

单词 戒烟
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bandwagon〕tobacco companies that were hard hit by the nonsmoking bandwagon. 受到戒烟潮的严重冲击的烟草公司美国传统〔break〕a new drug which helps smokers to break their habit 帮助吸烟者戒烟的一种新药朗文当代〔conquer〕conquer the cigarette habit 戒烟英汉大词典〔cut〕cut out smoking 戒烟英汉大词典〔determined〕a determined effort to stop smoking 坚决戒烟的努力牛津高阶〔determined〕be determined about quitting smoking 下定决心戒烟英汉大词典〔disaccustom〕disaccustom oneself to the use of tobacco 使自己戒烟英汉大词典〔do with〕to do with cigarettes戒烟21世纪英汉〔effective〕effective in helping people to stop smoking 有效地帮助人们戒烟牛津搭配〔fall〕fall out of the habit of smoking 戒烟 英汉大词典〔give up〕smokers who give up before 30. 30岁以前戒烟的人柯林斯高阶〔give〕give up smoking 戒烟英汉大词典〔give〕to give up smoking.戒烟。牛津同义词〔nonsmoking〕corporate nonsmoking policies. 市政当局的戒烟政策美国传统〔off〕to be off smoking戒烟21世纪英汉〔patch〕anti-seasickness patches and nicotine patches to help smokers quit抗晕船膏药贴片和帮助吸烟者戒烟的尼古丁贴片外研社新世纪〔patch〕nicotine patches 尼古丁戒烟贴片牛津高阶〔refrain〕abstained from smoking; 戒烟;美国传统〔renounce〕renounce smoking and drinking 戒烟戒酒 英汉大词典〔resolution〕a New Year's resolution to diet (to stop smoking) 新年伊始节食(戒烟)的决心英汉大词典〔sake〕give up smoking for the sake of health 为健康而戒烟英汉大词典〔smoker〕a former smoker who quit 20 years ago 戒烟 20 年的前烟民牛津搭配〔smoking〕give up smoking 戒烟英汉大词典〔spean〕to spean from smoking戒烟21世纪英汉〔tobacco〕give up tobacco 戒烟英汉大词典〔wean from〕to wean oneself from smoking使自己戒烟21世纪英汉




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