

单词 成长
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GROW〕when people, animals, or plants get bigger 人、动物或植物成长起来朗文写作活用〔admass〕an artist schooled in the imported imagery of admass 在国外传入的大众广告形象影响下成长起来的艺术家英汉大词典〔apart〕grew apart over the years; decided to live apart. 几年来独自成长;决定离群索居美国传统〔bloom〕began to bloom with good health开始健康地成长21世纪英汉〔body〕body of knowledge/evidence/opinion etc There is now a considerable body of knowledge of the different stages of childhood. 现在对儿童成长的不同阶段有了相当多的了解。朗文当代〔cycle〕the cycle of birth, growth, and death; a cycle of reprisal and retaliation. 出生,成长,死亡的循环;冤冤相报美国传统〔developmental〕the emotional, educational, and developmental needs of the child. 孩子在情感、教育和成长方面的需求柯林斯高阶〔development〕child development 儿童的成长麦克米伦高阶〔development〕factors which influence a child's development影响孩子成长的因素外研社新世纪〔development〕the development of a seed into a plant 种子成长为植物的发展过程英汉大词典〔economic〕economic growth 经济成长文馨英汉〔educate〕educate the coming generation 教育正在成长的一代英汉大词典〔environment〕parents who strive to provide a stimulating environment for their children to grow up in 致力于为孩子的成长提供一个激励性环境的父母牛津搭配〔exponential〕exponential growth 越来越快速的成长文馨英汉〔growth〕the journey toward spiritual growth 精神上的成长道路朗文当代〔growth〕ways to encourage our personal and spiritual growth 鼓励个人和心灵成长的方法麦克米伦高阶〔hardscrabble〕a hardscrabble life/upbringing 贫困的生活;艰苦的成长牛津高阶〔ignorant〕an untutored genius. 自学成长的天才。美国传统〔immature〕im mature plants 未成长的植物牛津高阶〔intermediate〕an intermediate stage of growth 成长的中间阶段韦氏高阶〔interrelation〕the interrelation(s) between population growth and economic progress 人口的成长与经济的进步之间的相互关系文馨英汉〔lasting〕but there was no lasting damage. 不过没有造成长久的损害柯林斯高阶〔make〕a newspaperman on the make 成长中的新闻记者英汉大词典〔making〕a politician in the making一位成长中的政客外研社新世纪〔mold〕a teacher who helps to mold the minds of his students. 影响学生心智成长的老师美国传统〔novel〕a novel about growing up 一部关于成长的小说牛津搭配〔painful〕the long and painful process of growing up 漫长而艰难的成长历程朗文当代〔perspective〕two different perspectives on the nature of adolescent development. 对青少年成长发育特点的两种不同观点柯林斯高阶〔prepubescent〕prepubescent growth 青春期前的成长韦氏高阶〔process〕the process of growing up.成长的过程。牛津同义词〔record〕records on children's progress 孩子的成长记录牛津搭配〔retardation〕show some growth retardation 显出某种成长迟缓的迹象英汉大词典〔root〕root the plant in the garden 使植物在花园里生根成长英汉大词典〔slow〕slow growth; 缓慢的成长;美国传统〔stage〕the early stages of a child's development 儿童成长的早期朗文当代〔sustainable〕sustainable development [growth] 【环保】永续发展[成长]文馨英汉〔unrated〕an unrated coming-of-age tale 一部未分级的青春成长的故事剑桥高阶〔upbringing〕a religious/privileged upbringing 受宗教影响/享受特权的成长环境韦氏高阶a fast-growing business 成长很快的公司牛津商务the fastest-growing sector of the aviation industry 航空业中成长最快的部门牛津商务




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