

单词 性地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Denver boot〕A device locked to the wheel of a parked vehicle to keep it from being driven, used especially to force settlement of outstanding traffic violations.丹佛锁扣:锁住停放的汽车轮子的装置,以防止车被开动,常用于强制性地解决较大的违章事件美国传统〔RECORD〕Attempts to document social problems in some parts of the country had been difficult. 要纪实性地反映该国有些地区的社会问题一直很困难。朗文写作活用〔RECORD〕Many writers have documented the changes in feminist politics over the last decade. 许多作家纪实性地描述了最近十年来女权主义政治的变化。朗文写作活用〔acknowledgement〕Mitzi nodded a perfunctory acknowledgement as her glass was filled.杯子被倒满时米芝敷衍性地点头示意。柯林斯高阶〔adenomyosis〕A form of endometriosis characterized by the invasive, usually benign growth of tissue into smooth muscle such as the uterus.子宫内膜异位形成:子宫内膜异位的形态,症状为良性组织扩散性地生长在子宫的平滑肌上美国传统〔as a matter of form〕He was asked to participate only as a matter of form.(人们)只是礼节性地邀请他出席。韦氏高阶〔athwart〕So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely.以便对抗,阻碍,或反对地;任性地美国传统〔attack〕These verbs mean to set upon, physically or figuratively.这些动词都表示实际或象征性地攻击。美国传统〔automatic pilot〕Moving on automatic pilot, she tidied the room.她习惯性地整理起房间来。朗文当代〔automatic pilot〕My body was on autopilot as I trailed through passport control, baggage reclaim and customs.我机械性地跟着通过了过境检查、行李认领和海关。柯林斯高阶〔baptism〕A religious sacrament marked by the symbolic use of water and resulting in admission of the recipient into the community of Christians.洗礼,浸礼:宗教圣礼,象征性地用水洗浴,以表示受洗者被接受入基督教团体美国传统〔brandish〕To wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly.挥舞:威胁性地挥动或挥舞(如武器)美国传统〔buy〕To die, especially suddenly or violently.死亡:死亡,常指突发性地死亡或暴死美国传统〔chin〕Maria jutted her chin defiantly.玛丽亚挑衅性地扬起下巴。牛津搭配〔chin〕She tilted her chin at him defiantly.她挑衅性地冲他扬起下巴。牛津搭配〔claymore mine〕A lens-shaped, ground-emplaced antipersonnel mine whose blast is focused in the direction of the oncoming enemy.克莱莫地雷:一种镜片状、埋于地下的杀伤性地雷,爆炸集中于敌人前进的方向美国传统〔conditioning〕You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared.你习惯性地认为害怕是软弱的表现。柯林斯高阶〔condition〕Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to drool at the sound of a bell.巴甫洛夫的狗一听到铃声就会习惯性地流口水。外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.通过礼貌性地给客户打电话,我开始和他们建立起私交。柯林斯高阶〔critically〕He can think critically and constructively.他能够审慎并有建设性地思考。外研社新世纪〔crown〕They were crowned champions after a dramatic 6–5 final.他们戏剧性地以6比5赢得决赛后被授予冠军称号。麦克米伦高阶〔cuddle〕He just wants a comforting kiss and a cuddle and he'll be all right.他只想要别人安慰性地吻他一下、抱他一下,这样他就会好起来。牛津搭配〔cycle〕To move in or as if in a cycle.循环:周期地或者好象周期性地运动美国传统〔daltonism〕An inherited defect in perception of red and green; red-green colorblindness.色盲:先天性地分不清红色和绿色;红绿色盲美国传统〔daub〕The paint was daubed on inartistically.颜料被毫无艺术性地涂抹在上面。21世纪英汉〔determine〕To decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.判定:结论性、权威性地决定或解决(纠纷等)美国传统〔document〕The film documented the development of our country during the 50 years.这部电影纪实性地描述了我国50年中的发展过程。21世纪英汉〔drink〕Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor.酗酒:过度或习惯性地大量饮用酒精饮料美国传统〔east〕The collapse of Communism changed East-West relations for ever.共产主义在东欧的瓦解永久性地改变了东方集团与西方集团之间的关系。剑桥高阶〔engage〕They constructively engage critics in debates.他们建设性地使批评家们参与辩论。牛津搭配〔entrance〕The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market.这家公司戏剧性地打入了出口市场。牛津高阶〔entwine〕Their lives entwined tragically.他们的生活悲剧性地交织在一起。韦氏高阶〔exchange〕Some resisted fiercely, others fled after a token exchange.有些人拼命抵抗,有些人则象征性地打了几枪就逃跑了。英汉大词典〔experimentally〕I stepped experimentally into the icy water.我试探性地趟入冰冷的水里。麦克米伦高阶〔fee〕We had to pay a nominal fee to join the club.加入这个俱乐部,我们得象征性地交点儿费。牛津搭配〔general delivery〕A department of a post office that holds mail for addressees until it is called for.邮件待领部:邮局的一个部,存放那些无永久性地址的邮件,直到有人领取美国传统〔gesture〕They lit candles as a symbolic gesture.他们象征性地点燃蜡烛。外研社新世纪〔giggly〕Ray was very giggly and joking all the time.雷习惯性地咯咯笑着, 一直在开玩笑。外研社新世纪〔grab〕When he saw the man give Leslie a polite kiss on the cheek, he grabbed her.当他看到那个男人礼节性地亲吻了莱斯利的脸颊, 他一把把她揪了过来。外研社新世纪〔guzzle〕To drink, especially alcoholic beverages, greedily or habitually.大量或习惯性地饮用酒精饮料美国传统〔habit〕Mr Norris woke up early from force of habit.诺里斯先生习惯性地很早就醒了。牛津搭配〔illustrate〕The case tragically illustrates the dangers of fireworks.这个案子悲剧性地说明了烟花爆竹的危险性。牛津搭配〔incursion〕An aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or an invasion.侵犯:具有侵略性地进入外国领土;袭击或侵略美国传统〔indulge〕She indulged in a fit of temper.她任性地发了一通脾气。英汉大词典〔juicer〕Slang One who drinks liquor or alcoholic beverages habitually or excessively.【俚语】 酒鬼:习惯性地或过度地饮用烈性酒或含酒精饮料的人美国传统〔kite〕A bank check that has been fraudulently altered to show a larger amount.被欺骗性地改为更大金额的银行支票美国传统〔leery〕He gave me a leery grin and a thumbs up.他冲我挑逗性地咧嘴一笑, 竖起大拇指表示赞赏。外研社新世纪〔mechanical〕He gave a mechanical response.他习惯性地作出反应。剑桥高阶〔nominal〕For a nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers' homes.他们只象征性地收点费用就可以送货上门。剑桥高阶〔nominal〕We only pay a nominal rent.我们只象征性地付一点租金。牛津高阶〔notal〕He noted again he would completely resolve the dispute between the two countries.他再一次强调,他将一次性地解决两国间的争端。21世纪英汉〔obstreperous〕Aggressively boisterous.暴乱的:带有攻击性地猛烈的美国传统〔patch〕To connect temporarily (electronic components), as with a patch cord.(临时)连接:用接线把(电子元件)临时性地连接起来美国传统〔pendulum〕The spaceship's jets were fired periodically to dampen a side-to-side pendulum motion that had developed.宇宙飞船的喷射装置周期性地喷射,以减缓飞船出现的左右摇摆现象。剑桥高阶〔peppercorn rent〕They paid only a peppercorn rent.他们只是象征性地支付了租金。外研社新世纪〔periodic〕He suffers periodic mental breakdowns.他周期性地精神失常。剑桥高阶〔permanence〕His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed.他所目睹的那一幕永久性地影响了他的神智。柯林斯高阶〔permanent press〕A chemical process in which fabrics are permanently shaped and treated for wrinkle resistance.耐久熨压:纤维制品永久性地被定形而且经过抗皱处理的一个化学过程美国传统〔permanently〕Smoking is likely to damage your health permanently.吸烟可能会永久性地损害你的健康。剑桥高阶〔plaster〕To defeat decisively.彻底击败:决定性地击败美国传统〔politely〕The audience clapped politely.观众们礼节性地鼓了鼓掌。剑桥高阶〔pull〕To strain (a muscle, for example) injuriously.拉伤:伤害性地扭伤(例如,肌肉)美国传统〔pyroligneous〕Made by the destructive distillation of wood.焦木的:通过破坏性地干馏木材而制得的美国传统〔railroad〕He railroaded the reforms through.他强制性地推行了改革。柯林斯高阶〔rationally〕Let's discuss this problem rationally.我们理性地来讨论这个问题吧。文馨英汉〔read〕We teach students to read critically.我们教学生批判性地阅读。牛津搭配〔reargue〕To argue again or repeatedly.重复,争执:再一次地或重复性地争执美国传统〔recension〕A critical revision of a text incorporating the most plausible elements found in varying sources.校订:通过结合几个源本中最合理的因素来对某个文本进行评判性地修订美国传统〔record〕To register (sound or images) in permanent form by mechanical or electrical means for reproduction.录制,录影:用机械或电子方式永久性地记录下(声音或图像)以便复制美国传统〔revolving credit〕Credit repeatedly available up to a specified amount as periodic repayments are made.循环贷款:当间断性地偿付时可重复使用一定金额的货款美国传统〔routinely〕The views and concerns of parents are routinely ignored.家长的意见和担心被习惯性地忽视了。外研社新世纪〔rub〕To bring repeatedly and forcefully to another's attention.不断地强制性地引起另一个人的注意美国传统〔see〕To visit socially; call on.拜访,访问:社交性地拜访;访问美国传统〔selective〕He seemed to have a very selective recall of past events.他好像只能选择性地回想起过去的事情。剑桥高阶〔slam-dunk〕Basketball To shoot (the ball) forcefully and dramatically into the basket.【篮球】 灌篮:把(蓝球)有力地并有戏剧性地投进篮筐里美国传统〔snatch〕The team snatched a dramatic victory in the last minute of the game.该队在比赛的最后一分钟戏剧性地获胜。牛津高阶〔spasmodically〕Buildings trembled spasmodically for forty-five seconds.建筑物间歇性地震动了45秒钟。外研社新世纪〔spasmodic〕The tremor occurred in Bucharest, where buildings trembled spasmodically for forty-five seconds or so.布加勒斯特发生了轻微的地震,建筑物间歇性地晃动了约 45 秒钟。柯林斯高阶〔stead〕The place, position, or function properly or customarily occupied by another.替代:通常成习惯性地被别人占据的地方、位置或别人所起的作用美国传统〔stoop〕To walk or stand, especially habitually, with the head and upper back bent forward.往前倾:走路或站立时头与上背部向前弯曲,尤指习惯性地弯曲美国传统〔takeoff〕They did a funny takeoff on/of a quiz show.他们娱乐性地模仿了智力竞赛节目。韦氏高阶〔tar〕To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.严厉地和带毁灭性地批评;狠批美国传统〔token〕A small token payment will keep the bank happy.象征性地付点钱,银行就会满意了。朗文当代〔tope〕To drink (liquor) habitually and excessively or engage in such drinking.狂饮,纵饮:习惯性地过度饮(酒)或陷入这种状况美国传统〔trial〕In the process of being tried, as in a court of law.在试用中、试验性地、在受审中,如在法庭上进行的美国传统〔trounce〕To defeat decisively.决定性地打败美国传统〔turkey trot〕A ragtime dance characterized by a springy walk with the feet well apart and a swinging up-and-down movement of the shoulders.火鸡舞:一种繁音拍子的舞蹈,其特点是双足充分分开,有弹性地舞步,双肩上下摇摆扭动美国传统〔understate〕To express with restraint or lack of emphasis, especially ironically or for rhetorical effect.轻描淡写地陈述:带限制地或缺乏重点地表达,尤指讽刺性地或为修辞作用美国传统〔unpleasantly〕There had to be a reason for the unpleasantness some people habitually displayed.一些人习惯性地行为粗鲁,这一定有其原因。柯林斯高阶〔wangle〕To manipulate or juggle, especially fraudulently.使用诡计:操纵或耍把戏,尤指欺骗性地美国传统She perversely enjoyed the strain of jogging five miles every morning.每天早上慢走5 英里,她却任性地喜欢吃这苦头。剑桥国际She told us how easy it was to use the computer, then by way of demonstration (= showing and explaining) simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.她告诉我们使用计算机有多容易,然后就示范性地在键盘上简单按了几个键。剑桥国际The England team clinched a clear-cut/convincing/decisive victory over Sri Lanka yesterday.昨天英格兰队大比分/让人心服口服/决定性地战胜了斯里兰卡队。剑桥国际The child vengefully smashed her brother's toy because he wouldn't let her play with it.那小孩报复性地将她兄弟的玩具砸得粉碎,因为他不肯给她玩。剑桥国际The dress hung in artful drapes (= folds) around her hips.裙子在髋骨周围很有艺术性地打着褶。剑桥国际The pain of the disease caused him habitually to furrow his brow. 病痛使他习惯性地紧皱眉头。译典通The resort is one of the most popular Swiss destinations for skiers who demand extensive and challenging ski terrain.该度假胜地是滑雪者最喜爱的瑞士滑雪地之一,渴望广阔而富有挑战性地形的滑雪者常去那里。剑桥国际The show ingeniously combined actors and marionettes.这个表演创造性地将演员和木偶结合在一起。剑桥国际The sudden drop in crude oil prices has had an unsettling effect on the oil sector, dramatically lowering share prices.原油价格的突然下跌对石油行业产生了使其动荡的影响, 明显性地降低了股票价格。剑桥国际We voted tactically in the last three elections.我们在上三次选举中策略性地投了票。剑桥国际




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