

单词 愿意合作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW〕Positive tests have revealed why some athletes were so reluctant to co-operate. 检验结果呈阳性,这就揭露了为什么有些运动员那么不愿意合作。朗文写作活用〔gallows〕A man facing the gallows can be very forthcoming.一个面临绞刑的人会非常愿意合作。外研社新世纪〔go along〕You can buy your house, if your father is willing to go along.如果你父亲愿意合作,你可以买那栋房子。21世纪英汉〔indicate〕He indicated his willingness to cooperate.他暗示愿意合作。牛津高阶〔indicate〕In his letter he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate.他在信中向我们透露他愿意合作。牛津高阶〔indicate〕The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.俄国人已经表明了愿意合作的意向。朗文当代〔unprepared〕He was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to communicate.他不愿意合作,甚至拒绝交流。柯林斯高阶〔withdrawal〕Despite the apparent willingness to cooperate, he sensed a withdrawal in her eyes.尽管她表面上愿意合作,但他觉得她的眼中有一种冷漠的神情。英汉大词典He seems to have undergone a change in/of attitude recently, and has become much more cooperative.他的态度近来似乎发生了转变,现在很愿意合作。剑桥国际This fully demonstrates their willingness to cooperate. 这充分表明他们愿意合作。译典通




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