

单词 抒情诗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Erato〕The Muse of lyric poetry and mime.艾拉多:掌管抒情诗歌和笑剧、哑剧的女神美国传统〔Euterpe〕The Muse of lyric poetry and music.欧忒耳佩:缪斯女神之一,主管音乐和抒情诗美国传统〔Sappho〕Greek lyric poet considered one of the greatest poets of antiquity although only fragments of her romantic lyrics survive.萨福:希腊抒情诗人,虽然她的抒情浪漫诗只保存下一些片段,她仍被认为是古代最伟大的诗人之一美国传统〔Simonides of Ceos〕Greek lyric poet who is known especially for his elegies in honor of the slain warriors at Marathon and Thermopylae.(凯奥斯岛的)西摩尼得斯:古希腊抒情诗人,尤以其为纪念在马拉松战役和塞莫皮菜战役中被杀武士所写的哀歌而闻名美国传统〔Walther von der Vogelweide〕German minnesinger whose lyrics reflected his religious and political views. The German national anthem is based on one of his songs.瓦尔特·封·德尔·福格威德:德国吟游诗人。他的抒情诗反映了他的宗教与政治观点。德国国歌是在他的一首歌的基础之上写成的美国传统〔canzone〕A medieval Italian or Provençal lyric of varying stanzaic form, usually with a concluding envoy.坎佐尼:中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗美国传统〔choriamb〕A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot.扬抑抑扬格:一种应用于抒情诗诗体中的音步,由两个轻音节夹在两个有节奏的重音之间构成,用于表示该音步的第一个和最后一个音节美国传统〔epode〕A lyric poem characterized by couplets formed by a long line followed by a shorter one.长短句相间的抒情诗体:一种抒情诗体,其特征为长短相间的对偶句美国传统〔exalt〕The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.莎士比亚的抒情诗激发了听众的想像力。21世纪英汉〔haiku〕A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.俳句:一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光美国传统〔know〕It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics.如果你想读懂一些抒情诗, 学点法语和克里奥尔语是有帮助的。外研社新世纪〔know〕It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics.如果你想读懂一些抒情诗,学点法语和克里奥尔语是有帮助的。柯林斯高阶〔lyrical〕She wrote an almost lyrical account of her childhood.她叙述了自己的童年,写得几乎和抒情诗一样优美。牛津搭配〔lyricize〕To treat (something) lyrically; put into lyric style.以抒情诗态度对待(某物);使抒情诗化美国传统〔lyricize〕To write lyrically or in a lyric style.写抒情诗歌或以抒情诗风格写作美国传统〔lyrics〕Strauss set several of Mackay's lyrics to music.施特劳斯为麦凯的好几首抒情诗作了曲。牛津搭配〔lyric〕A lyric poem.抒情诗美国传统〔lyric〕Greek lyric poetry 希腊抒情诗歌韦氏高阶〔lyric〕Lawrence's splendid short stories and lyric poetry.劳伦斯精彩的短篇小说和抒情诗柯林斯高阶〔lyric〕Lawrence's splendid short stories and lyric poetry劳伦斯写的优秀短篇小说与抒情诗外研社新世纪〔lyric〕Of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings, often in a songlike style or form.抒情诗的:表达内心思想和感情的一种诗的或与之有关的,常以诗歌的风格或形式出现美国传统〔lyric〕Of or relating to a writer of poems in this category.抒情诗人:抒情诗人或与其有关的美国传统〔lyric〕Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode.写抒情诗的:关于或构成这种抒情诗的,如十四行诗或赋的美国传统〔lyric〕William Wordsworth wrote lyric poetry/was a lyric poet.威廉‧华兹华斯创作抒情诗/是一位抒情诗人。剑桥高阶〔lyric〕Wordsworth was one of the greatest lyric poets of his time.华兹华斯是他那个时代最伟大的抒情诗人之一。朗文当代〔lyrist〕A lyric poet.抒情诗人美国传统〔memorable〕Peart's lyrics are instantly memorable.皮尔特的抒情诗令人过目难忘。牛津搭配〔minstrelsy〕Ballads and lyrics sung by minstrels.吟游诗人的诗集:吟游诗人吟唱的民谣或抒情诗美国传统〔minstrel〕A lyric poet.抒情诗人美国传统〔ode〕A classical Greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode.诗歌:以便唱歌曲为模式的古希腊诗歌,具有三部分结构,包括向左舞动时唱的诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分美国传统〔ode〕A lyric poem of some length, usually of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanzaic structure.颂,歌:一首有一定长度的抒情诗,通常具有庄重或思考的性质,风格严肃和有正式的诗节结构美国传统〔overtly〕He's written a few overtly political lyrics over the years.他这些年写了几首政治色彩鲜明的抒情诗。外研社新世纪〔overtly〕He's written a few overtly political lyrics over the years.他这些年写了几首政治色彩鲜明的抒情诗。柯林斯高阶〔poetry〕She's published two books of lyric poetry and a novel.她出版了两本抒情诗集和一部小说。韦氏高阶〔put〕The lyrics had been put to music.这些抒情诗被改编成了音乐美国传统〔sing〕This lyric sings well.这首抒情诗唱起好听。21世纪英汉〔song〕A lyric poem or ballad.抒情诗或民谣美国传统〔strain〕A passage of poetic and especially lyrical expression.诗节:诗,尤其是抒情诗的一段或一节美国传统〔triad〕A section of a Pindaric ode consisting of the strophe, antistrophe, and epode.品达体颂歌的一个部分包括诗节、反诗节和抒情诗的第三部分美国传统He then started writing his own music, achieving international fame with the music and lyrics for ‘Guys and Dolls’in 1950.接着他开始谱写自己的音乐,并于1950年以‘男孩与玩偶’中的音乐和抒情诗赢得了国际声誉。剑桥国际William Wordsworth wrote lyric poetry/was a lyric poet.威廉·华兹华斯是写抒情诗的/是个抒情诗人。剑桥国际




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