

单词 性生活
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔active〕men who are sexually active性生活频繁的男子外研社新世纪〔headline〕lurid headlines about the sex lives of the stars 关于明星性生活的骇人听闻的标题牛津搭配〔incompatible〕sexual incompatibility 性生活不和谐朗文当代〔indiscretion〕rumours of the former president's sexual indiscretions 关于前总统性生活不检点的谣传朗文当代〔life〕her family/private/sex life 她的家庭/个人/性生活剑桥高阶〔luridly〕lurid accounts of Claire's sexual exploits. 有关克莱尔的性生活史露骨的描述柯林斯高阶〔promiscuous〕to be sexually promiscuous 性生活淫乱牛津高阶〔red-hot〕a red-hot sex-life. 充满激情的性生活柯林斯高阶〔sex life〕an active and fulfilling sex life 活跃满意的性生活朗文当代〔sex life〕ways to improve your sex life 改善性生活的办法牛津高阶〔sexually〕the stereotype of the sexually promiscuous male性生活淫乱的男性模式化形象外研社新世纪〔sexual〕young people who are sexually active (=who regularly have sex) 性生活活跃的年轻人朗文当代〔sex〕a healthy sex life 健康的性生活牛津搭配〔wedlock〕sex out of wedlock 婚外性生活英汉大词典




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