

单词 折断了
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕He hit a rock and snapped the truck's axle. 他驾货车撞上一块石头,车轴啪的一声折断了。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕Power lines snapped in the high winds. 电线在狂风中折断了。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The tip of the Christmas tree snapped off when it fell. 圣诞树倒下来时树尖折断了。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The tip of the tree snapped off when it fell. 这棵树倒下时树尖折断了。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕He broke his neck when he was thrown from a horse. 他被马摔下来折断了脖子。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕I broke my leg a little while back when I fell off a horse. 前不久我从马上摔下来,折断了腿。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕A van bumped into us, damaging one of the headlights and breaking off the aerial. 小货车撞了我们的车,损坏了一个车前灯,折断了天线。朗文写作活用〔bent〕The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.所有的树都被风吹弯折断了。外研社新世纪〔bent〕The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.树全被风吹弯折断了。柯林斯高阶〔bloodily〕Yulka's fingers were bloody and cracked.尤尔卡的手指折断了,鲜血直流。柯林斯高阶〔bone〕He broke a bone in his leg.他折断了一根腿骨。英汉大词典〔break off〕The branch broke off when she sat on it.她坐在树枝上时, 树枝折断了。外研社新世纪〔break off〕The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact.飞机的两个机翼遭受撞击折断了。柯林斯高阶〔break〕One of the car's wing mirrors had broken off.车上的一块后视镜已经折断了。朗文当代〔break〕To become fractured.折断了美国传统〔bust〕I fell and busted my leg.我跌倒折断了腿。21世纪英汉〔crack〕The branch cracked under the weight of the snow.树枝在雪的重压下啪地一声折断了。21世纪英汉〔double〕The trees were almost bent double in the wind.这些树被风吹得快要折断了。朗文当代〔fracture〕Two of her ribs fractured when she was thrown from her horse.她从马上摔下来,折断了两根肋骨。剑桥高阶〔freak〕Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。柯林斯高阶〔hip〕She broke her hip in the fall.她摔倒时折断了髋骨。牛津高阶〔jerk〕He snapped the chain with one jerk of his hand他的手一把折断了链条。外研社新世纪〔misfortune〕I had the misfortune to break my leg yesterday.昨天我不幸折断了腿。英汉大词典〔rib〕He broke a rib when he fell off his bicycle.他从自行车上摔下来时折断了一根肋骨。英汉大词典〔sever〕His left leg was severed in the accident.他的左腿在事故中折断了。英汉大词典〔shear off〕The impact of the crash sheared off the airplane's wing.撞击的冲击力折断了机翼。韦氏高阶〔shear〕The left wing had been almost completely sheared off.左翼几乎完全折断了。朗文当代〔shear〕The old screws holding the engine casing had sheared (off).固定引擎外壳的旧螺丝折断了。剑桥高阶〔snap〕A twig snapped.细枝咯嚓折断了。牛津同义词〔snap〕He snapped the pencil.他啪的折断了铅笔。外研社新世纪〔snap〕Ken snapped off the smaller branches.肯喀嚓一声折断了那些较小的树枝。麦克米伦高阶〔snap〕She broke the stick over her knee with a loud snap.她咔嚓一声用膝盖折断了棍子。剑桥高阶〔snap〕Some vandal's snapped off my car aerial again.某个蓄意作恶的家伙又把我的汽车天线折断了。剑桥高阶〔snap〕The boy snapped the wing off his toy airplane.小男孩啪的一声把玩具飞机的翅膀折断了。韦氏高阶〔snap〕The branch broke snap off.树枝喀嚓一声折断了。英汉大词典〔snap〕The branch she was standing on must have snapped off.她当时踩的树枝一定是突然折断了。牛津高阶〔snap〕The branch suddenly snapped.树枝突然喀嚓一声折断了。英汉大词典〔snap〕The dry branch snapped in the wind.在大风中干树枝啪地一声折断了。21世纪英汉〔snap〕The storm snapped young trees like matchsticks.风暴像折火柴棍似的折断了小树。麦克米伦高阶〔snuff〕The bird broke its neck and snuffed out.那只鸟折断了脖子死了。21世纪英汉〔stem〕The stem of the mushroom is broken.这只蘑菇的梗折断了。英汉大词典〔strip〕He was careless and stripped the gears of his bike.他不小心把自行车齿轮的齿折断了。英汉大词典〔training〕Redman broke a toe in training.雷德曼在训练中折断了一根脚趾。柯林斯高阶〔twig〕She ran, treading on broken twigs and stumbling over roots.她跑了起来,脚下踩着折断了的细树枝,不时被树根绊一下。牛津搭配〔wrench〕He snapped the tree's thick root with a wrench of the shovel.他用铁锹猛地一扭,折断了这棵树粗壮的树根。韦氏高阶Because of an unusually strong current, the bridge's central support gave way, tipping a coach into the river.一阵罕见的强风折断了桥的中央支柱,使一辆马车翻落河中。剑桥国际He broke a rib when he fell off his horse. 他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨。译典通He fell downstairs and broke his leg. 他摔下楼折断了腿。译典通He raised the gun with both hands, pulled the trigger, and the force of the recoil almost broke his wrist.他双手举起枪,扣动扳机,后坐力差点折断了他的手腕。剑桥国际Our cat has broken one of her back legs (= legs farthest from her head).我们的猫折断了一条后腿。剑桥国际She broke the broom handle over her knee with a loud snap (= cracking sound).喀嚓一声,她用膝盖折断了扫帚柄。剑桥国际She fell awkwardly and broke her arm / hip / etc. (= broke the bone(s) in her arm / hip / etc.).她笨拙地摔倒了,折断了胳膊 / 髋骨等。剑桥国际Some vandal's gone and snapped off my car aerial again.有个破坏他人财物者再次来折断了我的汽车天线。剑桥国际The boy fell from a tree and fractured his arm. 那个男孩从树上摔了下来折断了胳膊。译典通The branch snapped under his weight. 在他身体的重压下,树枝啪地一声折断了。译典通The key has snapped off in the lock of my desk drawer.钥匙在我写字台抽屉的锁里折断了。剑桥国际The old screws holding the engine casing had sheared (off).固定引擎外壳的旧的螺丝折断了。剑桥国际Two of her ribs fractured when she was thrown from her horse.她从马上跌翻下来折断了两根肋骨。剑桥国际




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