

单词 扭转
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕The country's highly respected Finance Ministry is facing a crisis of confidence that will be difficult to reverse. 该国威望很高的财政部正面临难以扭转的信任危机。朗文写作活用〔a step in the right direction〕We are taking steps to correct the situation.我们正在采取措施以扭转局面。韦氏高阶〔avail〕My attempts to improve the situation were of little/no avail.我竭力扭转局面,但是收效甚微/徒劳无功。剑桥高阶〔bank〕They're banking on him to save the match.他们指望他来扭转败局。麦克米伦高阶〔contorted〕Twisted or strained out of shape.被扭曲的:被扭转的或形状上被歪曲的美国传统〔counter〕The award is a useful counter to the bad publicity she previously had attracted.这个奖励对扭转她之前招致的坏名声很有用。外研社新世纪〔crick〕To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching.使痉挛:因扭转或猛扭而引起剧痛的肌肉痉挛美国传统〔decay〕This government promises to reverse industrial decay.这届政府承诺扭转工业衰退的局面。牛津搭配〔defeat〕A good politician can always reverse any defeats.手段高明的政治家总能扭转败局。牛津搭配〔deficit〕United are hoping to overturn a two-goal deficit from the first leg.联队希望能扭转第一回合落后两球的局面。牛津搭配〔dig〕We just have to dig in and hope we can turn things around.我们只得严阵以待并希望能够扭转局面。朗文当代〔distortion〕Psychology The modification of unconscious impulses into forms acceptable by conscious or dreaming perception.【心理学】 扭转:无意识的冲动转变为可被有意识的感知或梦觉所接受的形式美国传统〔fast〕Squash is a faster sport and there's lots of twisting.壁球是一项速度更快的运动, 有很多扭转动作。外研社新世纪〔favour〕Firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour.各家公司正试图将劳动力市场的均势扭转到对自己有利的状态。外研社新世纪〔fortune〕The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.这个公司不得不采取一些措施扭转下滑的运势。柯林斯高阶〔fortune〕The party still hopes to revive its flagging electoral fortunes.这个政党仍然希望扭转它不济的选举时运。牛津搭配〔gooseneck〕I twisted the gooseneck lamp around so that the light fell on the pages.我把鹅颈管台灯扭转来,使光照在书页上。英汉大词典〔into reverse〕The decrease in profit has been put into reverse.利润下降已得到了扭转。韦氏高阶〔leeway〕He explained just how he was going to make up the 30-point leeway his party is suffering in polls.他阐述了自己究竟准备怎样去扭转他的政党在民意调查中落后30个点的被动局面。外研社新世纪〔manoeuvre〕Suddenly, by a brilliant political manoeuvre, he reversed the situation.突然之间, 他靠着出色的政治手段扭转了局面。外研社新世纪〔mojo〕We need to get our mojos working again.我们需要扭转运势。韦氏高阶〔nutation〕Botany A slight curving or circular movement in a stem, as of a twining plant, caused by irregular growth rates of different parts.【植物学】 转头运动:植物茎的轻微弯曲或扭转的生长,象双生树那样,由不同部分的不规则生长速度引起美国传统〔peg back〕Though he pressed his rival, he could not peg him back.虽然他对对手步步紧逼, 但仍不能扭转对方的领先优势。外研社新世纪〔pull off〕The team pulled off a win/upset.这个队奋力求得一胜/扭转了战局。韦氏高阶〔put〕He has a chance to put things right by admitting a mistake was made.他还有机会扭转局面,那就是承认犯了错误。朗文当代〔remedy〕Something must be done to remedy the problem/situation.必须采取行动解决这一问题/扭转这一局势。韦氏高阶〔rend〕To tear away forcibly; wrest.用力撕开;猛力扭转美国传统〔retrieve〕They have to retrieve the situation by reducing their expenses.他们只好缩减开支以扭转这种情况。21世纪英汉〔reversal〕This marked a 7% increase on the previous year and the reversal of a steady five-year downward trend.这标志着在前一年基础上有了7%的增长,扭转了5年来持续下降的趋势。柯林斯高阶〔reverse〕More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.要想扭转权力集中的趋势就得进行更多的改革。朗文当代〔reverse〕The decline in this industry has now been completely reversed.这个行业现在已经完全扭转了昔日的衰退局面。牛津搭配〔reverse〕The effects of the disease can only be reversed by a bone-marrow donation.这种病的病情只有通过骨髓捐赠才能扭转。麦克米伦高阶〔reverse〕The fishermen reversed their caps like baseball catchers.渔夫们像棒球接手那样把帽子鸭舌朝后扭转。英汉大词典〔reverse〕The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。牛津高阶〔reverse〕The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。剑桥高阶〔reverse〕The rise reversed the downward trend in the country's jobless rate.这次上升扭转了全国失业率的下行趋势。外研社新世纪〔save the day〕The team seemed to be heading for disaster until a late goal saved the day.这支球队似乎就要陷入绝境,直到后来凭借一颗进球才扭转败局。剑桥高阶〔save〕A local businessman saved the day by donating £30,000 to the school.一位当地的商人向这所学校捐助了 30,000 英镑,扭转了局面。朗文当代〔scales〕That last goal has tipped the scales towards / toward the Brazilians.最后那个进球扭转了局面,形势对巴西队非常有利。牛津搭配〔screw〕To turn or twist.扭转,扭歪美国传统〔spinmeister〕A spin doctor.扭转博士美国传统〔spin〕To cause to rotate swiftly; twirl.使快速旋转;扭转美国传统〔spin〕To shape or manufacture by a twirling or rotating process.旋转制造:用扭转或旋转的方法成形或者制造美国传统〔swing〕Do campaign gifts swing votes ? 竞选捐助能扭转票数吗?朗文当代〔swing〕He also had the edge in Florida, which swung the 2000 result.他在佛罗里达州也有优势, 这一优势曾扭转2000年的竞选结果。外研社新世纪〔table〕He turned the tables on his attacker and pinned him to the ground.他扭转了局面,将袭击者按倒在地。韦氏高阶〔table〕The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents.唯一的问题是, 总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕扭转局面, 在与对手的较量中占据上风。外研社新世纪〔table〕The tables were turned in the second half, when Leeds United scored from the penalty spot.利兹联队因罚点球得分,下半场局势扭转了。朗文当代〔tide〕Civil liberties groups helped to turn the tide against industrial violence.公民自由团体帮助扭转劳资纠纷引发暴力的潮流。牛津搭配〔tide〕It was their first major victory. The tide had turned (=changed) .这是他们的第一次重大胜利,形势已扭转了。朗文当代〔tide〕They talked of reversing the tide of history.他们谈到扭转历史潮流。柯林斯高阶〔torque〕A turning or twisting force.扭转力,变曲力美国传统〔torsion〕The act of twisting or turning.弯曲:弯曲或扭转的动作美国传统〔torsion〕The condition of being twisted or turned.扭曲:被弯曲或扭转后所处的状态美国传统〔trend〕Can anything be done to reverse this trend? 有什么办法扭转这种倾向吗?英汉大词典〔trend〕Successive presidents have tried to reverse this trend , but without success.连续几任总统都试图扭转这一趋势,但均未成功。朗文当代〔turn around〕You need to turn your life around before it's too late.你得趁早扭转自己的命运。韦氏高阶〔turn the tables on sb〕She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.她指控对手腐败,从而扭转了对自己不利的局面。剑桥高阶〔turn〕Fender's batting could turn matches around in half an hour.芬德的击球能让比赛在半小时内扭转局势。朗文当代〔turn〕Mills turned the game by scoring twice.米尔斯两度进球,扭转了比赛的局势。朗文当代〔turn〕The company turned around from losses of £1.4 million last year to profits of £26,800.公司由去年的亏损 140 万英镑扭转为盈利 2.68 万英镑。朗文当代〔turn〕The game turned in the 56th minute.比赛在第 56 分钟时发生了扭转。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The victory turned the tide of the war in North Africa.这场胜利扭转了北非的战局。朗文当代〔turn〕They turned the situation round for the better.他们扭转了局面。英汉大词典〔turn〕This victory seems to have turned the tide of the war.这场胜利似乎已经扭转了战局。外研社新世纪〔turn〕To reverse a situation and gain the upper hand.转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风美国传统〔twist〕The boy's leg was twisted back painfully.男孩的腿被痛苦地往后扭转。牛津搭配〔twist〕The state of being twisted into a spiral; torsional stress or strain.螺旋状,扭力:扭成螺旋状;扭转的压力或张力美国传统〔volvulus〕Abnormal twisting of the intestine causing obstruction.肠扭转:肠的不正常扭转,引起梗阻美国传统〔wrench〕Any of various hand or power tools with fixed or adjustable jaws for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes.扳手:一种有固定或可调整的钳口的手用或机械工具,用来咬合、转动或扭转如镙钉、镙铨或管子的物体美国传统〔wrench〕To pull with a wrench.扭拉:扭转地拉美国传统〔wrench〕To twist or turn suddenly and forcibly.扭转:猛然而有力地扭或转动美国传统〔wring〕The act or an instance of wringing; a squeeze or twist.扭转,扭曲:扭动的动作或实例;压挤或扭曲美国传统〔year〕I always turn adversity and defeat into victories, but it's probably put ten years on me.我总是能够扭转逆境,反败为胜,但这可能让我显得老成了10岁。柯林斯高阶Excessive torsion on the coupling will cause metal fatigue.在联结处过多地扭转会使金属疲劳。剑桥国际Glyn's quick thinking (= ability to solve problems with speed) averted what could have been a disaster.格力恩迅速解决问题的能力扭转了可能成为灾难的局面。剑桥国际He has a lot of experience of turning basket cases into profitable companies.他有丰富经验使经济瘫痪的公司扭转为赢利赚钱的企业。剑桥国际He skewed around in his chair. 他在椅子里扭转身来。译典通He turned the tables on his opponents by publishing letters which showed they had criminal connections.通过披露对手们与犯罪有关的信件, 他扭转了对自己不利的局面。剑桥国际I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.我决心采取一切必要的行动来扭转形势。剑桥国际She gave herself a two-year deadline to reverse the group's decline.她给自己两年的期限来扭转这集团的衰落局面。牛津商务She has failed to reverse the company's decline.她一直未能扭转公司业绩下降的情况。牛津商务Some organs in the body, especially the testicles, may develop torsion.身体上的一些器官,尤其是睾丸,会发生扭转。剑桥国际The American declaration of war in 1917 tipped the scales against Germany. 一九一七年美国宣战,扭转了对德之战的形势。译典通The American declaration of war in 1917 turned the scales against Germany. 一九一七年美国宣战,扭转了对德之战的形势。译典通The business was heading for financial disaster but the arrival of an excellent new manager saved the situation.企业正面临财务困境,但那位新上任的极能干的经理扭转了局面。剑桥国际The car hit a patch of ice and slewed around violently.汽车蹭上了一块冰,猛地扭转了。剑桥国际The company has been struggling to revive falling sales.这家公司一直在为扭转下降的销售量而拚搏。牛津商务The company is battling to reverse the decline in sales.这家公司正在拚命扭转销售量下降的局面。牛津商务The company needs over a million dollars to set its finances to rights.公司需要100多万美元来扭转财政状况。剑桥国际The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.新经理希望能扭转公司业绩的下降趋势。剑桥国际This increase reversed an earlier price plunge.这增长扭转了早些时候的价格暴跌。牛津商务




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