

单词 戒律
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Decalogue〕A fundamental set of rules having authoritative weight.十条戒律:有权威性的一套基本规则美国传统〔Islamic〕Islamic faith/law 伊斯兰教信仰/戒律韦氏高阶〔Mozarab〕One of a group of Spanish Christians who adopted certain aspects of Arab culture under Moslem rule but practiced a modified form of Christian worship.莫扎勒布:穆斯林统治时期的一些西班牙基督教徒,他们采用穆斯林戒律统辖的阿拉伯文化的某些方面但仍按修改过的基督教徒方式做礼拜美国传统〔RELIGION〕There are 613 commandments required of a pious Jew. 虔诚的犹太教教徒要遵守613条戒律。朗文写作活用〔Ten Commandments〕The ten injunctions given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, serving as the basis of Mosaic Law.十诫:上帝在西奈山上给摩西的十条戒律,是摩西律法的基础美国传统〔begird〕They are begirt with spiritual laws.他们为种种精神戒律所束缚。英汉大词典〔blue〕Puritanical; strict.清教徒的;戒律很严的美国传统〔chastity〕The young monks took vows of chastity and obedience.年轻的和尚们宣誓禁欲,并遵守戒律。麦克米伦高阶〔commandment〕A command; an edict.戒律:命令;赦令美国传统〔constrict〕Too many rules had constricted her lifestyle.太多的清规戒律限制了她的生活方式。剑桥高阶〔discipline〕A set of rules or methods, as those regulating the practice of a church or monastic order.教规,戒律:一套规则或做法,如教堂或寺院里规定的教规戒律美国传统〔fast〕To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline.禁食,斋戒:少吃或不吃某些食物,特指宗教戒律美国传统〔flesh〕The flesh rebels against such disciplines.肉体违背这些戒律。外研社新世纪〔islam〕Islamic law 伊斯兰教戒律牛津高阶〔misericord〕Relaxation of monastic rules, as a dispensation from fasting.特免:修道士戒律的放宽,如斋戒的免除美国传统〔mitzvah〕A commandment of the Jewish law.戒律:犹太法律的诫条美国传统〔mitzvah〕The fulfillment of such a commandment.此种戒律的执行美国传统〔precept〕Islamic precepts 伊斯兰教戒律英汉大词典〔predominate〕He wants to create a society where Islamic principles predominate.他想创造一个以伊斯兰教戒律为主导的社会。柯林斯高阶〔prefect〕The administrator in charge of discipline at a Jesuit school.耶稣会学校里负责教规戒律的行政官员美国传统〔sin〕Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.饶恕我,神父,我犯了戒律。剑桥高阶〔taboo〕Movie producers attempted to break down all the taboos.电影制片商们试图冲破一切清规戒律。英汉大词典〔taboo〕Tribal taboos forbade the Mandinkas to eat the monkeys.部落的戒律禁止马林克人吃猴肉。英汉大词典〔wearied〕Young people weary of countless restrictions and fetters.年轻人对各种清规戒律感到厌烦。21世纪英汉Few religious orders encourage flagellants nowadays.如今很少宗教戒律鼓励自笞者。剑桥国际He has always rigidly adhered to the precepts of the Church.他总是严格遵守教会的戒律。剑桥国际In Biblical times, a scribe was a teacher of the religious law.在《圣经》的年代,抄写员是教授宗教戒律的老师。剑桥国际In an age when there was a great pressure on women to conform, she rejected every rule.在女性承受巨大压力得服从的年代,她拒绝接受清规戒律。剑桥国际Islamic precepts 伊斯兰教戒律译典通Many Western Buddhists think it is important to be vegetarian because it agrees with the Buddhist precept of not harming any living being.很多西方佛教信徒认为吃素是很重要的,因为它符合佛教不杀生的戒律。剑桥国际Too many rules had constricted her lifestyle--she felt trapped in routine.太多的清规戒律限制了她的生活方式----她觉得陷入了公式化的窠臼。剑桥国际




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