

单词 心中有数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔calculated〕The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels.总统全力支持反叛分子,对所冒的政治风险心中有数。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕I went into the job with my eyes open, fully knowing what it would involve.我开始干这项工作时是心中有数的,很明白会涉及什么。麦克米伦高阶〔eye〕We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly, with their eyes open.我们希望所有成员都能够负责地开始这次旅程,做到心中有数。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly, with their eyes open.我们希望所有的成员都能对这次旅行负起责任, 做到心中有数。外研社新世纪〔know〕I knew the score before I started the job.我开始这项工作之前心中有数。朗文当代〔number〕To determine or know someone's real character or motives.对某人心中有数:确定或了解某人真正的性格或动机美国传统〔score〕He couldn't make a score off his opponent,who seemed to know all his arguments already.他未能驳倒对手,那人似乎对他所有的论点事先都已心中有数。英汉大词典




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