

单词 折扣
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕Air UK are currently offering tickets to students at a special discount. 目前联合王国航空公司向学生提供特别折扣票。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕Do you get a discount if you pay in cash? 现金付款有折扣吗?朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕They gave me a really good deal on my camera. 我买照相机时他们给我很合算的折扣。朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕The company's line of casual wear is primarily sold in large discount chain stores. 该公司的休闲类服饰主要在大型连锁折扣店出售。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The tickets are expensive, but there is a discount for school groups. 票价很贵,但是学校团体有折扣。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕You get an extra 5% discount if you buy your software on-line. 如果在线购买软件,就可以享有额外的5%折扣。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Most airlines offer reduced prices for children. 大多数航空公司都为儿童提供折扣票价。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕I always keep my eyes open for discounts and special offers. 我一直留意折扣和特价商品。朗文写作活用〔abatement〕The amount lowered; a reduction.减少额,折扣:降低的数量;缩减美国传统〔ahead〕Pay ahead, and you'll receive a discount.若预先付款,你便可以享受折扣美国传统〔athletic〕Students can get discount tickets for all athletic events.学生可以购买所有体育赛事的折扣票。韦氏高阶〔breakage〕A commercial allowance for loss or damage.破损费,赔偿损失费:损失或损害的商业折扣美国传统〔cheapen〕The wedding ceremony was cheapened by the best man's tasteless jokes.这场婚礼由于伴郎格调低下的笑话而大打折扣。韦氏高阶〔cheat〕The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.故事结尾让人感觉大上其当, 情节也便大大打了折扣。外研社新世纪〔chilling〕Britain's draconian libel laws have a chilling effect on free speech.英国严苛的诽谤法使言论自由大打折扣。外研社新世纪〔clincher〕It was the offer of a large discount on the TV that was the real clincher.非常优惠的折扣价格最终使我们决定买这台电视机。剑桥高阶〔competitive〕Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort to remain competitive.许多航空公司为了保持竞争力而提供相当大的折扣。麦克米伦高阶〔customer〕Discounts are available for our regular customers.老主顾可以享受折扣。麦克米伦高阶〔custom〕The shop offers discounts to attract custom.那家商店给人折扣,以广招来。牛津同义词〔dicker〕I tried to dicker for a discounted price.我想尽力讲到一个折扣价。韦氏高阶〔dilute〕This is a serious dilution of their election promises.这是对他们竞选时许下的诺言大打折扣。牛津高阶〔discount broker〕A stockbroker or brokerage house that gives a discount on commission fees.贴现票据商:对手续费打折扣的股票经纪人或经纪业办事处美国传统〔discount for〕We can discount ten percent for you .我们可以给你10%的折扣。21世纪英汉〔discount〕A reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or debt.折扣:从整个或标准的价格或债款的折扣美国传统〔discount〕All bills that are paid promptly will be discounted at three percent.对所有即付的账单都将打去3%的折扣。21世纪英汉〔discount〕Automakers discounted their overpriced cars.汽车制造商打折扣卖掉定价过高的汽车。21世纪英汉〔discount〕Customers can get huge discounts by booking in advance.客户提前预订可以享受很低的折扣。麦克米伦高阶〔discount〕If you collect ten bonus points, you will be entitled to a discount.集满 10 个奖励积分就可以享受折扣价。牛津搭配〔discount〕It is important to negotiate a good discount and obtain books on approval.重要的是要谈下一个优厚的折扣价,而且图书包退包换。牛津搭配〔discount〕Matalan, the discount clothing retailer服装零售折扣店马塔兰外研社新世纪〔discount〕Much of what he says must be discounted.对他说的好些话必须打个折扣。英汉大词典〔discount〕That store does not discount at all.那家铺子出售商品一概不打折扣。英汉大词典〔discount〕The Young Persons Railcard gives you a discount on rail travel.持青年火车卡乘火车可以打折扣。朗文当代〔discount〕The store discounts 3 per cent on all bills paid when due.那家商店对如期付清的账单打去3%的折扣。英汉大词典〔discount〕The store offers a two percent discount when customers pay in cash.顾客以现金支付时,商店可给予百分之二的折扣。韦氏高阶〔discount〕The store promised to discount prices at 10%.该店承诺所有商品打10%的折扣。21世纪英汉〔discount〕They offer a ten percent discount on travel for students.他们给旅行的学生提供10%的折扣。剑桥高阶〔discount〕They offer a trade discount to builders.他们向建筑商提供同行折扣价。牛津搭配〔discount〕This theory has now been discounted.这个理论被打了折扣。柯林斯高阶〔discount〕To purchase or sell (a bill, note, or other commercial paper) at a reduction equal to the amount of interest that will accumulate before it matures.以折扣价买卖:打折买或卖(期票、钞票或其它商业票据)所减的价相等于在其到期前所积的利息数美国传统〔discredit〕To her discredit, she never admitted her role in the scandal.她一直不承认自己参与了这桩丑闻,这使她在人们心中的形象大打折扣。剑桥高阶〔draft〕An allowance made for loss in weight of merchandise.折价:商品的重损耗折扣美国传统〔early bird〕Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season.在换季之初抢先购买通常会有折扣优惠。柯林斯高阶〔equity〕The rights give holders the opportunity to purchase additional equity interests in the company at a big discount.这些权利使得股票持有者有机会以很优惠的折扣价额外购买该公司股份。剑桥高阶〔excursion〕Five-day excursion fares are the best ferry deals.以折扣出售的五日通票是最合算的轮渡票。外研社新世纪〔guest〕Frequent guests receive a discount.常客享受折扣。韦氏高阶〔holder〕Account holders with the bank qualify for a discount on loans.在该银行开户的人贷款可以享受折扣。牛津搭配〔in〕Discounts are available to people travelling in large groups.多人组团旅游享有折扣。剑桥高阶〔mar〕A frown marred his handsome features.紧锁的眉头使他俊美的脸打了折扣。朗文当代〔massive〕Club members can get a massive discount of £50.会员可以有 50 英镑的大折扣。朗文当代〔mate's rates〕With much planning and mates' rates, the project cost roughly $3,000.在作了大量的规划并享受了朋友给的优惠折扣后, 这项工程大约花费了3,000美元。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers.折扣的大部份进了零售商的腰包,而顾客没有得到实惠。牛津高阶〔payment〕Discounts are offered for cash payments .现金付款可以享受折扣。朗文当代〔pay〕When I paid for my tickets (NOT paid my tickets) the man told me there was no discount.我付钱买票的时候,那个男人告诉我没有折扣。朗文当代〔pay〕You'd get a discount for paying cash.现金付款有折扣。朗文当代〔punch〕He got an extra punch on his discount card.他的折扣卡上又多了个孔。韦氏高阶〔qualify〕You may qualify for a student grant.有权得到折扣/救济金/补助金麦克米伦高阶〔quantity〕There is a discount for goods bought in quantity.批量购买商品可以享受折扣。牛津搭配〔rebate〕A deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment.折扣;部分退款:从将要支付的款子里减掉一部分或从已支付的款子里退还一部分美国传统〔rebate〕A rebate is distinguished from a discount in that the former is not taken out or deducted in advance but is handed back after payment of the full amount.部分退款与折扣有别,区别在于前者并非先行扣除而是在全数付清后退还。英汉大词典〔rebate〕The maximum cash rebate available is about $4 800.最大的现金折扣约为 4,800 美元。牛津搭配〔redeeming〕The job's only redeeming feature is the employee discount.这份工作唯一的可取之处就是员工折扣。韦氏高阶〔repeat〕We offer special discounts to our repeat customers.我们给老顾客以特殊的折扣。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕Determined to give the large chain a run for its money, he opened a discount store.他决定和这家大连锁店作一番较量,于是开设了一爿折扣商店。英汉大词典〔seconds〕It's a shop selling discounted lines and seconds.这是一家卖折扣货和次品的商店。外研社新世纪〔senior citizen〕Discounts are available for senior citizens.老年人可享受折扣优惠。剑桥高阶〔setback〕The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured.最优秀的队员受了伤,使得这支队伍的实力大打折扣。牛津高阶〔stratagem〕Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty.交易折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。外研社新世纪〔stratagem〕Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty.商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。柯林斯高阶〔substantial〕She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount.她以超低折扣买到了票。韦氏高阶〔take〕The actor's poor performance took from the effect of the play.这位演员差劲的表演使该剧的演出效果打了折扣。外研社新世纪〔trade discount〕A discount on the list price granted by a manufacturer or wholesaler to buyers in the same trade.商业(批发)折扣:列在标价单上由制造厂家或批发商向同一行业中的买方提供的折扣美国传统〔trade〕They offer discounts to the trade(= to people who are working in the same business).他们对同行业的人给予折扣。牛津高阶〔traveller〕Attractive discounts are available to frequent travellers.常旅客可以享受诱人的折扣。牛津搭配〔version〕Theirs is a watered-down version of socialism.他们实行的是打了折扣的社会主义。牛津搭配〔whack〕You have to pay the full whack. There are no reductions.你得付全额。没有折扣。牛津高阶A 20% bulk discount applies on all orders of 20 or more items.八折的数量折扣适用于所有 20 件或 20 件以上的商品订单。牛津商务A producer of disposable nappies could offer people who buy its product a discount on complementary products such as talcum powder and baby-wipes.一次性尿布的生产厂家可以给购买其产品的顾客提供折扣来购买辅助产品,例如爽身粉和婴儿擦纸。剑桥国际Customers were lured with a range of cash rebates, interest-free loans and other discounts.顾客受到现金返还、免息贷款等一系列折扣的诱惑。牛津商务Discount stores thrive even in the current sluggish economy.即使在现时不景气的经济情况下,折扣商店仍蓬勃发展。牛津商务Discounts on the price of travel, meals, home furnishings, car parts, etc. are available to club members.俱乐部成员可享受旅行、就餐、家具、汽车部件等价格的折扣。剑桥国际If the marked price is €100 and the discount is 5%, the net price is €95.如果标价为 100 欧元,折扣 5%,则净价等于 95 欧元。牛津商务If we have to discount our prices/these cars we aren't going to make a profit.要是我们不得不对我们的价格/这些汽车打折扣,就要无利可图了。剑桥国际If you are over 65 years of age you are entitled to a reduction.如果超过 65 岁,就有资格享有折扣。牛津商务It was the offer of a large discount on the TV that was the real clincher (=the point that made us decide to buy it).是售价上的大幅度折扣使我确定购买这台电视机。剑桥国际My credit card qualifies me for a discount at some stores.我的信用卡使我能在某些商店享有折扣。牛津商务Profit warnings have been pouring in from discount warehouses.来自大型折扣店的赢利预警纷至沓来。牛津商务Shops achieved higher sales through aggressive price discounting.商店通过进取的折扣活动取得了较高的销售额。牛津商务Substantial discounts are often available to people travelling in large groups.人们如果多人组团旅行的话,经常能得到可观折扣。剑桥国际The airline cannot be a genuine competitor in the discount market until its cost base matches its fares.在成本基数与票价匹配之前,这航空公司在折扣市场上不可能成为真正的竞争者。牛津商务The cinema's new season ticket offers substantial discounts to regular filmgoers 这家电影院的新季票给常客打很大的折扣。剑桥国际The store is offering big discounts to drag shoppers in.这家商店提供大幅度的折扣以吸引购物者。牛津商务There are discounts on many items from our older lines.我们一向经销的商品有很多在打折扣。剑桥国际There is a €100 reduction for a child sharing a room with two adults.小孩和两个大人合住一间房可以享有 100 欧元的折扣。牛津商务This discount voucher entitles you to 10% off your next purchase.下次购物时用这张折扣券可打九折。牛津商务Unlike normal health-insurance schemes there is no discount for group membership.和普通健康保险方案不一样,它不对团体打折扣。剑桥国际We give a 15% discount on large orders.我们对大额订单给予 15% 的折扣。牛津商务We offer a wide selection of products at discount prices.我们以折扣价出售各式产品。牛津商务We offer discounts for customers paying (in) cash.我们向现金付款的顾客提供折扣。牛津商务We offer substantial discounts for volume business.我们对大宗业务给予很大折扣。牛津商务




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