

单词 性爱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔RELATIONSHIP〕to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone 与某人有情爱或性爱关系朗文写作活用〔abandoned〕people who enjoy wild, abandoned lovemaking喜欢狂野、放荡性爱的人外研社新世纪〔affinity〕fishermen who have a natural affinity for the water生性爱水的渔民外研社新世纪〔amatory〕their secret amatory relationship 他们隐秘的性爱关系韦氏高阶〔coital〕coital techniques性爱技巧外研社新世纪〔coital〕the link between agreement on coital frequency and happiness in marriage对性爱频率意见一致与婚姻幸福之间的关系外研社新世纪〔congenital〕a congenital liar 生性爱说谎的人剑桥高阶〔conquest〕people who boast about their sexual/amorous conquests 夸耀他们的性爱俘虏的人韦氏高阶〔consensual〕consensual sex 两厢情愿的性爱麦克米伦高阶〔divest〕in the 1960s, when sexual love had been divested of sin. 在20世纪60年代,性爱不再被看作是罪恶时柯林斯高阶〔divest〕in the 1960s, when sexual love had been divested of sin在20世纪60年代, 性爱已不再被视为罪恶外研社新世纪〔erotic〕erotic dreams/feelings 有关性爱的梦/性冲动的感觉剑桥高阶〔experimentation〕teenage sexual experimentation 青少年的性爱尝试麦克米伦高阶〔explicitly〕sexually explicit scenes in films and books. 电影和书籍中露骨的性爱片段柯林斯高阶〔explicitness〕the sexual explicitness of the film这部电影中直白的性爱外研社新世纪〔explicit〕a sexually explicit film 一部有露骨性爱场面的影片牛津高阶〔explicit〕a sexually explicit movie 有露骨性爱场面的电影剑桥高阶〔explicit〕sexually explicit scenes in films and books电影和书中露骨的性爱场面外研社新世纪〔explicit〕the film's explicit sex scenes 影片中露骨的性爱镜头麦克米伦高阶〔exploit〕a book about his sexual exploits 一本有关他的性爱事迹的书韦氏高阶〔hot〕love scenes that are too hot for TV 不宜在电视里出现的过于露骨的性爱镜头麦克米伦高阶〔lurid〕lurid accounts of Claire's sexual exploits对克莱尔大胆性爱行为的耸人听闻的描述外研社新世纪〔physically〕the book celebrated the sublime joys of physical love. 本书赞美了性爱带来的无比美妙的愉悦。柯林斯高阶〔physical〕physical love 性爱牛津高阶〔preoccupation〕a preoccupation with death/sex/violence 心中只有死亡/性爱/暴力麦克米伦高阶〔romantically〕his early romantic experiences. 他早期的性爱经历柯林斯高阶〔sexual〕sexual love 性爱英汉大词典〔sexual〕sexual orientation(= whether you are heterosexual or homosexual) 性爱倾向(指异性恋或同性恋)牛津高阶〔shag〕a spy movie with car chases, a murder, a shag and a happy ending. 一部涉及追车、谋杀、性爱内容的结局圆满的谍战片柯林斯高阶〔steamy〕a steamy love scene 热辣的性爱场面剑桥高阶




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