

单词 托车
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Peter Fonda is best known as the star of ‘Easy Rider’ and other 1960s biker films. 彼得·方达最出名的是主演《逍遥骑士》等20世纪60年代讲述摩托车手的影片。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕She looked at the huge motorcycle. ‘I'll never be able to ride that!’ 她看着那辆体积庞大的摩托车。“我永远也骑不了那玩意儿!”朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The lights changed to green, and the motorbike sped off. 交通信号灯变为绿色,那辆摩托车疾驰而去。朗文写作活用〔DRIVE〕The President's car arrived with its escort of police motorcyclists. 总统的汽车在警方摩托车队的护送下到达了。朗文写作活用〔DRIVE〕Three motorcyclists dressed in black rode past. 三个身穿黑衣的人骑着摩托车驶过。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕Nothing can compare with the exhilaration of riding a motorcycle as fast as you can. 飙摩托车那种刺激的感觉是无可比拟的。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕Since her motorbike accident, she can't feel anything below the neck. 出了摩托车事故以后,她脖子以下没有任何知觉。朗文写作活用〔accomplice〕The gunman escaped on a motorcycle being ridden by an accomplice.持枪歹徒坐上一辆由同伙驾驶的摩托车逃逸。柯林斯高阶〔angular〕The sharp angular bodywork gives the motorbike a menacing appearance.尖角形的车身给了这辆摩托车一副气势汹汹的模样。外研社新世纪〔biker〕One who rides a bicycle or a motorbike.骑自行车或摩托车的人美国传统〔break down〕This old motorcycle is constantly breaking down.这辆旧摩托车老是出毛病。韦氏高阶〔bugger〕Bugger me! Did you see the speed that motorbike was going? 老天哪!你看到那辆摩托车开得有多快了吗?剑桥高阶〔bump〕If the motorcycle goes over a bump, the engine misfires.摩托车只要一经过坎儿, 发动机就会熄火。外研社新世纪〔catch〕The motorbike engine chugged twice and caught.摩托车的引擎嚓嘎嚓嘎地响了两次就发火起动了。英汉大词典〔choose〕After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.经过反复考虑,我决定不买摩托车。牛津高阶〔conk out〕I was just two miles from home when my motorbike conked out! 我出门刚骑了两英里,我的摩托车就突然出了故障!剑桥高阶〔country〕He plans to travel the country by motorcycle.他计划骑摩托车游遍这个国家。牛津搭配〔courier〕Urgent deliveries of medicine may be sent by motorcycle courier.需紧急递送的药物可以通过摩托车投递员送。牛津搭配〔crash helmet〕A padded helmet, as one worn by bicyclists, motorcyclists, or aviators, to protect the head in case of accident.防撞头盔:自行车手、摩托车运动员或飞行员等穿戴的在发生事故时保护头部的装有衬垫的头盔美国传统〔crash〕Even his death, after crashing his motorcycle on a bridge in New Orleans, was spectacular.甚至他骑摩托车在新奥尔良撞桥身亡的事也轰动一时。柯林斯高阶〔crash〕He has crashed two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle.他撞上了两辆轿车、一辆卡车和一辆摩托车。韦氏高阶〔crash〕Her brother borrowed her motorbike and crashed it.她弟弟借用她的摩托车,结果给撞坏了。剑桥高阶〔craze〕At that time, scooters were the latest craze .那时候,小型摩托车成了最新的时尚。朗文当代〔cyclist〕One who rides or races a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.骑车人:骑自行车的人,骑摩托车的人,或者骑类似交通工具的人美国传统〔dirt bike〕A motorbike or bicycle designed for use on rough surfaces, such as dirt roads or trails.泥土路摩托车:设计用来在粗糙路上行驶的摩托车或自行车,如泥土路或小径上美国传统〔dismount from〕He dismounted from the motorcycle.他下摩托车。21世纪英汉〔encash〕You'd better encash your motorcycle at once.你最好马上卖掉摩托车换成现款。21世纪英汉〔excite〕Daniel's early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest.丹尼尔早期与摩托车赛的接触并没有激发他的兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔flat〕The salt flats are used for motor racing.盐滩被用作摩托车比赛场地。剑桥高阶〔float sb's boat〕Motor racing doesn't really float my boat.我并不真的喜欢飙摩托车。剑桥高阶〔flout〕Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets.许多骑摩托车的人无视法律,不戴头盔。剑桥高阶〔formation〕They saw a squadron of fifteen motorcycle policemen driving in V-formation.他们看见 15 名警察骑着摩托车排成 V 字形前行。柯林斯高阶〔hairy〕I like going on the back of Pedro's motorbike, though it can get a bit hairy.我喜欢坐在佩德罗的摩托车后座上兜风,虽然有时有些惊险。剑桥高阶〔handle〕He handles his motorcycle well.他驾驶摩托车很娴熟。韦氏高阶〔herd〕Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.斯特凡诺骑一辆摩托车放羊。柯林斯高阶〔house〕The château itself is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars.古堡本身对公众开放,并设有一个摩托车和汽车博物馆。柯林斯高阶〔idea〕He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motorcycle.他一门心思想要买辆摩托车。牛津搭配〔idea〕Nick tells me he wants a motorbike. Have you been putting ideas into his head? 尼克对我说想要一辆摩托车,是不是你让他胡思乱想的?朗文当代〔impress〕The detective impressed my motorcycle to pursue a criminal.警探征用我的摩托车去追捕罪犯。英汉大词典〔incredible〕What an incredible motorbike! 多棒的摩托车啊!剑桥高阶〔kick-start〕He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it.他将摩托车撑脚架往上一提,开始蹬车启动。柯林斯高阶〔loosely〕Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel.两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。柯林斯高阶〔mandatory〕Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.摩托车手必须带头盔。朗文当代〔motorbike〕A lightweight motorcycle.轻型摩托车美国传统〔motorbike〕She jumped on her motorbike and raced off down the road.她跳上摩托车,沿路疾驶而去。剑桥高阶〔party-goer〕Nigel Coates, the architect, party-goer and motorbike owner奈杰尔•科茨, 建筑师, 热衷聚会、有摩托车外研社新世纪〔pedestrian〕Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road.在公路上, 行人、骑自行车的人和骑摩托车的人很容易受伤。外研社新世纪〔peel〕Two motorcycles peeled off from the line.两辆摩托车脱离了车队。朗文当代〔pelt along〕The car pelted along,with two motorcycles running after.那辆汽车急速行驶,两辆摩托车紧跟其后。21世纪英汉〔penetrate〕Honda's success in penetrating Western motorcycle markets 本田打入西方摩托车市场的成功麦克米伦高阶〔personal watercraft〕A motorized recreational water vehicle normally ridden by straddling a seat.水上摩托车:跨骑的娱乐用水上机动交通工具美国传统〔pillion〕A pad or cushion for an extra rider behind the saddle on a horse or motorcycle.座垫,后座:在马鞍或摩托车座位后给另一乘坐者准备的垫子或鞍垫美国传统〔pillion〕He drove his motorcycle, with me riding pillion.他开摩托车,我坐在后座上。牛津搭配〔pillion〕She rode pillion on her son's motor bike.她坐在儿子摩托车的后座上。柯林斯高阶〔pillion〕Tom had never ridden pillion before.汤姆以前从未坐过摩托车后座。朗文当代〔putter〕I could hear a motorbike puttering in the distance.我能听见远处摩托车的嘟嘟声。麦克米伦高阶〔r.a.m.〕They are ramming their motorcycles on the expressway at 80 miles per hour.他们正以每小时80英里的速度骑着摩托车在高速公路上疾驶。21世纪英汉〔recondition〕They sell used and reconditioned motorcycle parts.他们出售二手和翻新的摩托车零件。外研社新世纪〔reduce〕The helmet law should reduce injuries in motorcycle accidents.头盔法的制定应该能减少摩托车事故中的受伤事件。朗文当代〔regalia〕The biker was dressed in full regalia, with shiny black leather and lots of chains.那个骑摩托车的人全副武装,皮衣乌黑发亮,链子挂满全身。剑桥高阶〔rev〕He revved up the motorcycle by making adjustments to its engine.他通过调整发动机,加快了这辆摩托车的车速。韦氏高阶〔ridden或rid〕The motorcycle rode smoothly on the expressway.行驶于高速公路上的摩托车乘坐着很平稳。21世纪英汉〔ride〕He rides his motorcycle to work every day.他每天骑摩托车上班。韦氏高阶〔ride〕He rode a Harley Davidson.他骑着一辆哈雷 · 戴维森摩托车。牛津高阶〔ride〕Steve gave me a ride on his motorbike.史蒂夫用摩托车捎了我一程。牛津高阶〔run (sth) into sth/sb〕He ran his motorbike into a tree.他骑着摩托车撞在一棵树上。剑桥高阶〔saddle〕The seat of a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.车座:自行车、摩托车或类似交通工具的座位美国传统〔skid〕She was riding too fast on a wet road, and the motorbike went into a skid.她在湿滑的路面上骑得太快,摩托车打滑了。剑桥高阶〔smash〕She smashed her new motorcycle into a wall.她开着自己的新摩托车猛撞在墙上。麦克米伦高阶〔speedway〕Sports A course for automobile or motorcycle racing.【体育运动】 赛车跑道:用来进行汽车或摩托车比赛的跑道美国传统〔spin〕She went for a ten-minute spin on her nephew's motorcycle.她骑着侄子的摩托车出去兜了10分钟。英汉大词典〔straddle〕The photo shows him dressed in leather, straddling a motorbike.照片上他身穿皮装,跨坐在摩托车上。朗文当代〔tune〕He had the engine of his motorbike tuned at the garage.他请汽车修理厂调整了他的摩托车发动机。英汉大词典〔vroom〕We heard him vrooming around town on his motorcycle.我们听见他骑着摩托车满城飞驰。韦氏高阶〔zip〕The motorcyclist was zipping in and out of traffic.那个骑摩托车的人在来往车辆中快速穿行。韦氏高阶〔zoom〕The bikers zoomed off.摩托车手飞驰而去。外研社新世纪Even after all these years, I still hanker for a motorbike.尽管过了这么些年,我仍然希望得到一辆摩托车。剑桥国际He belted along on his motorcycle. 他骑著摩托车一路疾驰。译典通He made his escape (= He escaped) on the back of a motorbike.他骑上摩托车逃走了。剑桥国际He ran his motorbike into a tree.他骑摩托车撞上了树。剑桥国际He started powerboat racing after he was injured in a motorcycle accident.他在摩托车事故中受伤后开始了汽艇比赛。剑桥国际He treats that motorbike of his like a god (= it is the most important thing to him).他非常爱惜他的摩托车。剑桥国际His hair streamed out behind him (= It was blown into an almost horizontal position), as he rode away on his motorbike.当他骑摩托车离开时,他的头发飘在脑后。剑桥国际I saw the motorcycle skid and its rider spill in dust. 我看到摩托车打滑,骑车人跌落在地。译典通I wanted to tell her about my motorbike, but she just said “Give it a rest!” 我想给她讲讲我的摩托车,但她只是说“别讲了!”剑桥国际In Taiwan, the number of scooters exceeds 10 million. 在台湾,速克达摩托车的数量在一千万辆以上。译典通Noisy motorbikes shattered the peace.吵闹的摩托车声打破了平静。剑桥国际On a motorbike you can smugly weave between the cars stuck in a traffic jam.骑在摩托车上,你可以得意地穿梭在被堵塞汽车之间。剑桥国际One motorbike peeled away from the formation and circled round behind the rest.一辆摩托车离开了车队,在其他车后面绕行。剑桥国际She jumped on her motorbike and raced off down the road.她跳上摩托车沿着路飞速开走。剑桥国际She was apprehensive about/for her son's safety every time he went out on his motorcycle.每次她儿子骑摩托车出去,她总是为他的安全担惊受怕。剑桥国际She was riding too fast on a wet road, and the motorbike went into a skid (= started to slide).她在湿的路面上骑得太快,摩托车打滑了。剑桥国际The biker was dressed in full regalia, with shiny black leather and lots of chains.摩托车手全身披挂,既有闪闪发亮的黑色皮衣又有许多链子。剑桥国际The car was pulling a trailer, which carried a racing motorcycle.这辆汽车拖着一辆挂车,挂车里装载着一辆比赛用的摩托车。剑桥国际The motorcycle thundered into life.摩托车突然发动起来。剑桥国际The motorcycle turned the corner too quickly, and sideswiped a car coming towards it.摩托车转弯时太快了,擦边撞上了迎面而来的汽车。剑桥国际They flashed past / by on the motorcycle.他们骑着摩托车飞驰而过。剑桥国际This motorcycle is wholly (= completely) British-made.这辆摩托车完全是英国制造的。剑桥国际This old motorbike is still in perfect running order (= working well).这辆旧的轻型摩托车仍然运转极其正常。剑桥国际You get a bit uncomfortable after riding pillion for a couple of hours.在摩托车后座上坐几个小时你会觉得有些不舒服。剑桥国际




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