

单词 所以
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HURRY〕done quickly because you are hurrying 因为赶时间所以很快做成的朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕not needed because there is already enough 已经足够所以不需要了朗文写作活用〔counter〕countered that she was too busy to be thorough. 反驳说她太忙了所以做事不太彻底美国传统〔dance〕to dance one's sense off跳舞跳得忘乎所以21世纪英汉〔estimate〕assessing an apartment on the amount for which it is likely to be rented. 因为房子要出租,所以要对它进行估价。美国传统〔gossip〕is disliked by her classmates for tattling on mischief makers. 因为她经常打恶作剧的小报告,所以同学都不喜欢她 美国传统〔heady〕the heady freedom of the late 1960s 20世纪60年代后期让人忘乎所以的自由麦克米伦高阶〔intoxicating〕the intoxicating power of his position in the government 他在政府中拥有的令他忘乎所以的职权韦氏高阶〔lead-time〕a long lead-time in oil production because of the need for new exploration and drilling. 由于需要进行新的勘探和钻井,所以很长时间才可能产出原油美国传统〔naive〕too naive to succeed in politics.太天真,所以搞政治不能成功。牛津同义词〔poor〕poor hearing/eyesight/memory Her hearing is poor, so speak fairly loudly. 她的听力不好,所以你要说得很大声才行。朗文当代〔split〕these organizations all have similar aims and programs and are really split by personal rivalries as much as by politics. 这些组织都有类似的目标和规划,之所以出现分歧实际上是源于个人之间的对立和政治斗争。柯林斯高阶〔wherefore〕the reason wherefore we have met 我们之所以会见面认识的原因英汉大词典〔why〕the reasons why the government fell 政府之所以倒台的种种原因英汉大词典




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