

单词 扮作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔act〕She acted out the role of the wronged lover.她扮作一个受冤枉的情人。牛津高阶〔cross-dressing〕There's a lot of cross-dressing in British pantomimes, where men dress up as Dames and a woman plays the part of the young hero.英国哑剧中经常有女扮男装和男扮女装的情况,如男子装扮成贵妇人,女子扮作年轻的男主角。剑桥高阶〔invert〕One who takes on the gender role of the opposite sex.变性者:扮作异性角色的人美国传统〔pose as sb〕He's posing as her date, but he's really her bodyguard.他扮作她的约会对象,但实际上是她的保镖。剑桥高阶〔publicity〕The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt.乐队扮作披头士乐队作为宣传噱头。牛津高阶Fifty employees dressed as tomatoes in a publicity stunt to advertise the new sauce.五十名员工扮作西红柿作为宣传噱头来推广新的调味汁。牛津商务He posed as a health-worker in order to get into the old lady's house, and then stole her money.他扮作保健人员企图进入老妇人的房子偷钱。剑桥国际Let's make believe we are pirates and search for treasures.让我们扮作海盗去寻宝藏。剑桥国际




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