

单词 我吓了一大跳
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕He really gave me a fright when he phoned at that time of night. 他半夜三更给我打电话,真把我吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I accidentally touched a live wire in the motor, and even though it didn't hurt me it gave me a hell of a fright. 我无意中碰到发动机里一根带电的电线,虽然没受伤,却把我吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I got the fright of my life when he suddenly spoke from out of the darkness. 他突然在暗处说起话来,把我吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Something darted out from behind the hedge, and made me jump. 树篱后面蹿出个东西来,把我吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔fright〕I got an awful fright when I realised how much money I owed.知道自己欠了那么多钱,我吓了一大跳。朗文当代〔fright〕I had a terrible fright this morning when I saw you there.早上看到你在那儿,我吓了一大跳。牛津搭配〔fright〕You gave me a fright jumping out at me like that.你这样跳起来扑向我,把我吓了一大跳。牛津高阶〔jump out of your skin〕I didn't hear her come in, so I nearly jumped out of my skin when she spoke to me.我没有听到她进来的声音,所以当她和我说话的时候,我吓了一大跳。韦氏高阶〔jump〕I nearly jumped out of my skin when he told me.他告诉我时,我吓了一大跳。牛津搭配〔nasty〕I got a nasty shock when the bill came.看到账单时, 我吓了一大跳。外研社新世纪〔scare〕It gave me quite a scare when the cat jumped on me.猫跳到我身上把我吓了一大跳。麦克米伦高阶〔shock〕I got a terrible shock when I saw him.看到他我吓了一大跳。牛津搭配〔shrink〕She suddenly shrank from him crying, “Oh!You terrify me.” 她突然从他身边抽身缩回,叫着:“嗬,你把我吓了一大跳。” 英汉大词典〔startled〕I was startled to see a face suddenly appear at the window.看到窗户上突然出现的脸,我吓了一大跳。麦克米伦高阶




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