

单词 抛弃
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND〕get rid of a girlfriend or boyfriend 抛弃女朋友或男朋友朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕a deserted wife with two children, living on income support 被丈夫抛弃、带着两个孩子的女人,靠着收入补贴维持生活朗文写作活用〔abandoned〕an abandoned car/house 被抛弃的轿车;弃置的房子牛津高阶〔abandon〕abandon a friend in trouble. 抛弃处于危难中的朋友美国传统〔ashcan〕cast into the ashcan one's chances of reelection 抛弃重新当选的机会英汉大词典〔burn〕a rocket stage designed to burn for three minutes before being jettisoned. 设计成在被抛弃之前可以燃烧三分钟的火箭的级美国传统〔castoff〕a social castoff 被社会抛弃的人英汉大词典〔chuck〕chuck out rubbish 抛弃垃圾文馨英汉〔deep-six〕deep-sixed the incriminating papers. 抛弃控告的文件美国传统〔deserted〕a deserted wife 被抛弃的妻子剑桥高阶〔deserted〕a mass desertion of the Party by the electorate. 大批选民抛弃了该党柯林斯高阶〔desert〕desert a friend in trouble 抛弃困难中的朋友英汉大词典〔desert〕deserted her friend in a time of need. 抛弃了需要她的朋友美国传统〔desert〕to desert a friend in misfortune抛弃患难中的朋友21世纪英汉〔dice〕to dice one's sweetheart抛弃情人21世纪英汉〔discard〕discard an old friend 抛弃老朋友英汉大词典〔discard〕discard an outdated theory 抛弃过时的理论英汉大词典〔dryness〕a shady rip-off industry that sucks its talent dry then discards it. 见不得人的山寨行业吸干了它的才华后又将它抛弃柯林斯高阶〔dry〕a shady rip-off industry that sucks its talent dry then discards it一个巧取豪夺、挖光其人才又将之抛弃的见不得人的行业外研社新世纪〔dump〕dump an old friend. 抛弃了一个老朋友美国传统〔dump〕dump one's wife 抛弃妻子英汉大词典〔expulsion〕her expulsion from the society 她被社会所抛弃牛津搭配〔ignominy〕ignominy of abandoning one's friends 抛弃朋友的卑劣行径英汉大词典〔jettison〕a ship jettisoning wastes; a pilot jettisoning aircraft fuel. 一艘正在丢弃废物的船;一个正在抛弃飞机燃料的飞行员美国传统〔jilted〕a jilted lover 被抛弃的情人麦克米伦高阶〔jilt〕a jilted bride/lover 被抛弃的新娘╱情人牛津高阶〔jilt〕a jilted lover 被抛弃的情人韦氏高阶〔lay〕lay down hopes 抛弃希望英汉大词典〔leave〕leave home; left her husband. 抛弃家庭;离开她的丈夫美国传统〔mislaid〕to mislay one's principles抛弃自己的原则21世纪英汉〔mislay〕mislay one's faith (principles) 抛弃自己的信仰(原则)英汉大词典〔nappy〕disposable nappies 抛弃式的尿布文馨英汉〔of〕be rejected of men 被人们抛弃英汉大词典〔pocket〕pocket one's scruples 抛弃顾虑英汉大词典〔put〕put all negative thoughts away. 抛弃所有消极的思想美国传统〔rejection〕the children of Eastern European immigrants who had rejected their parents' political and religious beliefs. 抛弃了父母一代政治和宗教信仰的东欧移民子女柯林斯高阶〔scrap〕scrap out worn methods 抛弃陈旧的方法英汉大词典〔spurn〕a spurned lover. 遭到抛弃的情人柯林斯高阶〔throw〕threw over her boyfriend of four years; threw over the company they themselves had founded. 抛弃了她结识了四年的男友;抛弃了他们自己创办的公司美国传统〔throw〕throw aside the democratic camouflage 抛弃民主的伪装英汉大词典




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