

单词 心思
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MAIN〕the main ideas in a speech, piece of writing etc 演讲、文章等的中心思想朗文写作活用〔articulation〕articulation of the detail with the central thought 细节和中心思想的有机结合英汉大词典〔boor〕consideration wasted on a churl; 浪费在无教养之才上的心思;美国传统〔cast〕her thoughtful cast of mind. 她心思缜密美国传统〔catch〕a catch verbal stunt 挖空心思哗众取宠的妙语英汉大词典〔contort〕a face contorted with fear (in thought) 因为害怕(专心思考时)扭歪的脸英汉大词典〔contrive〕a moving little drama that we could never have contrived deliberately我们挖空心思也设计不出来的一出感人小戏外研社新世纪〔dredge〕dredge into oneself for words 挖空心思寻找词句英汉大词典〔elaborately〕elaborate efforts at the highest level to conceal the problem. 最高层为了隐瞒问题而挖空心思柯林斯高阶〔exertion〕mental exertion 费心思朗文当代〔expend〕expend much time (care) on one's work 把很多时间(心思)花在工作上英汉大词典〔impure〕an impure mind 肮脏的心思英汉大词典〔intellectual〕a job that requires considerable intellectual effort 一份需要花大量心思的工作朗文当代〔main〕the main idea/point 中心思想;要点韦氏高阶〔message〕the message of the book 这本书的中心思想英汉大词典〔mobile〕a mobile mind 易变的心思英汉大词典〔mutable〕a mutable mind 易变的心思英汉大词典〔point〕the point of a story.故事的中心思想。牛津同义词〔re-collect〕re-collect one's mind (或 thoughts) 集中心思英汉大词典〔read〕read sb.'s thoughts (或 mind) 识透某人的心思 英汉大词典〔refinement〕all the refinements of torture 挖空心思设计出来的各种酷刑英汉大词典〔sleight〕sleight of mind 心思的灵巧英汉大词典〔vagaries〕the vagaries of the heart 难以揣测的心思韦氏高阶




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