

单词 我本以为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕I thought I might beat Tracy at tennis but she was more than a match for me. 我本以为在网球赛中能击败特蕾西,没想到她远比我强。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕I thought if I told Mark everything, it would be OK. That was a bad miscalculation. 我本以为把一切都告诉马克就没有问题了。可这种估计大错特错了。朗文写作活用〔assume〕I had assumed him to be a Belgian.我本以为他是比利时人。牛津高阶〔better〕I expected better of him(= I thought he would have behaved better).我本以为他会表现得好一些。牛津高阶〔brass〕I didn't think she would have the brass neck to do that.我本以为她不会胆大妄为的。牛津高阶〔confess〕I had expected her to confess that she only wrote these books for the money.我本以为她会承认写这些书只是为了钱。外研社新世纪〔confess〕I had expected her to confess that she only wrote these books for the money.我本以为她会承认写这些书只是为了钱。柯林斯高阶〔dead〕I thought the matter was dead.我本以为这事已平息。英汉大词典〔laugh〕I thought she would be angry but she just laughed.我本以为她会生气,可她只是笑了笑。牛津搭配〔list〕I would have thought if they were looking for redundancies I would be last on the list.我本以为,要是他们打算裁员,我会是最不可能被裁的人选。柯林斯高阶〔not turn a hair〕I was expecting him to be horrified when he heard the cost but he didn't turn a hair.我本以为他听到花费数目后会大为震惊,可他居然毫无反应。剑桥高阶〔sort〕I'd have thought these black trousers were more your sort of thing.我本以为这条黑色裤子才是你喜欢的那种。剑桥高阶〔think〕You'd think he'd visit his parents once in a while.我本以为他会偶尔来看望一下父母。麦克米伦高阶〔tumble to〕I thought you'd tumble to what I'd meant.我本以为你能领会我的意思。韦氏高阶〔wipe the floor with〕I thought I could beat him, but he wiped the floor with me.我本以为能打败他,没想到却输得一败涂地。韦氏高阶I thought I could mend my broken radio myself, but I've had to admit defeat (= I cannot do it).我本以为自己能修好摔坏的收音机,但现在却不得不承认我不行。剑桥国际




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