

单词 心理分析
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOCTOR〕My therapist has been working with me on my anger. 我的心理分析医生在帮我治疗我的愤怒情绪。朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was born in 1856. 心理分析之父西格蒙德·弗洛伊德生于1856年。朗文写作活用〔analyse〕I always feel like he's trying to analyse me.我总觉得他好像在对我作心理分析。麦克米伦高阶〔analysis〕He has been in/undergoing analysis for many years.他接受心理分析治疗已经很多年了。韦氏高阶〔analysis〕In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts.在心理分析治疗法中,个人可以化解严重的情感冲突。牛津高阶〔analyst〕A licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis.心理分析医生:有开业许可证的心理分析医生美国传统〔case study〕A detailed analysis of a person or group, especially as a model of medical, psychiatric, psychological, or social phenomena.范例分析:对尤其是作为医疗、心理分析、心理学或社会现象的范例的一个人或一群人的仔细分析美国传统〔couch〕A sofa on which a patient lies while undergoing psychoanalysis or psychiatric treatment.长榻,躺椅:病人躺在上面进行心理分析或精神病治疗的一种沙发美国传统〔hypnoanalysis〕The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques.催眠分析:和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用美国传统〔loaded〕The psychoanalyst specialized in asking loaded questions.擅长提出意味深长的问题的心理分析学家美国传统〔misquote〕The case was brought by a psychoanalyst who says a journalist misquoted him in a series of magazine articles.这起官司是由一位心理分析学家起诉的,他声称一名记者发表在杂志上面的一系列文章里错误地引用了他的话。柯林斯高阶〔prevailing〕Many current psychoanalytic theories diverge markedly from classical Freudian dogma.许多现行的心理分析理论和古典弗洛伊德教条差别很大。美国传统〔psychoanalysis〕She studied psychoanalytic theory.她研究了心理分析治疗法理论。韦氏高阶〔psychologize〕To investigate, reason, or speculate in psychological terms.作心理分析:从心理学角度作调查,推断或思考美国传统〔psych〕Informal To analyze and treat by psychoanalysis.【非正式用语】 用心理分析法分析和诊断美国传统〔reality〕Other psychoanalysts do accept the reality of child sexual abuse.其他心理分析师确实接受了儿童性侵犯的现实。柯林斯高阶〔wish fulfillment〕In psychoanalytic theory, the satisfaction of a desire, a need, or an impulse through a dream, a fantasy, or other exercise of the imagination.非直接的愿望满足:在心理分析理论中的通过梦想、幻想或其他想象的作法来实现一个欲望、需要或冲动美国传统Psychoanalysts aim to explore the deepest/innermost recesses of the mind.心理分析家的目标是探索思维最深处的奥秘。剑桥国际Psychoanalysts say his case was an extreme paranoia, otherwise he would not have killed people at random. 心理分析师说他的病例是一种极端的偏执狂,要不然他也不会随机杀人了。译典通




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