrayed a temperamental Polish actress.她在最近一部影片中扮演了一名喜怒无常的波兰籍女演员。英汉大词典〔temperamental〕Preston is particularly good at handling temperamental people.普雷斯顿特别擅长对付喜怒无常的人。朗文当代〔temperamental〕The actor is known for being temperamental.这个演员的喜怒无常是众所周知的。韦氏高阶〔temperament〕Some of the models were given to fits of temperament.有些模情喜怒无常。柯林斯高阶〔transience〕She became aware of the transience of human ties.她开始意识到人际联系之无常。英汉大词典〔uncertainty〕Life is full of uncertainties.生活充满了无常的事。韦氏高阶〔unpredictable〕Britain's weather is notoriously unpredictable.英国的天气变幻无常是出了名的。外研社新世纪〔unpredictable〕The men in this prison are unpredictable, violent, and dangerous.这所监狱里的犯人行为反复无常,且凶暴危险。麦克米伦高阶〔unstable〕My father wasn't a bad man, but he was emotionally unstable.我父亲人不坏,只是情绪反复无常。麦克米伦高阶〔unsteadily〕She knew first-hand the impact an unsteady parent could have on a sensitive young girl.她有亲身体验,知道情绪变化无常的家长对一个敏感的小女孩会产生什么影响。柯林斯高阶〔variable〕Her moods were too variable these days.这些天来她的情绪反复无常。外研社新世纪〔variable〕Inconstant; fickle.反复无常的;无常的美国传统〔variable〕Polar habitats are harsh and highly variable.极地的生存环境条件艰苦,变化无常。牛津搭配〔various〕Archaic Changeable; variable.【古语】 变化的;变化无常的美国传统〔vicissitude〕The quality of being changeable; mutability.变化无常:作为可变化的性质;变动美国传统〔vicissitudinary〕Characterized by, full of, or subject to vicissitudes.多变迁的,变化的:以变化无常为特点的,充满或易于变化的美国传统〔volatile〕Beware of his volatile moods!小心他变化无常的心情!牛津同义词〔volatile〕Edwards was a highly volatile character.爱德华兹的性情喜怒无常。牛津搭配〔volatile〕She is a volatile woman.她是个喜怒无常的女人。韦氏高阶〔wayward〕Swayed or prompted by caprice; unpredictable.难以捉摸的或反复无常的;无法预言的美国传统〔weathercock〕One that is very changeable or fickle.变化无常者,见风使舵者:变化无常的人或物,见风使舵的人美国传统〔weather〕The weather is very changeable at the moment.现时天气变化无常。牛津高阶〔weather〕Unsettled weather will continue through the weekend.本周末的天气将继续变化无常。麦克米伦高阶〔whiffle〕To move or think erratically; vacillate.反复无常:变化无常地移动或思考;三心二意,犹豫不决美国传统〔withdrawn〕Her husband had become withdrawn and moody.她丈夫变得沉默寡言、喜怒无常。柯林斯高阶〔zig〕The market has zigged and zagged for months.市价起伏无常已有数月美国传统An increasing number of voters are becoming dissatisfied with what they see as the government's inconsistency in its economic policy.越来越多的选民对他们所看到的政府在经济政策上的反复无常感到不满。剑桥国际British weather is perhaps at its most variable in the spring.英国的气候或许是在春天最为反复无常。剑桥国际He has a mercurial disposition that changes with the situation he is in. 他脾气反复无常,随情况而异。译典通He is a man of moods. 他是一个喜怒无常的人。译典通He is inconsistent. 他反复无常。译典通Investors stayed cautious (= were unwilling to buy) in the face of uncertain stock markets.面对变化无常的股市,投资者持谨慎态度。牛津商务My boss's schizophrenia can be difficult to cope with--one day he's really friendly, and the next he completely ignores me.我那位上司的反复无常实在很难对付----他今天对我十分友好,明天却对我置之不理。剑桥国际She is entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings.她有趣却多变,有着反复无常而又飘忽的心情。剑桥国际She writes songs about capricious love and wounded hearts.她写那些关于变幻无常的爱以及受伤心灵的歌曲。剑桥国际Temperatures will continue to be variable, depending on wind direction and cloud cover (=the amount of sky that is covered by clouds).温度将会持续变化无常,取决于风向和云量的情况。剑桥国际The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her. 那位女演员喜怒无常,许多人都拒绝和她合作。译典通The fickleness of children's taste in food is well recognised.孩子们对食物的喜好之变幻无常是公认的。剑桥国际The only thing I'm sure of is that life is full of uncertainties.我唯一确信的是生命无常。剑桥国际The world of popular music is notoriously fickle.流行音乐界以变幻无常著称。剑桥国际




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