

单词 扰乱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bedevil〕other problems such as lost baggage that bedevil air travel其他扰乱航空旅行的问题, 如丢失行李外研社新世纪〔break〕break the peace 扰乱治安英汉大词典〔clouded my judgment〕greed clouding the minds of men 扰乱心智的贪念韦氏高阶〔derange〕derange currency values 扰乱币值英汉大词典〔disjoint〕to disjoint the peace扰乱治安21世纪英汉〔dislocate〕dislocate the supply lines 扰乱补给线英汉大词典〔disorderly〕a disorderly person扰乱治安者外研社新世纪〔disorganize〕disorganize the internal communications of enemy countries 扰乱敌国的国内通信系统英汉大词典〔disturb〕to disturb the class扰乱课堂秩序21世纪英汉〔disturb〕to disturb the peace扰乱治安21世纪英汉〔fuck〕fuck with sb.'s mind 扰乱某人心绪英汉大词典〔grate〕a noise that grates on one's nerves. 扰乱人神经的噪音美国传统〔heck〕play heck with the economy 扰乱经济英汉大词典〔interfere〕interfere with order 扰乱秩序英汉大词典〔intrude on〕to intrude on one's thoughts扰乱某人的思想21世纪英汉〔issue〕suspicions that were the issue of a deranged mind. 被扰乱的情绪是疑心的根源美国传统〔offence〕the ability to disrupt opposing offences 扰乱对抗性攻击的能力牛津搭配〔offence〕their ability to disrupt the offence 扰乱进攻的能力牛津搭配〔peace〕break [keep] the peace 妨害[维持]治安,扰乱[遵守]秩序文馨英汉〔peace〕was arrested for disturbing the peace. 因扰乱社会秩序被捕美国传统〔radical〕radicals seeking to overthrow the social order. 企图扰乱社会次序的激进分子美国传统〔shake〕shake sb.'s poise 扰乱某人的平静英汉大词典〔site〕penalties for disturbing ancient sites 对扰乱古代遗址施加的处罚牛津搭配〔unhinge〕unhinge a plan 扰乱计划 英汉大词典




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